
The Epic Adventures of Maou and Shelly

Shelly's parents were brutally killed during the goblin invasion that destroyed her home village, Sehsarro. She and her younger brother Kelly had to run away through the forest grief-stricken while being chased by goblins coming to kill them. In an attempt to save her brother, Shelly distracted the goblins, nearly dying in the process. Almost having a date with death itself, she was saved by her soon-to-be orphanage mother, Mother Theresa. Years later, the 19-year-old Shelly leaves to go and find her brother. Dead or alive, it wouldn't matter to her. But before Shelly leaves home, her luck is cut short when she was pierced through the chest by an Ice-Magician. She nearly died, but fate so had it that she was saved by a mysterious silver-eyed boy named Maou. Will Shelly ever find her long lost brother in a vast world filled with swords, magic, dangerous monsters and malicious people? And who is this mysterious, silver-eyed boy? Finally! A female character who isn't a useless Sakura till the bitter end. Also, maybe Shelly is a little more 'blessed' than she realizes... Interested yet? I guess you'll have to take a look and see what happens in the "The Epic Adventures of Maou and Shelly" Also, there's no romance in case someone needed to hear that. Just kick-ass entertainment. ***DISCLAIMER*** The first Chapter has the slight mention of goblin r*pe. If that is too much for you, You can skip to the second Chapter and be just fine. It also has gore.

Jozan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Chapter 013: I Thought I Lost You

"Shelly! You came to save me, thank you." Maou was stretching his hands towards Shelly, happy at her arrival. 

"Young lady, is this your little brother?" The potato man put Maou on the ground. 

"Maou! Why did you leave from beside me?!" I spoke clenching my fists, trying to hold back my emotions. 

"Oh, that? I just wanted to look around really quick. No big deal." Maou rubbed the back of his head while looking up at me grinning, exposing the apple remains on his teeth.

"NO BIG DEAL?!" I knelt, grabbed Maou by the shoulders and shouted at him with tears building up in my eyes. "Do you know how worried I was when I couldn't find you!?"

Maou lost the happy grin on his face and instead held down his head with a remorseful look. 

"I'm sorry, Shelly," Maou spoke with tears in his voice and tears dripping slowly to the ground.

Hearing the remorsefulness in his voice. I couldn't stay mad at him and instead, I pulled him to me for a hug, rubbing his back. To me, Maou was a carefree, gluttonous and adventurous little child. 

"It's okay. I'm glad I found you. Just promise you'll at least give me a heads up before you go running off on your little adventures. Is that fair enough?"

"Yes... I will." Maou rubbed the tears from his eyes.

"Thank you." I kissed Maou on the forehead.

"Excuse me… Sorry to break apart such a touching moment but someone's gonna have to pay for what the kid just stole." The potato man politely intervened.

"I'll pay for what he ate." I wiped away the little remaining tears from my eyes.

"That'll be 90 copper pieces." 

The potato man rubbed his hands together, smiling.

"That much! How many did he eat?" 

"See for yourself." He pointed to the apple remains on the ground. 

There was without a doubt 18 apple remains on the floor. When I looked to Maou to confirm this, he instantly turned away his head and tried whistling to play it off as innocent. With no choice but to pay the 90 copper coin, I counted one large copper coin and 40 copper coin. I could feel my heart aching as I handed him the money.

"Here you go, sir. Thank you for being so understanding." I politely bowed. 

"Maou!" I spoke with all seriousness in my voice. "Apologise to him now."

"Mr Potato man, I'm really sorry for stealing your apples." Maou politely bowed and apologise.

"Don't worry about it. You already paid for it, so you're no longer a thief but a customer." He folded his arms with a pleased look on his face.

"Excuse me sir, we just arrived in town today and need some help." Shelly stated.

"You just arrived here today, huh? Wait a minute! Did you come in through that road... on foot?!" The Potato Man looked shocked.

"Ah... yes, is something wrong?" Shelly replied puzzled.

"Oh, it's just that some people who travel to here on foot went missing on that road." He explained, pointing to the way Shelly came from.

"Really? Thank the gods then." Shelly relieved.

"Yeah, the weird thing is we don't know if it's a monster or human doing it." The Potato Man stated. "So trust me, it's best you don't travel there again."

"Wait! What about the old lady in the forest? Isn't she in danger?" Shelly worried.

"Old lady in the forest?" He repeated, puzzled.

"Yeah, She lives about ten minutes into the forest." Shelly mentioned. "We saw her on our way here carrying firewood so we helped her carry it home. She even gave us a place to sleep and food to eat."

"I've never heard of her before." The Potato Man shook his head. "I'll get a few of my friends and check that out. If you're right, we'll have to find a place for her to stay at."

"Thank you very much." Shelly bowed. "I wouldn't want her to get hurt."

"No problem missy." He flicked his wrist. "Oh, you said you needed help with something, right?"

"Oh, yeah! We just arrived here today, so could you please direct us to a place we could stay at?" Shelly asked. "Also, do you know anyone in this town named Kelly?" 

"If you want a place to stay, there's an Inns close by. Just keep walking along that road and you'll find it soon." He pointed to the road that stretched from the entrance to another road that had many more shops and buildings. 

"But this 'Kelly' person, let me think." The potato man caressed his beard while looking slightly upwards. "Sorry, but I can't help you with that one. I've never hearda anyone with that name before." 

"No, don't be sorry. I'm more than grateful for your help." 

"Is this Kelly person a friend or a relative to you?"

"He's my younger brother." 

The Potato man smiled while bobbing his head. "So you're the older sister of two younger brothers? I feel your struggle. I am the second oldest of six children. So I know it isn't easy to take care of younger siblings."

"Thank you very much sir but we must leave now." I bowed politely.

"Sure. I hope you find this Kelly person very soon." The Potato man reached into his cart and pulled out an apple. 

"Kid! Catch." He threw an apple to Maou. "Don't give your big sister any more trouble. Understood?"

Maou caught the apple. "Thank you very much, kind sir."

After bidding farewell to the Potato Man, we walked along the road to the Inn as we were instructed. Strolling along, Maou gazed at the buildings and the many people, asking questions and pointing fingers at every store and every unusual spectacle he saw. 

Not long after, we saw a sign with the drawing of a boar and under the drawing read 'Boar Inn'. It was an unexpected first for me, as I had never stayed in an actual Inn before, especially one that looked this nice but the name was weird.

As long as it could fit my budget, I was more than happy to set up base here. When we entered the building, the inside had a few people sitting around tables talking, laughing and enjoying a beer. 

A piano was been played in a corner of the hall, making the atmosphere nice and comfy but I felt uneasy because that meant it would probably be more expensive. Before I could look at the place any further, the receptionist lady called to me.

"Good afternoon miss. My name is Chelsea, how may I help you today?" A slim lady with glasses called to me from behind a counter.

"Good afternoon. Umm… Do you have any rooms left?" 

"Yes, we do. Are you interested in staying with us at the Boar Inn?" 

"Ah… Yes, I am. What are your prices?"

"One-night single bed is 4 silver. A one-night double bed is 7 silver. Three days single bed is 9 silver. Three days double bed is 12 silver. Five days single bed is 15 silver. Lastly, five days double bed is 21 silver" Chelsea spoke in a soft, welcoming tone, gesturing the prices with her hands. 

"And for an extra 3 silver, you can have access to the bathhouse during your stay," Chelsea added, clasping her hands. She had beautiful hands and gorgeous fingernails.

"Hhmm. I'll have the three days single bed and added bathhouse, please."

"That will be 12 silver coins, please." 

I pulled out the exact amount of money requested and handed it to her. From the slight touching of our hands, I could tell her hands were smooth and soft. I was a little jealous.

Chelsea counted the coins, dropped them in a chest opened by a key she had around her neck and wrote something down in a huge book.

"Okay, you're both booked in now. I'll guide you both to your room in a little while." Chelsea opened a drawer, picking up key after key, looking at them closely. 

"Finally, I found it." Chelsea stepped from behind the counter. "Please follow me."  

She walked up some stairs to the right corner of the hall. We followed closely behind her. 

Upon closer inspection, Chelsea was beautifully outfitted in a long gorgeous flower sundress. Her hair was fixed in a ponytail by a puffy white hairband. 

"Here we are." Chelsea stopped at a door. "You'll be staying in room eight."

Chelsea opened the door with the key and handed it to me. "Here is the key to your room. Please remember that if the room key is lost. The replacement fee is 2 silver."

"Excuse me, Chelsea, may I ask a question?" I timidly spoke.

"Please, feel free to ask any questions you have. I'm not opposed to answering anything."

"How did this Inn get its name."

"So you realised as well." Chelsea sighed loudly and her cheerful tone changed to one of annoyance.

"I'm sorry if that offended you. I didn't mean anything bad by it." 

"You don't need to apologise for anything. Believe me when I say that I hate the name of this Inn."

"Why? What happened?" 

"My great-grandfather built this Inn. He had the worst sense of humour I've ever heard off. Especially when he named this place 'Boar Inn' (sounds like "boring") and my father refuses to change it." Chelsea pinched in-between her eyebrows, sighing to release some stress.

"If it makes you feel any better, I like it." 

I didn't think the name 'Boar Inn' was bad or anything, I just found it weird but Chelsea seemed genuinely stressed out about it. Maybe she always had to answer questions about the name of the Inn from customers every time.

"I actually find the name funny." Maou chuckled a little. "Your great grandfather was a funny man." 

"Oh my gosh! You have such an adorable little laugh." Chelsea crouched, rubbing Maou's hair. "And you're so cute too."

Maou's cheeks turned red from blushing and a shy smile formed on his face. "Hehe, am I really?" 

"Excuse me, Chelsea. Do you know of anyone named Kelly?"

Chelsea stopped catering to Maou and thought to herself with a thumb on her chin. "I'm sorry but I've never heard of anyone here having that name Kelly." 

"No need to say sorry. You helped me a lot already." 

"I have to leave you both, I need to get back to my reception desk." Chelsea got up from crouching and straightened her dress. "If there is anything else you need, please tell me.

Before leaving, Chelsea politely bowed. "I hope you enjoy your stay with us."

"She totally likes me,"  Maou smirked. "I could tell from the way she smiled at me. I just have that effect on women."

"Whatever you say Maou." I giggled, entering the room and closing the door behind us.

What y'all think of the pun "Boar Inn" I kinda like the name

Jozancreators' thoughts