
Chapter 1: A Shadow and an Onmyouji

"Hanzo... shall... be... vanquished."

The words that keeping echoing on Hayabusa's head. As the elite ninja of the Shadow clan, it is his duty to remain obedient to the task of his masters. He never turns down a request from them.

A few day ago, Hayabusa was requested to hunt down the Forbidden One, Hanzo. Hayabusa accepted this mission and embarked, alongside Kagura, on a journey to track down Hanzo.

While the two travel in the Land of Dawn, Miya, a distant colleague of Hayabusa, testified witnessing a suspicious ninja creating mayhem at the Kage Forest. They thanked Miya and run off to the forest.

After a few hours of sprinting, the two finally reach the entrance of the Kage Forest. Hayabusa found purple hair at the foot of the entrance, solidifying the fact that Hanzo is here. They faced each other, hold hands, and entered the forest.

After walking silently for an hour.

"Thanks to Miya, we were able to get a lead." Kagura spoke. "This forest is really dark, right?"

Kagura received no responce to the focused Hayabusa.

"Hey Hayabusa," Kagura said with a sad grin.

"Yeah?" Hayabusa replied.

"You've been silent since this whole mission started. Are you fine?" she asked.

"I'm fine." he said as he shows his condescending smile.

Kagura sighs.

"You keep on saying that, but in actuality, you are scared." she responds.

"Hayabusa... I'm getting worried," she replied.

Hayabusa looking down at her and answered...

"Don't worry, this mission will be ov-"

Before Hayabusa can finish his sentence, Kagura suddenly stopped and walking and shrieked.

"It's not the mission I am worried about!!"

Hayabusa was stunned becausd she never saw Kagura letting loose of her temper.

"It's just... The mission is... I mean..." she muttered while she slowly composes herself.

She took a deep, long breath, and released it. "I am worried about you. You were so fun back when we were still kids. You knew how to laugh, you were able to express your feelings. But when you were chosen by your masters, you... suddenly change. You are not the Hayabusa I used to know." She groaned as she let her tears fall.

As Kagura cried, a rough, yet soft hand wipe her tears.

"Kagura... I know I've changed a lot lately, but I changed because I chose it. It's not the masters' fault. I thought... that you would like the new me," Hayabusa replied while Kagura's blue eyes widen.

"I promise you, when we accomplish this mission, let's play on the top of the hill like we used to," Hayabusa says with his reassuring, low voice.

Kagura, with tears on her eyes, smiled.

Hayabusa smiled back and kissed her forehead.

Suddenly, a tree suddenly rustled alerting Hayabusa. He threw shurikens at the tree. A silhouette went down the tree and jolted away from the two

Kagura shook and spoke chilling words.

"Hayabusa... is someone... watching us?"

Hello my author name is KimikoKawa and I hope you enjoy this story. If you do enjoy the, please support me and follow my other stories.

K_O_R_E_K_I_Y_Ocreators' thoughts