
The End times

iicxralii · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1, Sasha.

Prologue- Im bolting as fast as I can. That hideous creature is following me. I'm panting out of breath, "No!" I let out a piercing cry. I throw my hands over my mouth. A trickle of sweat runs down my cheek. "This can't be the end" I think to myself bitterly. Then the memories flash back, like a flood filling in my mind. Then it grabs me.

the beginning

I awaken from my slumber. It's cold.. so cold. I got up from my bed and changed into my brown winter coat. I zipped up my coat, and wore my comfy black leather boots. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. My lime green eyes looked dull as I looked at myself in the broken cracked mirror. My purple hair looked messy. "Whatever". I say out loud to myself. I practically forced myself to go downstairs to say hi to my mom. "Hey," I say as I pressed my elbow against the counter. She doesn't respond. "I'm going to the cotyner house for patrolling." "See you I guess.." I could hear my voice cracking. "Stupid Mom" I could feel my face burning with red fury anger. "Just because of my dad..." I stepped outside , then the memories came..

Memory 1.

"Please sweetie you don't have to go outside the borders!" "You know it's dangerous" my mothers old voice ringed inside my head. "It'll be alright sweetie, I got this" My dad reassured her as he hugged me and my mother.

I felt my cheeks getting hot and my eyes becoming wet as I pushed the memory aside.

"Hey Sasha!" Danny runs to me almost slipping in excitement. "Oh hey!" I say trying not to cry. Danny is my partner/ my best friend. "You will not believe who got the job as the top patroller slash lieutenant!" He said not even taking a second to take a breath. "I think I knowwww" I say happily . "Yup! Me!" He screams. A soft smile spreads across my face. "I'm so happy for you!" He hugs me. Pulling me tight."Anyways we have some patrolling to do, let's go." We run to cotyner station and get on a horse. "Open up the borders !" Lieutenant Anna screams. We're off.