
The Epic of Azathoth

He is the infinite, the limitless Sultan, Supreme, Unlimited, Unchanging, He is eternity. He is the Creator, the Sultan who rules everything beyond the infinite Archetypes. He is beyond the countless gates and the Transfinite waves of Realms, Avatars and deities, All the Outer Gods are nothing but servants and bacteria in comparison to such power. He is Azathoth.

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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Demon and flashback part 1

''Master ... We are in a very unusual situation, if I may say so ~" he said.

'' Yes ... this is quite unusual ~ " ... I answered him.


What exactly are we talking about, well... I'll give you a proper explanation after the commercials.




( Congratulations You have successfully summoned The Demon of Secrets, Raum )

( Sacrifice a member of your body to remove Raum from the spirit plane )

( Skill gained [Domain: Time] )

( Skill Gained [ Steal ] )

( Skill gained [Alternate form] )


( Domain: Time ~ Lv1/100 ~ Rank: Divine ( Active ) ]

Past, present and future, you are now able to see them all in your visions.

1,000 MP per second.


[Alternate form - 1/100 Rank: Rare ( Active ) ]

You can now change your form at will.

Available forms; Mist and Raven.

500 MP


[Steal - Lv1/100 ~ Rank: Rare ( Active )

You are able to steal items and abilities.

Kazuma was here.

300 MP


A demon...he just summoned a demon, how bad could his luck be?

Daemon's expression was not good at all, it looked like he had eaten shit and it didn't taste good.

Looking at the notification that said he had to sacrifice a limb to remove Raum from a place called the spirit realm.


''Having to sacrifice a part of my body ....

'' Can it be any part of my body? ~ ''

( Yes )

'' Sacrifice ... my left eye ~ ''


For an instant I felt nothing and the next instant I felt nothing either, I just lost my left eye like that without any pain or discomfort ...no discomfort either, it's already an exaggeration to say that.

I felt a slight anxiety attack but [the player's mind] slapped me and everything went back to normal.

Using the little snake that was still wrapped around my wrist, I turned it back into a mirror.

All that was left was a hole in the place of my eye.

There wasn't even a single drop of blood in it.

Looking at myself... it was very strange to know that I had simply lost an eye, as well as nothing, I think I would be on the verge of insanity without the [player's mind].

Feeling a slight burning sensation where my left eye was, I did my best to ignore it.

What seemed like an eternity finally passed, I looked in the mirror again.

My new eye looked very much like a nebula with a red dot in the center.




I looked at Nidhogg, who was worried about me.

'' I'm fine... I just need to rest for a few minutes ~ ''

( ... Here take this )

[An elegant eye patch has been added to the stock.]


'' What's this? Are you feeling sorry for me?

(Pity? Of course not. I just wanted to give you a present for losing an eye)

( If you don't want me to be able to take it back )

'' No, I thank you ~ ''''.


Removing the eye patch from inventory, it was as the name suggests just a fancy eye patch with no effect.

I saw it somewhere ... if I'm not mistaken, it was Lelouch's eye patch ... yes it was, now it's mine.

Just ignoring the fact that this eye patch may have been stolen, I equipped it in the cosmetics section.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I must say that I don't look so bad, but I would still prefer to have my left eye.

'' So... what are you going to do now, Master?'' Raum asked.

''What I'm going to do... I can easily acquire some skills while I'm here. '' I answered him.


'''Beatrice, how long have I been here? ''

( 2 hours and 13 minutes, the time in here is the same as outside )

'' ... Got it, is it okay if I stay in here? ~ ''

( this place will only close after you leave )

'' So this dungeon will continue until I leave? ~ ''

( Yes, just like that )

'' Hehe ... ~ ''

( ... What's that evil laugh? )

'' If I don't have to leave the dungeon after finishing it ... then I can practice some of my skills without worrying about being interrupted ~ ''

'' Then let's get started ~ ''''.



Raum looked at his new master who was walking to a nearby tree.

When his master reached the tree, he braced himself and hit the tree with several consecutive punches, the last punch being much stronger than normal, stopping short of hitting the tree with a satisfied smile on his face....

'' I've had several masters with all kinds of personalities, but this one is definitely and the strangest'' Raum thought.

'' Why did I accept this summoning contract ... What demonic scheme have I gotten myself into ''


Stopping to tap the tree, I stopped to look at all the notifications I received from the 'Game'

( Skill successfully created! )

[ Strong Strike - Lv1/100 ~ Rank: Uncommon ( Active ) ]

An action to strike the enemy with force.

Effect: Attack is increased by 50%.


[ Physical Resistance ~ Lv1/100 ~ Rank: Uncommon ( Passive ) ]

An ability that increases the durability of the body, reducing damage taken. Physical resistance is obtained through resistance to pain and physical attacks.

Effect: A 1% reduction in damage from physical attacks.


[ Pain Tolerance ~ Lv1/100 ~ Rank: Uncommon ( Passive ) ]

Increases pain tolerance.

Effect: Reduces pain by 1%.


Laughing as I looked at my new skills, hitting hard was a good skill, especially if I could use it along with a weapon.

Now there was only one thing missing.

Grabbing the Yamato from inventory, I had to use both hands to hold it, it was much bigger than I expected and it was kind of disturbing to look at those eyes spread across the blade.

Looking at the tree that I was using as a punching bag .

I put too much force into holding the Yamato handle until it felt like my veins were going to burst.

I cut horizontally, causing the tree to topple over to the other side.

As expected, there was no resistance from the tree. Yamato cut it easily, until it looked like a hot knife cutting through butter.

I didn't win [Sword Mastery] Tsk .... boring, I can't break the rules of the "game."


Putting Yamato back in his sheath, I sat in lotus position, before concentrating on meditation, I looked at Nidhogg who was lying relaxing while Raum looked at me.

Now we will meditate for the next few hours.

* Skip time > 2 hours *


Opening his eyes Daemon had a big smile on his face, who wouldn't? The amount of MP he gained was enough to keep him from worrying about mana for quite a while.

Letting out a sigh he stood up from his position, as he felt his body quite stiff after sitting in the same position for hours.

Looking at the notification in front of him, Daemon showed a smile looking at his [meditation] skill.

[Meditation ~ Lv5/100 ~ Rank: Rare ( Passive-Active ) ]

The user of this skill will gain 300 mana every 1 minute and 30 seconds when entering deep meditation.

Lv5 - 300 Mp Permanently and is reduced by 30 seconds.

Lv15 - 800 Mp Permanently.


Closing the HUD, Daemon looked at the other HUD, the Mana Manipulation one.


[Mana Manipulation ~ Lv1/100 (4%) ~ Rank: Rare ( Passive-Active )

Technique that allows the user to become more sensitive to mana, handle it better, and manipulate it.


Only one percent ...

Leaving the skill notification open, I looked at the last notification.


+14,400 Mp


Really an Op skill, and the higher the level of it, the more MP I gain.

''I can't wait to reach the higher levels ~'' I said to myself.


'' Beatrice, how long have I been meditating? ~ ''

( Exactly two hours )

'' Two hours... there's something strange, in the mana manipulation ~ '' I thought to myself.


Thinking about what could be wrong... I thought of a possible solution.

I sat on the ground, as I felt my mana flowing through my body, guiding it to the palm of my hand, I looked at the ball of mana that was the size of a closed fist.

I started to mold the mana in my hand to form an arrow .... and failed, I could do nothing but stare at the mana disappearing.

I already knew that this would not be easy.

Looking one last time at the "Mana Manipulation" window.


[ Mana Manipulation ~ Lv1/100 (9%) - Rank: Rare ( Passive-Active )


Realizing that she increased by 5% just for a failed attempt.

Great, it's irrelevant whether I can create something from my mana, I just need to increase the level of [Mana Manipulation] to the higher levels.


* Jump time> 1 hour


Finally ... after hours of practice, I managed to raise [Mana Manipulation] to level 5.

Too bad the level 5 bonus was not so good, I could only create a few more abilities.


[Mana Manipulation ~ Lv5/100 (1%) - Rare Rating ( Passive ) ] ]


I created three skills in the middle of leveling up, and they were the mana rope, the binding and lastly the spinning mana sword.

I must say that all my hard work paid off with these skills, each one is better than the other.


[ Mana String ~ Lv1/100 (0%) - Rare Rank ( Active ) ]

A string made of mana. It has physical durability and disappears after some time as the mana spreads.

The mana thread can be manipulated according to the user's will, and because it is made of mana, it can even affect objects or creatures indefinitely.

Effect Lv1 :Duration: 10 minutes.

Mp 50


[ Bind ~ Lv1-0% ~ Rank: Rare ( Active ) ]

An ability to bind an enemy with a rope made of mana. It has physical durability and disappears after a while as the mana spreads.

Because it is made of mana, it can even affect objects or creatures indeterminately. It can only be used by those who have a talent for manipulating mana.

Effect Lv1: Duration: 10 minutes.

Mp 50


[ Mana Swivel Sword ~ Lv1/100 ( 0%) Rating: Rare ( Active ) ]

An ability that uses Mana to materialize a sword. This skill can be performed manually or cast on enemies.

Mp 100


Lying on the floor, Daemon had an excited smile on his face.

"hahahahahaha ... Call me Fake from now on.

( You're getting dark, kid )

'' HAhahahaha ... I'm almost out of breath ... if that's even possible ~ ''


Catching his breath, Daemon turned to Raum who was still standing waiting for him and when Nidhogg ... Why is he on his stomach? I am almost certain that I did not create a dog, but a dragon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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