

The girl was tired. Thought she might collapse right there on the steps of the ancient building in the middle of heaven knows where.

She didn’t know. She was too scared of the Lady to ask. And years later she will wonder why she did, when the only time she has ever seen her angry was in the presence of the few others living in the land.

And kill her for thinking it, she actually seemed fond of the girl. Or will grow to be.

Where did you send me, papa?

She huffed, telling herself that a few more and then she could rest. But the few more led to more and more until she finally managed to reach the top of the staircase, the old wood door standing tall before her.

She might have sighed in relief had the door not opened, revealing a woman-

No, not a woman. She was young, but she knew this without a doubt. She was…..she didn’t know but not human. A female. Who looked no older than her mid-twenties but the ancient look in her grey eyes said something else.

“You took longer this time, girl. I should double the punishment.”

She winced, standing up, her little legs shaking from climbing the five thousand steps up and down thrice. Thrice.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered, pushing back the hair sticking to her forehead.

Esmery sighed and moved aside, silently telling her to get inside. She might have smiled had she not been so out of breath.

She walked into the house-

Well…more of a huge room. The fireplace and couches and settees to one side, a kitchenette, a door leading to the ancient library she was told to read every book from opposite the door, a staircase in the corner of the room leading to the bedrooms.

The best part of this place was the open area in between. And the one part of the place reserved solely for the telescope Esmery owned. It always fascinated her.

And she may not know yet, but she is the only one Esmery has ever allowed to use the telescope. With her present of course. But on days when maybe she was feeling particularly nice, she would allow her to look through the glass and marvel at the beauty before her.

And Esmery would never say it, lest admit, but she saw herself in the girl. Before her life took a turn for the worse. Her father knew. Must have been the reason why he brought her here every once in a while.

When things got bad for the little one. When some days were harder than the rest.

But mostly, when she had trouble controlling herself.

Such as now. She saw it. And the girl felt it too. They looked down at her wrist, the little black veins there, slowly spreading.

Esmery moved to look at the girl and found her sapphire blue eyes, eyes with stars in them, twinkling. The night trapped within.

She nodded, taking her hand, “You know what to do.”