
A World Without Heroes

Izuku Midoriya laughed, "Really, Kacchan? That's the best you've got? You picked one pathetic follower, huh Ei?"

Eijiro Kirishima gritted his teeth in frustration, "Dammit Bakugou…" He growled, "Get up."

Midoriya laughed harder, "Pushing your friends like this? Pathetic. Fight me yourself, Ei."

Kirishima glared at him, "Shut up." He said.

Todoroki poked Bakugou, "Hey, hey, Izuku, I think ya' knocked him out, hey, hey!" He laughed.

Bakugou wasn't knocked out, but if he just curled up in a ball, he could hide away from them. He hated them. He hated villains. He just wanted to be a hero. With his quirk, however, the villains would never let him leave, "I… I wanna go home." He mumbled, his voice breaking.

Kirishima looked down at him, "Huh? Really? You're in the most prestigious high school, and you 'wanna go home'?" He added in a mocking voice.

Bakugou winced and tried to curl up tighter, "I…" He couldn't find the words.

Midoriya kept laughing, "Aaaaah it's so pathetic, hahahaaaaa!"

Kirishima sighed angrily, "Let's go. You waste of time."

Bakugou sat up slowly, "Sorry…" He said quietly; Kirishima ignored him

Bakugou hate going home, in fact, he hated going anywhere now. He just wished his mother were home more often than his father. "Hi…" He muttered, "I'm home…"

"Katsuki?" His mother, Mitsuki said, "What happened?" She seemed worried about the bruises on his arms.

"Deku…" He said.

"Oh…" She mumbled, "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine… Mom?" He added, "What would happen if I became a… A hero? I-Instead of a villain?"

Mitsuki froze, and Masuru peeked from around the corner, "What?"

Bakugou stiffened; He'd been too loud, "I-it's nothing!" He said, louder than he'd initially wanted, "I-I'm sorry!" He said, rushing into his room.

Meanwhile, Midoriya went home, too. "Hey." He said.

His mother, Inko, glared at him, "If you're home, go make yourself useful." She hissed.

He sighed, "Yeah, whatever." He grumbled. He sat down on his bed and took a call from his friend, Todoroki.

"Listen, listen, listen!" Todoroki said, "So, so, uhm, ah, Tsuyu, y'know her?"

Midoriya, exhausted, sighed and said, "Yup. Asui."

Todoroki giggled, "Well, Tsuyu said that Bakugou was gonna fight someone! She saw him sneaking out of his house about an hour ago!"

Midoriya went silent, "He… WHAT??"

Todoroki laughed, "Yup, yup, yup! I's true! He's not at his house! I even checked myself! But, but, BUT! Get this! GET THIS, IZUKU. He left a NOTE!"

"Shouto, get to the point. What the hell does that mean?" Midoriya growled.

"We can follow him! We can watch him get his ass kicked! HAHAHAAA! I'm so ready!"

Midoriya sighed, "Sure. Come to my apartment complex. I'll be waiting." He said.

He slipped out of his house (not that Inko would have noticed either way) and waited at the front of his complex.

It didn't usually take Todoroki long, so Midoriya wasn't worried about missing anything.

When Todoroki arrived, it'd started raining, so Midoriya hopped into his car before it got bad, "Where is he, Shouto?" He asked.

"Some weird alleyway. Dunno who 'e's fighting though." Todoroki responded, "Who d'you think it is?"

Midoriya thought, "Perhaps… A hero? Maybe Eijiro wanted him to?" He said carefully.

Todoroki paused, "I don't… Hey, hey! Izuku! I know, I know!"

"Okay, okay, you know what?" Midoriya said; When Todoroki got excited, he would stammer and repeat himself.

"He wants to fight you!"

Midoriya froze, "'Scuse me?"

"Why else would he tell Tsuyu? He knows she doesn't lie to you!"

"Ah, yes, Asui's never lied to me other than that once."

"Yeah, yeah, so he set it up! He's gonna fight you! Wooooah I shoulda known, I would have invited everybody!"

Midoriya waved him off, "Well, no use thinkin' about it right now." He said, Would Kacchan really try to fight me? No… Would he? He hadn't had a real fight with Bakugou… Ever. He'd always been a kind, shy, crybaby.

"Oh, oh, oh! I found him!" Todoroki said loudly.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Midoriya whispered, "Be quiet, Shouto!"

"Ah, sorry Izuku." Todoroki said, lowering his voice.

Bakugou was waiting. He was cold, and he was wet, and he was tired. More importantly, though, he was afraid. Afraid Midoriya would catch on. Afraid one of the villains would see him. Afraid that the hero meant to meet him here was a fraud and either wasn't coming or was going to kill him.

"Kacchan? What's up?" Midoriya said quietly, seething.

"O-o-oh! I-I was just waiting for a… A, uhm a friend… of mine…"

Midoriya gave him a skeptical look, then burst out laughing, "AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! A friend? You? Have a friend??" HAHAHAHAAA!"

Bakugou winced, "W-well… Yes…"

Midoriya grinned, "They're a hero… Aren't they?" He said menacingly; It was definitely a threat.

"No. They're just a civilian." He said quickly, "Nothing more, nothing… er, less."

Then, something slammed into Midoriya, launching him into Bakugou, "You damn villain!" A raspy voice hissed.

"Stain!" Bakugou gasped.

"They were a hero!" Midoriya said in disbelief, "A hero infamous for his… Heroics. How wonderful to meet you." He growled.

Stain, who never used blades on normal circumstances, had his sword drawn, "Get off of the boy." He hissed.

Midoriya glanced at Bakugo, leaning in so their faces were almost touching, "This one?" He breathed before breaking away and staring at Stain, "This pathetic thing? Oh no, he's a villain. Through and through with a downright nasty-!?"

Something else hit Midoriya; A kick from none other than Himiko Toga, "Go to sleep." She said sternly.

Midoriya struggled to his feet, "You wanna go?" He said hazily; His head was spinning.

"We don't want to fight." The leader, Tomura Shigiraki, said, "We just want Bakugou."

"Well, he doesn't want you!" Midoriya shouted slamming into Shigiraki, "Shut up! He's a villain!"

Todoroki was hesitating by the car, "Izuku. We should go."


"Izuku." Todoroki said, harsher, "We should go." He tilted his head in the direction of another gang: Kirishima's, "We'll let them take care of it."

Midoriya paused, then looked at Shigiraki, "You should consider yourself lucky, hero."

Him and Bakugou left, and the league of heroes were able to hide Bakugou from Kirishima's gang.

Bakugou took a deep breath, "Thank you…?" He said to Shigiraki.

"Shigiraki. Tomura Shigiraki." He said, holding out a partially-gloved hand for a shake.

Bakugou hesitated before taking his hand carefully, "Shigiraki."

Toga peered out of the alley before walking up to them, "I'm Himiko Toga." She said flatly.

"I'm… Katsuki Bakugou…" He said quietly.

"We know." Stain said, waving him away, "Skip all the extra stuff, we should go back to our base."

Bakugou nodded, "Y-yeah… We should…" He mumbled.

Midoriya still felt dizzy, so he laid down in the backseat, "Agh…" He groaned, sitting up quickly, "This is so-" He clutched his head and laid back down, "What the hell did she hit me with??"

"Are you alright?" Todoroki asked. He waited for a response, and then turned around when non came, "Izuku?"

"Agh, It's fine…"

"You're bleeding!"

"It's fine, Shouto."

"We should take you to the hospital." Shouto said.

Midoriya sat up again, "NO!" He said. He hadn't meant to be so loud, but the thought of his mother's scolding and her hatred made him want to say, My mom would kill me! But that would have shown weakness, Never show weakness. Ever.

Todoroki sighed and kept driving.

They soon arrived at Todoroki's house.

"What are we doing here?" Midoriya grumbled, his head pounding.

"My dad can help you a bit." Todoroki said, "We have bandages and stuff."

"Oh… Alright then…" Midoriya said. He blacked out shortly after.

This is based off of an AU called the "Inverted Au" Haha, weird, right? Haha, Anyways, I hope anybody who sees this enjoys reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Fanfictions are the building block for writing, but I'll be sure to post something original. (Eventually)

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