


Alex_14 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 2. Deadly Explosion

**At Arthur's house**

Arthur got up and very tried

Shidou: You got beaten up ngl

Arthur: Your a stalker. you following me to much

Shidou: Well,i don't care what you think!

Arthur: go kill yourself...

Shidou: anyways.

Shidou Grabbed Arthur's Hand

Arthur: WHAT let go!

Shidou: wait just wait. Shidou breaks the bone suddenly the wall Infront breaks into nothingness

Shidou: YES..! I was, right.

Arthur: WHAT WAS THAT...

Shidou: your power. Aether Gravity the ability of Crushing things using the power of Aether

Arthur: What is Aether?

Shidou: Aether? well Aether, wait do you know magnets?

Arthur: yeah? why

Shidou: Good! Aether is the + Side of a magnet and it's - is Disther the complete opposite!

Arthur: so if a guy with Disther Gravity fights me. what will happen?

Shidou: Well you guys wouldn't be able to fight eachother using the powers only Physcal damage can decide a win.

**Soemwhere in a city of Iron Helm**

I WILL KILL YOU ALL I WILL I FUCKING WILL! shouted a man snapping his Fingers.

Buildings exploded at his Snaps it was The Disther of Explosion...

The man continued to Destroy buildings until...

a Man with an suit appeared.

hi there. said the man

HUH? AND YOU ARE? the man Snapped his fingers at the man but nothing happened...

I am The Aether Of Nulification. I can Nulify any power. said the man in a suit

the explosion man pulled out a Sword more exactly a katana.

I WILL DICE YOU UP! said the explosion man

Sure! Said the man in suit

MY NAME IS ARYK WHAT ABOUT YOU! said the explosion man rushing

my name? Its Just... A.

Aryk: Huh.? your name is "A" ? WHAT THE FUCK!?

Aryk and A exchanged hits but then Aryk sliced A's right arm off

Aryk: Go Kys!

Aryk Stabbed A and kicked him through destroyed buildings repeatedly.


aryk smashed A's Head until all teeth fell off .

Aryk: Weak.WEAK!

Aryk Tossed A in the air then kicked him through 70 buildings.

Aryk fastly rushed to A.

A: Fuck.....I can't keep u-

Aryk Broke A's Skull In one serious punch

Aryk: Weak ass!

Aryk Proceeded to explode A's body into ash

Aryk Left Exploding the ground.

**At Arthur's house**

Shidou: Now I explained everything about Aether and Disther I have to go something Happened..

Shidou Left with an worried face.

Shidou: So...They killed you. my Friend A. What a shame you died your abilties were usefull as hell..

Shidou left.

**In an Unknown place**

Aryk: I killed the nulifer!

A Man in Black: Good my child of pain and hell.

The Man in Black Stabbed Aryk in the head using a Black substance .

Man In Black: You have earned more of my power!


Kinda long but alright