

Andrea's best friend Erin's father has been poisoned and the blame is on her. But they find out the real culprit and go on a traveling journey to capture the criminal. Will justice be able to be served? Will they succeed in their escapade? Find out in this thrilling novel as they go on their adventurous journey to discover the truth.

Angel_Fire20 · Teen
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6 Chs


"Ooh! I love these boots! And look at that cute skirt! OMG these dresses are gorgeous!" Andrea sighed as Erin went crazy over clothes in the mall.

"Umm... Erin? Last time I checked we were going to 'clear my name', not go on a shopping spree!!!"

"But these outfits are to die for!!" Erin squealed. "I wonder how I never noticed such adorable clothes! They must be new additions!"

"Time's wasting Erin! We've gotta go. At least I've got actual supplies." Erin raised an eyebrow.

"What could possibly be more important than looking fabulous while apprehending a criminal?"

"Being prepared!!! I've got notepads, whistles, sanitizer, night vision goggles, this whistle that only dogs can hear apparently, a memory card, Android watches and doggie treats."

"Wow." Erin said sarcastically. "You're such a nerd Andrea."

"At least I'm a nerd that wants to be safe!" Andrea frowned. "Besides, everyone would have noticed that we're gone anyways." Erin laughed while trying on a neon headband.

"Oh please! We haven't been gone for that long." Andrea stood wide eyed with shock.

"It's been 2 hours!!! Enough shopping, let's go!" Andrea dragged her towards the cash register, paid for the stuff they bought and left the store.

"Dang it! I forgot to buy chocolates!" Andrea whined.

"DUUUUUDE!!!! YOU WERE THE ONE CHASING ME OUTSIDE A COUPLE OF SECONDS AGO!!! How and why didn't you remember the chocolates until now?!"

"Because I was busy helping you dress up and look for supplies. I'll be quick. Promise."

Erin rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. "Five minutes. Go." Andrea rushed inside without hesitating. She ran straight to the snack isle and grabbed 7 bars of her favorite chocolate, some cookies, milk and a couple of mini sweets. She was about to leave when she heard an announcement on TV.

"Attention viewers, we've just gotten news of Andrea Billings and Erin Sapphire's disappearance. Even though they've not officially been announced missing, please be on the lookout for these young ladies. If they are not found today, the reward money would be announced tomorrow. Thank you."

Andrea gasped. 'Oh no!' She thought. She overheard the cashier calling the police and she told them that she and Erin just left the store. Shoot. Andrea was relieved that she was with her hoodie, she quickly covered her head to avoid being noticed and ran to the cashier to make her payment as fast as possible. She texted Erin to cover herself too and start the car. As she paid for her snacks she heaved a sigh of relief but unfortunately bumped into someone. Her snacks fell scattered on the floor.

"Oh dear. I'm so sorry." The lady said with a tone of apology. "Let me help you with that." When they finished picking up her stuff, Andrea scurried off but then the lady grabbed Andrea and yelled. "Hey! You forgot this!" As she grabbed Andrea, her hoodie fell off and her face was revealed. Erin saw everything that was happening and facepalmed. "Andrea what have you done?" She mumbled. Andrea ran out as the cashier called the police.

"You see?! You see what you did?! All for a measly chocolate bar!" Erin drove angrily. Buster sensed her anger and put his paws on his head.

"It's ok. It was just the store. No one knows where we're going. What could possibly go wrong?" At that moment, the wails of police sirens caught their attention. "GREAT! What could possibly go wrong? Well, say hello to Phase Two of disaster!!" Erin yelled." We have to lose them! James Bond style." Uh oh. Andrea clutched her chest. Erin James Bond driving would probably kill her! Buster barked in fear. Andrea jumped to the back seat to comfort him.

"GIRLS!! STOP THE CAR!!!" A police officer yelled through a megaphone.

Erin just grinned." I don't listen to anyone." She whispered and sped up. Andrea held on to Buster like he was her life while Erin was rushing, manoeuvring, taking so many shortcuts that she could think of. But unfortunately, the cops were still behind them.

"Dang it! Oh well. There's only one thing left to do. Erin stopped the car in a corner.

" Wait what?! Erin what are you up to?" Andrea got tensed up. Actually, she was already tensed up, now she was hyperventilating and was turning red due to her blushing condition(idiopathic craniofacial erythema) Erin just pulled her hand. "Come with me." She whispered. Buster followed too as they disappeared into an Alley. Andrea was still holding on to Buster like he was her dear life. "Everything is going to be fine." She gulped in fear. She could hear the police getting closer than ever. Erin just entered another car and motioned for Andrea to come in. She was flabbergasted.

"WHAT?! HOW?! WHERE DID YOU GET A CAR?!!" She shrieked. Erin just sighed.

" Go in now, ask questions later! Come on!" Buster growled and then whimpered, which meant that trouble was near. Andrea quickly jumped into the back seat and they drove off.

"Ok, where the hell did you get this car?!" Andrea yelled. Erin just kept driving.

"I got a friend, let's just leave it like that?" And with that, they drove quietly without interruption to the airport.