
The End Of Era

Hxnnano · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Her End

The small, fluffy bird lay nestled in its nest, surrounded by a tangle of long, green branches. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the forest.

As the bird slowly began to stir, it opened its eyes and took in its surroundings. It saw the tall, green trees that towered above it, the golden rays of sunlight filtering through the leaves, and the small, wooden house that sat nestled among the trees.

The house looked like a typical witch's house, with crooked shutters and a thatched roof. It was surrounded by a lush garden filled with colorful flowers and herbs, and the air was filled with the sweet, fragrant aroma of blooming plants.

The bird took its time stretching and unfurling its wings, taking in all the sights and sounds of the forest at a leisurely pace. It was in no rush to leave the safety of its nest, content to explore the world around it at a more relaxed pace.

When it felt ready, the bird took flight, soaring up into the sky and leaving the nest behind. It flew higher and higher, its wings beating steadily as it soared through the clear, blue sky.

A small, wooden house nestled among the trees below, under the thatched roof, it was a old witch, dressed in a long, black gown and carrying a staff adorned with intricate carvings. The old witch walked over to a large, iron cauldron. She stood over the cauldron, stirring the bubbling potion with a long, wooden spoon. She muttered a low chant under her breath, her eyes closed in concentration.

As she stirred, she reached for a variety of ingredients, adding them one by one to the pot. She took her time with each ingredient, carefully measuring and adding them in the precise amounts needed.

She added a pinch of crushed herbs, their earthy aroma filling the air. Next, she added a drop of shimmering, silver liquid, and the potion began to turn a deep, shimmering blue. She continued to add ingredients, each one changing the color of the potion in turn.

The potion swirled and churned, its surface rippling with all the colors of the rainbow. The old witch watched it intently, her eyes narrowed in focus. She knew that she had to get the recipe just right, or the potion would not have the desired effect.

As the minutes ticked by, the old witch continued to stir and add ingredients, her movements slow and precise. She took her time, making sure that each ingredient was properly incorporated into the potion.

After what seemed like an eternity, the witch judged the potion to be ready. She lifted the spoon out of the pot and examined the bubbling, multicolored liquid with a satisfied smile.


the old witch shouted with a loud voice, but then she winced in pain as she accidentally hurt her waist.

"Ow, ow, ow," she exclaimed, rubbing her sore spot.

"Well, that wasn't very graceful, was it?"

she chuckled, shaking her head at her own clumsiness. Despite the mishap, she still wore a satisfied grin on her face, proud of the potion she had just brewed.

The old witch slowly made her way to the chair, her shaking hand holding the potion glass as she transferred the potion from the spoon. She had been feeling particularly tired lately, and all she wanted was to sit down and rest for a bit.

As she lowered herself into the chair, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her.

"How time has flown, it seems like just yesterday that all of this happened,"

The old witch laughed as she thought to herself, marveling at the passage of time. She mused, shaking her head.

"Yes...that day!"

"As I journeyed to the west to retrieve the legendary sword for the hero, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. I had always dreamed of becoming a hero myself, and I knew that this mission could be my chance.

But as I made my way through the treacherous mountains, I couldn't have predicted what would happen next. I stumbled upon a demon general, and after a long and grueling battle, I emerged victorious.

Feeling triumphant and proud, I made my way back to the capital, hoping to receive the glory and recognition I deserved. And when I arrived at the royal palace, I was summoned to an audience with the king himself.

As I stood before him, waiting for my reward, disaster struck. I tripped and fell to the ground, and as I did, the sword I had retrieved swung around and struck the king's hair, causing it to fall out in a clump.

That bald was really shine by the grace of light.

And then the king was furious, and I was swiftly exiled from the kingdom. As I left, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. I had journeyed to the west, defeated a demon general, and returned to the capital, only to be exiled for causing the king to go bald. It was a comical and unfortunate turn of events, but I knew that I would never forget my journey to the west."

The old witch couldn't help but laugh at the memories that came flooding back to her.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think back to the days of her youth, when she was just starting out as a trainee wizard. She remembered the long hours of training, the grueling physical and mental tests she had to endure, and the sense of accomplishment and pride she had felt when she finally completed her studies.

But her training had been just the beginning. She had traveled far and wide, seeking out new knowledge and experiences, and she had met many incredible people along the way. She had fought demons and monsters, saved countless lives, and made a name for herself as one of the greatest witches of her time.

Lost in thought, she had lived such a full and rewarding life, but it seemed like just yesterday that she had been young and full of energy.

She looked out at the garden. She saw that it had changed. The once-vibrant flowers had faded, and the once-lush grass had thinned.

She had spent sitting in this chair, gazing out at the green and fresh large forest and watching the world go by.


"I don't have to be depressed about this," the old witch declared, holding up a potion she had been working on for the past few weeks.

"After all, I have this potion. It's not a normal potion, mind you. This is a god-tier potion, and I may be the first one to have ever invented it." She chuckled to herself, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Although I'm not sure if it will work or not."

With a deep breath, she opened the lid of the potion and took a tentative sip. She couldn't help but feel a sense of fear as she drank it, knowing that it could potentially take her life. But she closed her eyes and took a deep drink, trusting in her own abilities and determination to see her through.

The potion fell to the ground, shattering into a million pieces.

she froze, her hand hovering in mid-air as she watched the potion drip down the floor.

"What is going on?"

the old witch gasped, clutching at her throat. "I can't breathe...

My body is burning inside me.

has it failed?


She frantically grasped for something on the table, trying to find a way to save herself.

But it was too late. Her head hit to the ground, her vision blurring and her head spinning. She felt dizzy and disoriented, as if her head was going to explode.

"So...this is it...,"

"This... is my end."

Feeling helpless and alone, she saw something glinting on the floor. It was her wand, the one she had used for so many years.

With a fierce determination, she reached out and took the wand in her hand.

"It felt cool and smooth, and it seemed to pulse with a faint energy." she hold it on her chest.

"May...the ice and snow be my guide, as...I unleash...my magic with pride!"

She chanted,

the room began to fill with a cool, misty fog.

Ice wrapped around her, consuming her little cottage and the surrounding forest. It grew and grew, forming a giant ice mountain that devoured everything in its path.

Then The Ice slowly consumed her, the old witch couldn't help

"Is my magic really that strong?" amazed by the power of her magic.

With a smile on her face, she closed her eyes and let the ice take her away, feeling a sense of peace and acceptance.

"My magic..it..is beautiful..."

Her consciousness faded away.

The years went by, the ice mountain grew larger and larger, consuming more and more land. The sun rose and set, and still the ice mountain stood, a frozen monolith in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes it snowed around the ice mountain, and sometimes there were raging ice storms.

But no matter what, the ice mountain remained.

The little cottage that had been the old witch's home for so many years was nowhere to be found, swallowed up by the ice mountain. And the lush, green forest that had surrounded her had also vanished, replaced by a frozen, barren wasteland.

The wind howled through the frozen landscape, whipping up snow and ice into a frenzy. The ice mountain loomed in the distance, a behemoth of frozen water.





After 1000 years later..,

Near the Mount Frostbite,

The radio crackled to life, the urgent voice of one of the soldiers cutting through the silence.

"Mayday, mayday...."

"I request backup immediately. We are under attack. Our unit has been badly damaged. We only have a few mana bullets left, and we are running short on mana."

There was a pause, and then the voice continued,

"We need help now. If we don't get support soon, we're done for."