
The Endless Sands

Cahira is a child of the Outlands. Born and raised in a merciless arid desert, the infamous home of the dragons. After a disagreement among her people she was “rescued” by lost noblemen, soon being brought to the ruler of the Ainori kingdom. There she was kept under lock and key, with the guise of being a humble ward. Three years later as the crown prince returns home from war, she is sent to aid the disoriented prince in relearning the ways of the upper class, finally being freed of her confinement. But there is a catch, is she wishes to truly gain her freedom, she must guide the prince on his hunt for dragons, specifically an Ancient. A god among beasts. Though there remains one problem, she is one herself. She is forced to decide, betraying her people, or guaranteeing her own freedom? In an adventure of death, friendship, betrayal, and romance. Will she be able to keep her secret safe? Or will she become the hunted?

Hannah_Morrison · Fantasy
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Chapter 4: The Long Road

- Eryx's P.O.V

The sun had just barely risen when I heard it. The sound of ruckus and chatter filled the palace, all the maids and servants anxious to bid farewell to the hunting party.

I was thoroughly exhausted; I had spent all of last night listening to Lady Cahira's rambling about supplies and survival that I was up until past midnight. At least I knew that she was prepared, and I wouldn't have to worry about her safety.

I groaned, sitting up out of bed and throwing a thin, white cotton shirt that covered all but my hands. I quickly threw on the same style of pants, they were large and baggy, no skin was showing as all. But even then, I felt cold, the material was so breathable that even the smallest amounts of air got through. I also grabbed some spare clothes, a canteen, unperishable food, and I threw on armor over top. I did not want to face off against a dragon with no protection.

With that I hurried out the door towards the courtyard, knowing I was late. Once I got there, I saw the line of soldiers all with their heads down in shame, as I walked closer, I could hear Lady Cahira yelling orders, critiquing them over something or other.

"How many times have I told you! NO OUTSIDE WEAPONS!" She berated them. "What happens if you get caught with Outsider weapons?"

"You get marked. . ." They all mumbled.

"What happens of you get marked?"

They all sighed, before speaking in union. "You get reported to a half-breed."

"What happens if you get reported to a half-breed?"

"You get reported to the half-breed's Ancient sire." They had clearly remembered the answers they'd been fed last night.

I just slowly kept walking towards the group, not wanting to disrupt anything and be yelled at as well.

"What happens if you're reported to an Ancient?"

"You get your pathetic-self burned alive and have your carcass picked apart by vultures." They had somehow muttered that ridiculous line without any humor.

With that she seemed satisfied, quickly noticing me. "Well prince, you took your time for someone with a death wish."

That's when I saw what she was wearing she wore the same pants as the rest of us, but when it came to her top-half, everything but her bust was bare. Her tanned skin covered in swirling designs of golden dragon blood and her feet bare. Never before I had I seen a woman wear something so scandalous in public, let alone at all.

"What?" I was too flustered to react.

"You're wearing armor jackass." She hissed. "Boys, what happens if an Outlander sees you wearing armor?"

"You get marked. . ." They grumbled again.

She huffed. "And what happens if you get marked?"

"You get-" They started, but I just couldn't listen to that sad thing anymore.

"I get it, no armor. But do you really expect me to hunt dragons wearing nothing but an over-sized shawl?" I said, outraged that she was able to wear less layers due to her draconic parentage allowing her to be adapted to the desert conditions. I could only imagine a life of never feeling too hot, being immune to fire and sunburns, and being able to fit in among dragons.

She just had a wicked grin. "You wear that and the only dragon you'll see is the one that hunts you down." She then paused, ready to add in another insult. "I'll be sure to have my sire be the one to kill the idiot that decides to bring armor."

"Fine." I spat. "Anything else?"

"No tents, lanterns, bags, or outside food, jewelry and clothing."

"No tents! You expect us to live in the open desert, exposed to the elements." I couldn't believe it.

She took a few steps closer to me. "I lived without tents for 16 years, you can handle it for a few months."

"Well, I guess so." I murmured through grit teeth, she really got on my nerves.

"So, if you soldiers have discarded everything, we will be good to head out." She looked back towards the others. "We will spend today and tomorrow heading to the borders. Then you will get one night of sleep in a hotel. Afterwards we spend the week heading to the coast where the weaker dragons next, you'll hunt these ones. We'll spend the first month and a half following their migration, and the rest of the months heading to the Red Mountains. If you really want to find an Ancient or Titan that's where they'll nest. Am I understood?"

"Yes, my lady." I replied. "Lead the way.

With that she was done. She gathered her canteen and her dragon tooth dagger and started towards the forest. I stayed close to her side the whole day, the soldiers following behind. They were chatting about what they all expected the Outlands to be like, even though Cahira said nothing about any of their absurd theories.

They were rather interesting, most featured bloody battles between the tribes, strong dragon-blooded warriors, and fornicating with beautiful Outlander women. There were also the outrageous ones such as talk of witches, sea serpents, and dragon-riders, those were the only ones that the Outlander rebutted.

By the time we stopped to rest it was the middle of the afternoon, and Lady Cahira had clearly grown tired of brushing off their questions. "You may all ask one question each."

They all bristled with excitement, ultimately one of the lower soldiers asked first. "What do Outlanders eat?"

"Mostly raw rabbit and grouse, but we're not picky."

"You don't cook your food?" Another one asked.

She sighed. "No, the fire draws the attention of dragons and is a symbol of weakness. As those with so little dragon blood that they can't eat raw meat are weak. But I will allow you all to cook your meat as you would be poisoned by the toxins the Outland species carry."

"Do they have brothels?" One asked.

"No." She laughed. "There are no brothels in the Outlands as we have no need. If Outlanders want to lie with each other, they do. If one simple wants a fuck they can go and visit one of the Ancients, they'll typically pleasure anyone. We have no concept of marriage, propriety, or abstinence. In said situation, if any of you wish to lay with a man free of judgement, I suggest you do it there."

"You're kidding." One chuckled. "Outlanders don't care about any of that?"

She smiled. "No, they do not."

"I have a question." The man who I recognized as Lieutenant Anwyll Burdock spoke. "How are the children raised?"

"They are really raised, after a child is born, they stay with their mothers until they are 5 or 6, then they are banished. They then spend a few years honing their skills and later rejoin their birth tribe or join a new one. Though the Western Winds are different, we have two prominent lines that keep their children with them because they are the most likely families to bear Ancients. The rest of the members join, just as I did."

The rest of the break was spent discussing how the hunt would go. What villages and tribes they'd stop by, where would go each day until we were at the coast, and many other details. We soon had to carry on, and by the time it was nightfall, we were ahead of schedule.

"All of you can sleep in the inn down the road, I'll be camping out here for the night." Lady Cahira directed.

"Why are you not staying in the inn?" I asked.

"I sleep better outside." She curtly said.

I gave her a look. "Are you sure it's not because you wish to escape during the night?"

She just giggled. "Prince, I could carve out your heart in seconds and escape then. No simple Outsider inn would stop me if that's what I wanted."

"Well, what do you want then?"

"I won't know until I'm home."

"Either way, I still wish to keep an eye on you tonight so I'll sleep out here as well." I answered, before turning to the soldiers. "You can make your way there; we are meeting up with others in the morning. Also, no prostitutes, stay sharp because we wake early tomorrow."

That made them all groan in annoyance, ruining some of their plans. Before they could even leave, Cahira had climbed a tree and sat herself down in between two dividing branches.

"What are you doing up there my lady?"

"I am a woman who is practically alone in a forest known for numerous thieves and brothels, it's safer for me to stay out of sight." She settled herself in.

"I suppose that's true, but I'm not one for trees, so I won't be joining you." I made myself comfortable and found a patch of grass to rest my head on as she had taken away all the cots we were going to sleep on.

She just snorted. "I wouldn't let you join me anyways."

"Whatever you say my lady." I chuckled, letting myself drift off to sleep.