
The Escape

Title: The escape

Subtitle: Mystery of Green way high

Troup:High school

Theme: Horror

Settings:The location is in Las vegas,and it's an ongoing story.

Introduction of main character

Billie Anderson

She's a 16 year old overthinker, ambivert. She's centered around the problems and the horrendous occurence in her school which she calls "Hell hole". In the mis-happening she lost her boyfried Dan Greggs. She faces all the ominous occurrences with her best friend Isabelle grey, who is a friend in sister form to Billie. Billie is a strong- fighter but a fearful teen who fought and found her way to "live" through the problems with her bestfriend.

Isabelle Grey

Billie's bestfriend whom she cherish like she's her blood sister, she is a fighter and although scared that she won't be able to make it through. She strongly believes that they will make it out alive even when she knows how unsure she is about"making it out alive".



After meeting with Dan that night, a lot of mishaps occurred following Dans death. Anne a class mate of thiers became a cannibal and killed a student of the middle class. I was fearful, i thought i would die,Mr Cole saved us, he shot a arrow at her head and that was the end of Anne. Although Isabelle was very sad because they used to intercat back in middle class and even now in high school. I couldn't relate because i wasn't that friendly, the result of being an ambivert was Isabelle, the only friend i have.

I went to sleep that night, suddenly i woke up to sounds of something i couldn't decipher, i squeezed my eyes shut while i pressed my to hands on my ears. It didn't stop until i heard a laughter, i opened my eyes gently to see a.... My eye balls grew bigger, what am i seeing? It is a body draped with a white-brownish garment over it, the eyes as big as an egg and a black like powder circled it. And the teeth looks bloody, the gender? I can't say, it looks horrible...it walked towards me and i screamed out .

The next morning, i narrated the evil i saw in my dream to Isabelle and she seems sorry for me rather than scared, "why?" i asked her.... You've been seeing way to much in your dreams and it might affect your mental health "Isabelle replied". I looked at her dumbfounded because she was right "i can go insane " i thought.

A nights after seeing the ghostly being turned to many. I bagan to feel scared, it's abnormal, why me i cried with my fist banging against the wall "stop it, you will hurt yourself" Isabelle said while she pulled my body towards her.

How i wish i can tell my parents the horrid experiences of my every day and night, i began to sob. It's okay she said.


It's the death of eight students and three teachers of the high school. Meanwhile, i already had the vision of them dead even before they were declared dead.

It's overwhelmingly sad that the numberd of the students are greatly reducing and there's a "what if" we're next question in both our minds, honestly, we're greatly terrified by that question but we partially know that one day we might be gone, it's very true that it may happen....there's no escape Isabelle sighed out. Speaking of escape, i think we can, remember 𝙼𝚛 Cole thought us some facts about this school? "Yeah" Isabelle replied. Let's check the Library we might find something reasonable and helpful. We both agreed to check the school Library.

It's 11:15 pm,we snuck inside the library, it's always locked what happened? Why is it opened ? "i thought" .

we splitted, i checked the books on the first rows, i checked and found no clues, i rummaged the bookd on the shelves with so much agility, still saw nothing, i checked the cabinents and i found an old dusty book, i took it with me.

Meanwhile, Isabelle, checked every nook and Crook of the side of the library, saw nothing. I checked and flip every book pasages and i saw nothing then boom it happened.....

I saw a a bone looking so sharp like a door key or something.

Curiosity got the better of her and she slowly bent down and picked the bone. Something like a wave hit me , I felt like someone was watching me and I got tensed, I ran out to meet Billie and she handed a book to me and i flipped through the pages as fast as I can, therefore something terrifying happened.

We felt a presence in the room, like a black loomed over us. We heard echo in the library, then foot steps… we shrank in fear.

"Let's go that way", I said pointing at the dark corner I discovered moments ago.

"I found this while I was searching the library"Isabelle raised a bone- key like to me. I immediately dragged her hands towards the corner and to our surprise it was a dark hallway, thankfully,we brought our torchlight and i switched it on.

We felt shivers, we carried our steps lightly and fearfully.

I collected the book from her and I opened to read but I understood nothing, it was an elusive writing scribbled clumsily on each page. The pictures!!!!

They gave us insight although we couldn't decipher what was written down but the pictures gave us clue.

The first picture we saw was a a penknife, I was wondering what was written and couldn't have guessed it was the "equipment" used in their diabolical evil in the school.

The next page made me almost dropped the book, it was the picture of a body, looking bloody as if it was beaten to death, eyes missing in the socket, lips torn to the ears.

We flipped and we saw a ghost looking picture and Isabelle screamed, "shhh" I covered her lips almost immediately she made that outcry, the ghost was more like a nun, and she looked undoubtedly terrifying, I flipped and I saw a body and the face which I recognized it was Dan, that poor innocent boy met his doom in this horrendous school. I sighed and flipped and we saw the scene of Anna…. I was surprised and I closed the book at once .

"Don't you think this is bizzare?" I faced Isabelle while I asked the troubling question.

I went on saying" I mean, think deeply, Dan and Anna is in the picture. Does that mean Someone or some thing is being instigated to commit all of this autrocities or what?!. If you think well this isn't normal, is thier crime book??? Is this their recordings of the people they killed?!".

" i don't know anything at all, I'm as confused as you are, but let's keep on checking the book, we might get more clues". Isabelle replied.

We opened the book, flipped more pages and i was right. it was thier recording book, we saw of more incidents that we know of, the deaths of the teachers and students. "WHO IS THE KILLER???" i said, it's only Anna we knew of being a cannibal, the rest of the cases seemed like murder.

Suddenly we heard voices and it was that of a man and we looked back, to see a few set of people that we know of and the oned we do not know.

We saw our teachers, Mr Cole, Mr Dickson,Mr jay, Mr Matheus, even the female teachers too?!!!!!!!!!!.

They look terrifying, they weren't the teacherd we do make jest of in the class, they looked different, their aura was chocking and dark. We were scared.

Mr Cole, Mr Dickson i called in a whisper on verge of tears " why"? I said.

Isabelle was shaking, we were scared, you told us about the dark history of this school yet you are here terrifying us" i opened up with sheer confidence".

He laughed, his laugh echoed the room,there was something about him that changed, it wasn't the 𝙼𝚛 Dickson we knew.

He smiled sinisterly and he looked like he was going to pounce on us Just like a predator pounces on its prey.

We took to our heels, we ran, passed every corrider we didn't knew, we cried, tumbled, we were scared.

I screamed out to my parents even when i was so sure that there's no help coming for us.

Eventually, we got to a yard, it was extremely sunny that we almost got blinded by it.

Mr dickson and his minions came out and they screamed" damn it, we didn't wear our sunscreen".we were scared to death, i thought they caught us until, they ran back inside.

They were not humans they were something else. Maybe a vampire, yes that's what they are, since they made mention of sunscreen i already knew what they were but i doubted if vampires were actually real. There's a real story within the school walls, apart from the fact that it's haunted they were other things.

We stood up and dashed for the tiny, rusty gate in front of us and to our surprise we saw cars moving, it's a develped city, it looked fresh and i felt like i could finally breathe, we left that hellhole. We hugged each other.

A voice came from behind and we were startled, it was two guys who seem young but a few years older than we are.

Hey girls! They said, you guys don't look to good, are you okay?

we both looked at ourselves to see how dirty and unkept we looked, we felt kind of embarrassed.

"No it's okay" The guy with blond hair said to us.

"we can just take you to the hospital" the raven haired with deep blue ocean eyes guy spoke up.

"don't be scared girls, we mean no harm" he added, because we we're feeling uncomfortable, what if they were sent to abduct us? After all the hell we went through. Hell no!!!! "i said in my mind"

We agreed to follow the Good looking guys to their car,the ignition was turned on and our car sped away. We narrated what we went through to them, they empathized with us.

We were incredibly exicted that we made it out alive, it was such a terrifying moment in "Green way high".

The end.