
The Engineer of a New World

"The Engineer of a New World" is a captivating tale of Ethan, an engineering student who dies and reincarnates into a world without building architecture. In this enchanting realm known as the Oldwood, Ethan discovers a unique blend of magic and technology. As he becomes the Architect of Dreams, he bridges the gap between these two realms, fostering unity and innovation. Alongside his mentor, Elara, and the elemental Guardians, he unravels ancient mysteries, protects the Oldwood's magic, and embarks on a destiny filled with secrets and surprises. The novel explores themes of unity, balance, and the boundless potential of a harmonious coexistence between contrasting forces. Alternative name: Architect of Dreams

Ctev03 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

10 The Unveiling

Ethan had returned from his encounter with the Guardians with a renewed sense of purpose. The visions they had shared with him, the echoes of the Oldwood's past and the promises of its future, had become the guiding light of his journey as the Architect of Dreams.

As he walked through the transformed city, he couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the realm. Every structure he had designed, every bridge he had built, was a testament to the harmony he sought to create between the natural and technological worlds. But there was still much work to be done, and he was determined to continue shaping the destiny of the Oldwood.

One morning, as the sun cast dappled patterns of light through the treetops, he found himself standing before a towering tree with leaves that seemed to shimmer like emerald. This tree was different from any he had encountered before, its presence commanding respect and awe.

Ethan whispered to himself, "This must be a guardian."

As if in response to his thoughts, the tree's leaves rustled, and a gentle, melodious voice filled his mind. "You are correct, Architect of Dreams. I am Sylvan, Guardian of the Forest."

Ethan bowed respectfully before Sylvan. "It is an honor to meet you, Sylvan."

The tree's presence seemed to envelop him. "I have observed your journey, Ethan, and the visions you shared with Gaia and Luna. Your intentions align with the Oldwood's deepest desires—a future where magic and technology coexist in perfect harmony."

Ethan nodded, his heart brimming with purpose. "That is my dream, Sylvan. To bridge the worlds and create a place where both can thrive."

Sylvan's leaves rustled in approval. "Then you are ready, Architect of Dreams. It is time for you to meet the other Guardians—the keepers of the Oldwood's dreams."

Ethan's curiosity deepened. "There are more Guardians?"

Sylvan nodded. "Indeed. There are three more, each with their own unique domain and wisdom to share. But first, you must undergo a trial—one that will test your connection to the Oldwood and the sincerity of your intentions."

Ethan accepted the challenge with determination, ready to prove his dedication to the realm and its dreams.


The trial that Sylvan presented to Ethan was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It began in the heart of the Oldwood, where ancient trees stood sentinel, their branches forming a natural canopy that filtered the sunlight into a mesmerizing tapestry of shadows and light.

Ethan was led to a clearing, where the ground was covered in a lush carpet of moss. In the center of the clearing stood a massive, ancient tree, its bark etched with intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with life. Its presence was awe-inspiring, and Ethan knew that this was no ordinary tree.

Sylvan's voice filled his mind once more. "This is the Tree of Reflection, Ethan. It is a vessel of the Oldwood's memories and wisdom. To pass the trial, you must open yourself to the essence of this tree and embrace the knowledge it offers."

Ethan nodded and approached the tree with reverence. He placed his hand on its gnarled bark, and in an instant, his senses were overwhelmed. He saw glimpses of the Oldwood's history—the arrival of beings from different dimensions, their dreams and aspirations interwoven with the realm's magic.

But there was more—a vision of a world in turmoil, where technology had run amok, and the balance of nature had been disrupted. It was a stark reminder of the consequences of unchecked progress.

As the visions continued, Ethan felt a deep sense of empathy for the Oldwood and its dreams. He understood the importance of preserving the realm's delicate harmony and using his engineering skills to enhance, rather than exploit, the magic of this place.

Hours passed, and Ethan emerged from his communion with the Tree of Reflection, his heart filled with a profound sense of purpose. He turned to Sylvan, his voice filled with determination. "I am ready to meet the other Guardians and fulfill my role as the Architect of Dreams."

Sylvan's leaves rustled in approval. "Then your journey continues, Ethan. Follow the path to the Heartwood Grove, where the Guardians await."

Ethan followed the path through the Oldwood, his anticipation growing with each step. He couldn't help but wonder about the wisdom and challenges that lay ahead.


As Ethan entered the Heartwood Grove, he found himself surrounded by towering trees, each one radiating a unique energy. In the center of the grove stood five figures, luminous and ethereal, their presence commanding respect and awe.

Sylvan's voice filled his mind once more. "Ethan, these are the Guardians—the keepers of the Oldwood's dreams. They have watched over this realm for millennia, and they are ready to share their wisdom with you."

Ethan approached the Guardians with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. Each one had a distinct appearance and presence, reflecting their domains and responsibilities.

The first Guardian, a graceful being of light and shadow, introduced herself as Aurora, Guardian of the Dawn. She embodied the magic of new beginnings and the limitless potential of each day.

The second Guardian, a figure with wings that seemed to be woven from moonlight, was Luna, Guardian of the Night. She represented the tranquility of the Oldwood under the stars and the dreams that flourished in the quiet hours.

The third Guardian, a creature of vines and flowers, introduced herself as Flora, Guardian of the Blooms. She embodied the vitality of the Oldwood's flora and the cycle of growth and rebirth.

The fourth Guardian, a luminescent being with the power to manipulate water, was Aquilo, Guardian of the Tides. He represented the ebb and flow of the realm's magic and the interconnectedness of all things.

The fifth Guardian, a creature of stone and earth, was Terra, Guardian of the Land. She embodied the solidity and resilience of the Oldwood, as well as its connection to the natural world.

Ethan bowed before the Guardians, his voice filled with gratitude. "It is an honor to meet you all. I am Ethan, the Architect of Dreams. I have come to learn from your wisdom and to fulfill my role in shaping the destiny of the Oldwood."

The Guardians regarded him with a combination of curiosity and approval. Luna spoke, her voice like the soft caress of moonlight. "We have observed your journey, Ethan, and the visions you shared with Sylvan. Your intentions are in harmony with the Oldwood's deepest desires—a future where magic and technology coexist."

Flora added, her voice like the whisper of blossoms in the wind, "But to truly understand the Oldwood and its dreams, you must undergo a trial—one that will test your connection to the realm and your commitment to its harmony."

Ethan accepted the challenge without hesitation, ready to prove his dedication to the Oldwood and its dreams.


The trial set forth by the Guardians was a test of Ethan's ability to harness the essence of the Oldwood and create a structure that embodied its magic and balance. He was given a plot of land within the Heartwood Grove, a place where the energy of the realm pulsed with intensity.

Ethan spent days in deep meditation, communing with the Oldwood's magic and seeking inspiration from the land itself. As he delved deeper into his connection with the realm, he began to envision a structure unlike any he had ever designed.

With each passing day, his vision took shape—a towering treehouse that seemed to grow from the very heart of the Oldwood. Its walls were adorned with bioluminescent patterns that pulsed in harmony with the realm's energy. The structure was a testament to the realm's magic, a place where nature and technology coexisted in perfect balance.

When he presented his design to the Guardians, they regarded it with a sense of approval. Terra spoke, her voice resonating with the solidity of the earth, "You have created a structure that embodies the Oldwood's essence, Ethan. It is a harmonious blend of magic and technology, a symbol of the realm's potential."

Ethan felt a profound sense of accomplishment, knowing that he had passed the Guardians' trial and earned their respect. He had proven his commitment to the Oldwood's dreams and his role as the Architect of Dreams.

Aquilo added, his voice like the soothing rush of a river, "With this structure, you have demonstrated your ability to bridge the worlds. But your journey is far from over, Ethan. There is one final trial—one that will test your resolve and reveal the true extent of your connection to the Oldwood."

Ethan nodded, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that the destiny of the Oldwood was intertwined with his own, and he was determined to see it through.


The final trial set forth by the Guardians was a journey to the heart of the Oldwood, a place known as the Nexus of Dreams. It was a realm where the boundaries between dimensions were thin, and the magic of the Oldwood flowed with unparalleled intensity.

Ethan embarked on the journey with a sense of anticipation and humility, guided by the wisdom of the Guardians. As he ventured deeper into the realm, he could feel the energy of the Oldwood resonating within him, a connection that transcended the physical and the magical.

The Nexus of Dreams was a place of wonder and mystery, where visions of different dimensions danced like shimmering threads of light. Ethan witnessed glimpses of worlds unlike anything he had ever imagined—realms of advanced technology, ancient magic, and uncharted possibilities.

But as he delved deeper into the Nexus, he encountered a powerful presence—a being of light and shadow, its form ever-shifting and enigmatic.

Aurora spoke softly, her voice like the first rays of dawn. "This is the Dreamweaver, Ethan. It is a guardian of the Nexus, a keeper of the realms and their dreams."

The Dreamweaver regarded Ethan with eyes that seemed to contain the universe itself. "You have come far, Architect of Dreams. Your journey has been a testament to your dedication and vision. But to truly understand the Oldwood's destiny, you must confront the echoes of your own past."

With those words, the Dreamweaver's energy enveloped Ethan, and he was transported to a place of memories—a world he had left behind when he first arrived in the Oldwood.

He stood on the familiar streets of his hometown, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of modern life. But something was amiss—the people he knew, the places he remembered, they were all frozen in time, their faces etched with expressions of longing and loss.

Ethan's heart ached as he realized that he had abandoned this world, leaving behind friends and family who had cared for him. He saw the pain in their eyes, the unanswered questions, and the sense of abandonment that had marked their lives.

As he moved through the frozen tableau of his past, he encountered the faces of loved ones—his parents, his friends, and Sarah, the woman he had once loved. Their voices filled his ears, their words a haunting chorus of memories.

Sarah's voice, filled with longing, echoed in his mind. "Why did you leave, Ethan? Where did you go?"

Ethan couldn't bear the weight of his past choices. He had been so consumed by his ambition as an engineer that he had neglected the people who cared about him. The realization was a painful reminder of the sacrifices he had made.

As the memories swirled around him, a profound sense of regret washed over Ethan. He longed to return to the world he had abandoned, to mend the bonds he had broken, and to find a way to bridge the gap between his past and his present.

The Dreamweaver's presence enveloped him once more, and he was transported back to the Nexus of Dreams, his heart heavy with the echoes of his past.


Ethan returned to the Heartwood Grove, where the Guardians awaited him. He recounted his journey through the Nexus of Dreams and the painful memories of his past.

Flora, Guardian of the Blooms, spoke with compassion in her voice. "You have faced the echoes of your past, Ethan, and the pain of your choices. But it is through understanding and growth that we become who we are meant to be."

Terra, Guardian of the Land, added, her voice steady and reassuring, "Your journey has tested your connection to the Oldwood and your commitment to its dreams. You have proven yourself as the Architect of Dreams."

Ethan felt a profound sense of relief and gratitude. He had confronted his past and emerged with a deeper understanding of the importance of balance and connection. He was ready to continue his role as the Architect of Dreams and shape the destiny of the Oldwood.

Sylvan, Guardian of the Forest, spoke with a sense of approval. "Your trials are complete, Ethan. You have earned the wisdom of the Guardians and the trust of the Oldwood. But your journey is far from over. The destiny of this realm awaits, and it is a destiny you will help shape."

With a sense of purpose and determination, Ethan nodded. He knew that the Oldwood's dreams were his dreams, and he was ready to see them through.

Aurora, Guardian of the Dawn, offered her guidance with a voice filled with hope. "Embrace the magic of the Oldwood, Ethan, and continue to bridge the worlds. The realms of technology and nature can coexist in harmony, and you are the key to their unity."

As Ethan stood before the Guardians, he felt a profound sense of connection to the realm and its dreams. He knew that his journey was just beginning, and that the challenges and adventures that lay ahead would shape not only the destiny of the Oldwood but also the destiny of his own heart.

With the wisdom of the Guardians and the magic of the Oldwood as his guides, Ethan looked toward the future with hope and determination, ready to continue his role as the Architect of Dreams.