
The Endless Hunt

The Gods are real, demons are all real, all their myths are real. And they're bored so why not use humanity. Humans have never failed to entertain them before but this time why not up the stakes a little bit and who knows maybe humans will go back to worshiping them. And why not up the stage for the maximum amount of entertainment. Let’s make all creatures from mythology real. And let’s add classes to this as well. Now some will die, but their deaths will serve as their amusement and some will rise to the peak's of heaven while others will descend into the darkest pits of Hell. And let’s make who awakens completely random because the humans always get jealous of others who they feel outshine them which causes them to act irrationally. Who knows, maybe some will rise high enough to even rival the gods and constellations and mantle them. I'm a recent Highschool graduate and this is my first ever novel. So hopefully you can excuse the beginner level mistakes I make. This is a passion project of mine.

TrueChaos_9558 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

Alexander had noticed the harpy and realized some of his killing intent. When he did this everything in the harpy was telling it that if it attacked this man it would definitely die, so it chose to attack Khalil. "Oh shit that fucker has some really sharp claws". Khalil said, checking his stomach. The harpy's claws slashed the middle of his shirt but his stomach had a small scratch on it. "Ok, I'm already at a disadvantage because she can fly and so I have to attack her wing". Khalil concluded by unsheathing his dual sickles. " NOPE". Alexander said. Snapping his fingers and the sickles which he gave to Khalil teleported to his hands. " What the fuck Alexander, why'd you take my weapons". Khalil screamed. "Because these weapons are overkill for this area and you'd realize it very quickly and eventually would start to over rely on this weapon for the first dozen floors and not hone your skills". Alexander responded. " You fucker, you expect me to kill this thing with my barehands" Khalil questioned. " No I'll give you this" said Alexander throwing him a rust-covered sword his way. The harpy saw Khalil distracted and came at him with another attack this time scratching his back and leaving a good gash with its claws. "Fuck you, you ugly bird bitch". Khalil screamed. "And fuck you Alex" he added. " Did this low level climber just call me Alex?!". Alexander thought. This was the first time Khalil had successfully been able to make Alexander annoyed. "This sword is bad but fuck it it'll have to work". Khalil thought. Khalil picked up the rusty sword and rushed towards the harpy. Khalil and the harpy began to trade blows and surprisingly Khalil wasn't getting pushed back too much. It wasn't a complete stalemate but the harpy was still landing small cuts on Khalil's arms, and chest but they weren't too deep but the sword was slowly falling apart in his hands. Khalil felt that if things stayed the same he'd have to either run away or the harpy would start cutting him even deeper and he'd bleed out or simply that his sword would break in his hands. He needed to make something happen. They clashed again, the harpy's claws against his sword. He shoved the harpy back causing the harpy to fall to the floor. Khalil rushed towards the downed harpy soccer kicking the harpy in the stomach, stomping on its right wing. This caused great pain to the harpy because of the nerves that run through them. Khalil flipped the harpy over on its back and began trying to rip the wings off the harpy's forearms. " Come on, come on, come on". Khalil said, struggling to rip off the wings. " Wow, well that's something I've never seen before. Normally people try to cut the wings with their weapons or break the arms or even break the harpy's leg but never have I seen someone try to just rip them off with their bare hands. Pretty sure only Dario would have the strength to do that when he was a newbie." Alexander thought. The harpy in so much pain could feel its wings slowly ripping, slashed Khalil across the stomach, sending him back and flying up into the air. [Hey,that strategy you tried using was working but I don't think it's going to work now]. Alexander said telepathically to Khalil. " What the hell, why am I hearing you in my head". Khalil groaned. [Telepathy] Alexander responded "That fucker got me good". Khalil said . Khalil looked at his stomach and was looking at a big gash going across his stomach and it was a deep one at that. [Yeah, she did, you have to end it quickly or risk bleeding out]. Alexander said. Alexander was starting to become somewhat impressed with Khalil. From the beginning even though Alexander knew why Cernunnos wanted him, he just couldn't see it. He couldn't see why Cernunnos was so interested in a climber like Khalil who has been in prison for 7 years and hasn't had any experience with the tower. But now he was seeing it. That undying will Khalil possessed was something not many people in the tower. The harpy struggling to fly swooped in trying to finish off Khalil but he rolled out of the way towards his sword. " I don't have much left and I don't have the physical strength to rip off its wings, even holding this sword is becoming difficult. I have to injure that wing and get it on the ground again." Khalil thought. The harpy at this point was beyond pissed off. A being who had just entered the tower was close to defeating her and to make it worse and tried to rip off her beloved wings. To harpy species their wings are everything, it's their source of pride and for someone to try and defile them was the biggest offense to them. She also sensed that if she didn't end this fight soon she would die and her wing wasn't in good condition. The harpy again launched another swoop attack at Khalil expecting him to try what he did but Khalil parried the harpy's talons with his sword then swung at the injured wing, slicing it almost completely off. The harpy falling to the floor screeched in pain and surprised. Almost as if she was saying " No, my wing, my beautiful wing is ruined. I will kill you for this, you vile wretched thing". Khalil ran towards the downed harpy with his but the harpy using its talon slashed at Khalil's arm causing him to drop the sword. The harpy seeing its chance shoulder tackled Khalil causing him to fall to the ground, it jumped on Khalil trying to rip out his throat. Khalil holding the harpy's jaws away from his face grabbed the harpy's arm stub and splashed its own blood into the harpy's eyes. Khalil then flipped the harpy over and bit as hard as he could into the harpy's neck and ripped out the harpy's throat.