
The Entropy Generated by Evolution

The Red Continent was the scene of hundreds of wars throughout its existence, caused by the ambitions of men and the selfishness of the gods. The peace that seemed impossible was only achieved with difficulty at the end of the worst military conflict ever seen. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of that land, there was in the south of the continent a monster that would threaten to end human supremacy and divine hegemony. The creature at the bottom of the food chain, rising to the top through evolution, a danger to the entire world... A goblin. [WARNING] The MC is a monster, literally. He sees no value in concepts of morality, ethics or honor. His actions can be immoral, cruel and disgusting, his desires are selfish and reckless.

MkHungria · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: Those Who Walk in the Branches

Roars and laughter filled the room and made silence impossible, the loud noise slowly woke him up. The goblin didn't want to open his eyes, but he couldn't pretend to sleep forever. They got tired easily, threw away everything they could without caring. The monster didn't want to know what would become of him when they didn't want him anymore.

Upon abandoning his false nap, he was faced with what he feared. The furry humans, lots of them. They weren't really of the race that lives beyond the north, but they didn't resemble any monster either, being much more like the intruders of the forest. Many names existed for them, those who walk on branches, the hairy humans, those who take things, the shit throwers among others.

These strange creatures were covered in fur for the most part, varied in size as well as color. Instead of feet, they had hands with one finger less on each leg. They were never seen on the dirt floor, only on top of branches where they couldn't be reached by anyone. They stole and destroyed everything just because they wanted to, however what was not destroyed was taken to that region, just like 'him'.

The furry humans' home was a strange one, a stone thing at the base of the mountain that wasn't native to the forest. There were caves on top of caves, the ground was flat and long rocks lifted up the place. There were labyrinthine corridors and openings in the walls where colorful drawings were seen. None of it could have been built by those who walk in the branches.

Outside, great stone plains

"Uhu uhu uhu." Most of them screamed, excited to see the goblin wake up.

The creature stared at the environment and at them. Some were fat and orange with long limbs, others black and strong with thick arms, there were those even smaller than the goblin with their curved backs and high tails, and the grinning ones with blue faces and red asses. Those who take things have always been many, just like the people of the green monster.

The other inhabitants of that land avoided the furry humans. They weren't a big threat to life, but they were still dangerous, they couldn't be caught since they were always high where few creatures could reach, like 'him' for example. They appeared in the night, took everything they could from the other races and returned to their home.

The objects taken were soon forgotten, they just picked them up for fun and then dropped them. Those who walk on branches are not interested in anything, they could even spend hours hunting an animal, however the fall of a fruit or the roll of a stone would be enough to distract them and make them forget what they intended.

Avoiding furry humans was one of the first lessons to be learned. ¹Don't eat where they feed, don't drink where they get water, don't go where they go, and never die where they do.

The goblin was led into forbidden territory by running water and was now the noisy animals' new interest, though not knowing for how long. The unhappy creature looked at the place trying to create in his mind ways to get out alive. The place was big and a little dark, all made of stone, there were long rocks that rose from the floor to the ceiling, big holes of weird shape in the top where a little light entered.

Behind him was an exit, a grand entryway that led outside, full of sunlight and beyond his reach. Many furry humans stood in the way of the main exit. Their other options were some holes in the floor and walls, unfortunately they were also surrounded by their enemies.

In front of you, the worst of them so far. Of all the others, she was the one who most resembled the human species. She exuded a strong presence and is who 'he' would have thought to be the leader of those who walk on branches, if they had the ability to follow orders, which of course, they did not.

A female, bigger than most of those inside. She was as big as a normal tree, her arms and legs covered in red fur. Her belly was bare and pale as was common with her peers, but strangely her back and crotch were as well. Her animalistic, menacing face had something attractive about it. Red hair fell all over her face allowing only a few glimpses of her white face that looked as much human as shit slingers.

She had around her many objects, human weapons of many kinds, fake animal and iron skins, bones and various fruits. Probably the female, as the strongest, took everything she wanted from others. Never taking her eyes off the goblin, she picked up a large green fruit, only bigger than her own head, in one hand and hurled it at the captured monster.

The food hit the floor and cracked as it fell, shedding pieces of its green skin and red interior.

"Ucha pacha!" She screamed, they weren't words, it seemed to be imitating the sound that the fruit made when breaking.

His peers started jumping and roaring, finding great joy in something as simple as that. The female got up and held more of that food, one in each hand and again threw them.

"Pachu! Uhu uhu uhu." She raised her arms and pursed her lips, an action copied by everyone else.

'He' didn't know how he should react, he could understand what motivated other monsters, however it was impossible to do the same with the actions of those who walk on branches.

The female got tired of that incessant noise and screamed. The sound coming out of her throat was so loud and powerful that the goblin saw dust rise and the place slightly shake. The furry humans cowered in fear and didn't show the courage to look up.

The leader turned her attention to 'him' and grabbed another of the same green fruit, this time throwing it directly at him. The small and weak body could not keep itself upright and so it fell with the fruit shattering on top of it and covering it with its water and red pieces.

"Uhu uhu uhu uhu, fuuu, uha!" She jumped up and clapped her hands together laughing harder than she had any other time on the day "Aaaaah, pa." She threw herself backwards and landed on her back in imitation of the monster.

They were laughing at him, at his weakness, his fear, his helplessness. Revolt filled the goblin's chest and there was nothing she could do about it.

The female walked towards 'him', stopped only when they were close to touch. Her furry arm was extended towards the fallen creature, her hand open in help. The monster was suspicious, but going against her will was dangerous and therefore accepted her help.

The one who walks in the branches lifted him up and as soon as she saw him standing, she pushed him causing him to fall to the ground.

"Uhu uhu uhu aha." She giggled and jumped up, circling the fallen body excitedly.

Her people unwittingly imitated her for having as much fun as she did. Another time she offered her hand to "him", but this time he refused. Her scream of rage was enough to make everyone's hearts race and at that moment the goblin desperately accepted the still outstretched hand.

And what the monster expected happened, once again he was thrown to the ground for the furry humans' amusement. Some couldn't stand to stand with laughter, others were knocking themselves down and a few more imitating the unfortunate creature.

"Uhu hu." The female extended her arm towards the monster eager to bring him down. "Uhu huhu"

Out of options, he accepted her false help and this time he was treated differently. He was handled more aggressively, picked up by her strong hands and thrown towards where she sat before.

His body hit the wall hard causing so much pain that tears welled up in her eyes. His spine didn't seem to have the strength to keep him upright, his lungs sucking in dusty air and making him cough.

He was nearly injured when he fell into the many weapons, items, and junk stored by the dung-throwers. As she tried to regain control of her legs, the large female walked towards her and when she reached 'him', she extended her arm.

"Hu uhu." Crouching down, she brought her face close to his looking into his eyes.

Anger grew as the humiliation increased and the monster was no longer able to control it. Her left hand grabbed the first thing she felt, one of the humans' small pieces of flat iron. In a single movement towards her face, 'he' made a wound that started at the chin and passed through the lips.

Silence returned to occupy the environment, everyone waiting for the reaction of the one who was the strongest. The female pursed her lips and snarled, rising to her feet, slapping her stomach with her hands several times and then roaring.

What was the name of the feeling of not wanting to have done something after doing it? Was there a name? The goblin really wanted it to exist and if it didn't, the goblin would invent it himself.

¹This is a direct reference to the work 'The Jungle Book' by Rupard Kipling where the character Baloo says the phrase "We don't drink where the monkeys drink, we don't go where the monkeys go, we don't hunt where they hunt, we don't die where they die".

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