
The Beginning

In a world, not much unlike yours, a body lay on the street, bleeding out from a wound in his stomach.

The world spun as darkness threatened to take over.

"Hm." He heard a calm voice to the left, and using what little strength he had left, he turned his head.

To the side was a man in a suit, looking like the main lead of some actor film as he looked at him with a thoughtful expression.

"Eh, you're dying, I could smell you from a couple hundred feet away, why are you bleeding out like this?"

A beautiful figure flashed in his mind for a moment before he felt boiling rage.

'You dare play me for a fool and join them?' He swore vicious revenge in his head before giving out a nearly imperceptible sigh.

'Who am I kidding, I'll be here dying while she uses the money that should be been mine, and she went with him of all people?'

The man saw a lot of complex emotions flash in his eyes as he looked down at the young man.

"I could save you child, however, you may not be you when you wake, would you still want to live?"

The man on the ground looked up, spitting blood out of his mouth.

"If I could live, why would I choose to die, but dying in itself is fine too." He murmured before the figures of his siblings flashed in his eyes.

'A pity, I did want to see them again.' He took in a breath painfully as he struggled to find his voice.

"I don't want to die." His voice became a whisper at the end as the darkness started to pull him under.

He felt immersed in darkness as he felt something warm and thick sliding down his throat.

"Well then, hopefully you don't regret your choice." The man's voice rang out as he puzzled over the meaning.


Alexander Reeves walked into a villa complex carrying a bloody body innhis arms. Earlier that night, he encountered him by chance and decided to Turn him, however with the humans and their experimenting, things were about to go downhill, and the probability of turning someone into a vampire was low.

It was a mixture of chance and luck, which is why he hoped it worked.

The witches already foresaw something that they claimed was the end, so the vampires prepared for it, though they felt a bit silly.

Inside the villa, a rich red carpet covered the ground, along with furniture that must have cost a fortune.

He walked into a side room and placed the body on a large bed before walking out with a sigh.

"I don't know if it worked, but it it did, I want a daughter." He murmured softly, so quietly a human wouldn't be able to hear.

He closed the door, and walked into the living room and sat as he heard a car pull up.

A second later the door opened and three people walked in, two females and a male, all carrying bags of some sort.

The first looked to be in her mid twenties with blond hair and a beautiful face.

The other two were noticeably younger, in their teens, the male with dark curls and and he girl with dark red hair.

The older of the three looked around with a puzzled expression.

"Did you feed here, I smell blood, and a lot of it." She dropped the bags and appeared by his side.

She started to pat him all over checking for injuries.

"Were you injured?" She looked a bit panicked as he stared with a slightly twisted frown.

The other two placed the bags down but looked at him worriedly.

He grabbed the woman's hands and smiled at her.

"Darling I'm fine, I wasn't injured, please don't make a scene dear." He said, shaking his head when he thought of it.

"Dad, why is the smell of blood so heavy, did someone attack you?" The dark haired teen looked around while asking.

"No, okay stop, I Turned someone." Alexander said with a light sigh as they froze, becoming statues.

They were so still, not even moving to take a breath. They moved after a few moments appearing in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"Why did you turn someone else?" The girl with red hair said, her beautiful face a bit shocked.

"I'll talk to you later and answer your questions, it's almost time." He stood up and walked to the room.

*Thud* A muffled thud rang out in the room when they opened the door.

Inside, tangled up in the sheet, was a girl who appeared between twelve and thirteen with dark hair stuck to her as she looked around with a puzzled look.

"I was stabbed, and bleeding out on the ground and then..." Her voice was childlike and cute as she trailed off into silence.

"T-then..?" She looked at the four who just entered with a weird look.

"Who're you?" She struggled to untangle herself from the sheets, as she rolled to her feet.

The twenty something year old female looked at the girl with shining eyes as she appeared in front of her the next moment.

She pulled her into her embrace, with a happy smile on her face.

"This child is so cute!" She released her grip slightly and turned to face Alexander.

"We must add her to the family, I will not take no for an answer." Her face began cold as her blue eyes shone with a tinge of red.

Alexander raised his hands and nodded speechlessly.

"Okay dear we can do that, but only if she wants too, I'm sure she wants an explanation, which I cannot give if you keep holding her to yourself Cassandra."

The two teens in the room looked at the child in their mom's arms with a weird smile and shook their heads.

"Out you go, I need to speak to her, Cassandra, do you mind finding a-" He became speechless when she nodded and disappeared.

"Well she should know what I meant." He walked forward and sat down on the bed. He looked around the room, noticing a full length mirror, seven to eight feet tall and two and a half feet wide with himself being reflected back.

In the mirror was a man in a suit, with dark brown hair hanging to his neck and a face looking like it walked out of a painting.

He looked at the child who was also looking into the mirror, her small and delicate hand on her face with an expession of disbelief.

"This is me..?" She asked in a shocked tone as the man shifted his attention back to the mirror.

"You were dying, and even if you made it to a hospital, there was a chance you'd die." He looked at his reflection, staring at his eyes which were a dark brown.

"You didn't want to die, so I saved you, however you're no longer human." He said, turning his head to look at her expression.

Other than the moment of shock that crossed her face when she saw herself, her face was relatively composed.

"Are you not shocked, or angry?" He asked, a bit puzzled.

She nodded and then gave a bright smile at her reflection.

"Why would I berate you for saving my life, even if I am no longer human, I still feel like me." She said turning towards the man.

"Besides, I was the one who said I didn't want to die, so I really can't blame you." She said before her chin on her hand, adding to her charm.

"So what are you?" She said, her green eyes staring at him.

"We're vampires, well we aren't that bad, but that's just just my personal opinion." Cassandra appeared, sitting on the bed, with a cooler in hand, her blue eyes glancing at the the child.

"You're body changed, as in stories we heal faster, move faster, and are said to be stronger than humans." Cassandra opened the cooler and pulled out a blood bag.

"So it's not true?!" The child exclaimed in shock.

Alexander and Cassandra laughed as they saw her face.

"It is true, however, our bodies change when we're turned, it becomes more perfect. We become more appealing to humans, and it in fact helps us blend in with them." Alexander said with a small smile.

"However, we do burn in the sun without the witches protection."

He took the blood bag from his wife and handed it to the child.

"You'll die within two to three days without Feeding, so if you don't want to be a vampire, you can leave and wait for the time to pass, or you can drink and live forever, well unless you're killed, it's on you."

He said, placing the blood bag in the child's hands.

"However, we hope you'd rather stay alive, as there is much for you to live for."

They stood up and walked out the room at a human's pace, closing the door behind them.

'Even if I am thankful I didn't die, I'm now a little girl, and I probably won't change in appearance forever, however I've lived as a human, and experienced the good and bad of humanity, I guess I'll experience the life of a vampire now.'

She lifted the blood bag to her mouth, placing a hanging tube in her mouth.

She sucked and blood ran through the tube and into her mouth.

It tasted metallic and she couldn't help but feel it was pretty disgusting, but then that feeling faded as she sucked on the tube hungrily.

Her head spun as she fell back against the bed. Her mouth started aching.

Her teeth clenched with enough force to dent iron as a sharp pain shot through her gums.

Fangs one and a half inches long extended out as the pain faded.

Drowsiness clouded her senses and she fell alseep.

The door open and four vampires walked in, Alexander a beat quicker, scooping her up and placing her on the bed.

"You all have a younger sister, do treat her nicely." He smiled and nodded.

The two teens just smiled and nodded.

"We know, we aren't that young, don't nag." The red haired girl said, her amber eyes rolling as she walked forward and rubbed the sleeping girl's head.

The boy with hazel eyes rubbed his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"Well I always wanted a younger sibling so I'll be nice, I've wanted one for a century now."

Alexander and Cassandra snorted while Elizabeth, the red haired teen stared at him with contempt.

"Isn't it time for your marriage?" Alexander sighed and looked and the two bickering.

"Um, how about you, it's been six centuries and you never brought anyone home, no one wants to be with you forever?"

The two bickered louder until Cassandra couldn't take it anymore.

"Daniel, Elizabeth, please, if we had neighbors, I'm sure they'd hear you as well."

A low growl came out and they quieted down, but shot annoyed glares at each other.

"Lets just wait until she wakes up, and we'll decide on a name." Alexander tugged Cassandra's arm and the four vanished from the room with the sound of a gentle breeze.