
The End of Times

It was year 2024 and everything was normal until towers and gates started showing up and monsters started coming out but Along with that came people who awakened super powers to fight the monsters Jack the only SSS ranked hunter was fighting floor 100 in the tower but died and along with his death came humanity's downfall but Jack reincarnated onto the past but this time he is in a babies body 19 years before the gates and tower appeared Will he be able to save the human race or will he die again? (I just took the image from Google if it's yours just tell me to stop using it and I will)

An_Unknown_Writer · Games
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2 Chs


I was preparing to enter the final floor of the tower. I knew I was humanities last hope if I failed, humanity would fall. I was telling my self not to think and just enter

[You have entered floor 100]

When I entered their was a giant castle in front of me I started walking to it when I entered the doors shut behind me and then I heard

"Oh looks a meal has come walking right towards me"

Suddenly I got a shiver up my spine When I heard that then I looked in front of me I saw a girl who looked like she was 10 years old and I assumed she was the boss on this floor And I said

"So you are the boss of this floor"

And she replied "Haha yes I am human I am the vampire queen and soon you will die by my hands I usually like to know the names of challengers who I kill."

I was confused challengers but I was the only one has made it to floor 100 how could their be other challengers

"What do you mean challengers I am the only one who has made it too floor 100"

"Ha you think your planet is the only one tht has tower and gates their are a bunch of planets that have towers"

I was confused multiple planets multiple planets but then I heard her voice again

"Your just an Insignificant little and in this giant game that the system made"

I refused to believe her! She was just trying to make me lower my guard so that the fight will be easier. Yes that's it she's trying to make me lower my guard.

"Enough of your crap vampire queen and just fight me already"

"Alright little meal"

Suddenly she came running at me she aimed straight for my head trying to finish it with one blow I quickly dodged and strikes back and aimed for her head but at the last moment she did a flip over me and aimed for the hand holding my sword knowing that she was trying to cut it off to make me defenseless I used my other hand to block her but the force from her sword hit my sword and it shattered my sword in my left hand and pushed me back against a wall

"Not bad human you managed to block my attack but unfortunately you lost half your health just from that one attack"

I was breathing hard and said

"Ha lets just keep fighti by I don't like talking in the middle of fights it messes up my concentration"

"Very well human if those are your last words"

Suddenly she came running at me she swung her sword at my head I put up my sword to block but then suddenly she retracted her sword at put her mouth on my neck k and started biting it and sucking my blood. Everything was slowly going black and I heard

"Not bad your blood tastes pretty good I give it a 8/10"

I laughed and everything went black

Sorry for the short chapter

An_Unknown_Writercreators' thoughts