
The Entangled Grudge

"Cursed by vengeance, bound by fate" ************* "In shadows' embrace, grudges entwine, A tale of vengeance, an oath malign. Two souls adrift, in darkness they're bound, Seeking redemption, a fate unbound. Whispers of old wounds, revenge takes its hold, In the labyrinth of grudges, stories unfold. A dance of darkness, a symphony of pain, In the web of hatred, hearts break and strain. Forgiveness withheld, destinies entwined, In the shadows of vengeance, souls confined. Through echoes of spite, their paths converge, In 'The Entangled Grudge,' a tale they urge." *************** **Sneak Peek** Amidst the shadowy corridors of power and betrayal, where two formidable mafia families once reigned supreme, a love story unfolds that defies time, life, and death itself. Meet Jade Collins, the determined heiress of the once-mighty Collins family, and Tristen Frost, a vengeful ghost from the rival Frost clan. Their worlds collide in a tumultuous dance of forbidden love and bitter grudges. When Jade's path crosses with Tristen's spectral existence, their hearts become entangled in a web of secrets and lies. Her father's dark deeds haunt them both, and their love is a spark that could either ignite redemption or consume them in the flames of retribution. As the past resurfaces and the lines between love and hate blur, "The Entangled Grudge" takes readers on an unforgettable journey through a world where danger lurks in every shadow, and love is the most treacherous battlefield. Will Jade and Tristen's love defy the weight of their families' sins, or will they become casualties of a grudge that spans generations? Prepare to be enraptured by a tale of passion, mystery, and the unbreakable bond of two souls destined to rewrite the twisted history of their families. "The Entangled Grudge" - where love knows no boundaries, not even the realm of the living.

Uniphidra · Urban
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12 Chs


"Please...please don't hate me." said my mother sobbing. From my side view, I could see all the people glancing pitifully at my mother and glaring daggers at me.

WOW! What a show!!

Fine, she wants a show right then a show be it...

I picked her up from her position, cleaned her tears, smiled and said, "I don't hate you, Mom."

She looked at me smiling through her tears and said, "Really??"

"Yes, I don't hate you; I despise you, your mere presence and stop this damn acting of yours because the truth is that, my father never abused you but you were the one to abuse me. You left my father not because he abused you but because you loved someone else. You betrayed my father and you said that you wanted to keep me with you but he used his money and power.

Lie. A joke. Because you never applied for my custody.

YOU ABUSED ME, YOUR FLESH AND BLOOD!! So, now you know what, drop that damn facade of yours of a good mother and good wife. You were neither a good wife nor a good mother. Just leave!! Get the hell out of here!! "

I turned around and started to go towards the stairs when I heard a voice from behind.

"You didn't deserve to take birth. You are nothing but a disgrace to the whole Collins family and I am damn sure that you will bring the whole Collins family into ruins you deserved every bit of the treatment I gave you as a child. You are nothing but a disgrace!!"

With that, she left. Finally, she dropped that facade of a kind woman. But the words she said worked like daggers on my heart. I went into my room and locked it. My already broken heart shattered into a million pieces today.


The walls of the room seemed to suffocate me. I felt like I couldn't breathe and my heart clenched at the emotional pain I felt. I stood up and went outside, I asked the security guard to hand me the keys to a bike. He told me that he wants to send security guards with me for my safety, so I asked him to send Alaska, Asia and Alex with me.

I was riding at the fastest speed I could. The wind hitting my face felt really good. I love bikes because they bring me out of all the pain. It helps me to keep my mind empty. I love this feeling of the wind hitting my face. A lone tear fell from my eyes. I started driving faster, the sound of the wind and the engine was music to my ears.

But a few black cars came out of nowhere and stopped in front, blocking the road. I stopped my bike. Then came Alaska, Asia and Alex on their bikes. They got down from their bikes and stood in front of me in a protective stance with their guns pointed towards the cars.

A few men got down from the cars and pointed their guns at us. One of them who looked like the leader of their group said, "Surrender yourself and hand over your boss to us."

Alaska sneered, "She is your boss as well. I guess you should double-check the information before pointing your guns at us. You know that by doing this you are inviting the wrath of the Collins empire. I suggest, you step back and bow down in front of your new boss because she is the supreme boss."

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