1 Rebirth

The world was an abyss, a parasite.

Constantly draining the life from you.

Unless you drain the world,

These are the words I pondered.

Never ending darkness covered my existence,

light appeared.

"What do you desire Octavia" A voice echoed

The environment changed into an open field with to chairs. An old man appeared before me and spoke again

"I have watched your entire life, I think I have the perfect world for you. Do you want it?"

My words struggled to come out "Y-E-S"

The old man chuckled "It won't be easy, goodbye young one"

The strange environment was gone now in front of me appeared a white tunnel. I feel deep I'm thought see the aspects of my Past life on the tunnels walls. I achieved nothing, this life won't be the same!

Octavia muttered to herself

"Some people want see the world burn"

The new world appeared in her eyes, she saw the thick smog that covered the area. Shrapnel covered the area as floating soldiers fought above.

The mechanical machine pushed the soldiers to there limits! True power bended the men to its will.

Octavia's ambition burned brighter, a man appeared in her vision and with one swift move the mechanical machine fell into dust. She looked around to see a women holding her tightly saying some foreign words, the dust covered women appeared to be her mother.

Once the conflict had settled down she returned to her home she guessed, it was a simple dwelling.

That fire burned brightly inside Octavia, power was finally in her grasp. Days past every day she attempted to stand her mother appeared to stare at her in awe. She slowly began to learn the language, Her name was aloy in this world.

One night she finally began to stand as her mother slept, walking at 2 months old caused her agony but her ambition burned away any sense of pain.

She had seen it in the corner of eyes on her many times round the house in her mothers arms, a library. She crawled and walked finally she reached it, she grabbed the first book.

"The words made no sense" aloy cursed

She fell asleep trying to grasp the knowledge.

Her mother appear in her vision and picked her up to aloy's fury! After one month of continual effort she learned the meaning behind the scribbles, the world contained a magic. Aloys mind burned with ambition, the book told the history of that world.

The world was lead by warlords of various strength that fought an endless war against humanities past technological inventions. The appearance of the last major effort was 80 years ago, still strays appeared from time to time but the world was on its way to peace. Warlords slowly relinquished powered to form governments, I lived in one such government, Eskarie domain.

But the next book set her soul ablaze, instructions on magical enhancement. The spell seemed quite complex it could cause the body to enhanced its self for a endless amount of time; she studied the book for a month.

Moving an Energy called mana to certain places of her body in a rhythm, her first attempt came. She was too slow; she needed make it faster. After 3 weeks she succeed her body felt stronger. Those affects where tiny, she was still a baby.

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