

December 21, 2012,

it was the day that was supposed to be the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar,

but unlike what most of the people thought, the end was not caused by the destruction of the world or some other calamity, it was caused by something else entirely,


NASA Headquarters,

in one of the meeting rooms for chief engineers and head scientists of the organization, we can see many people sitting in the chairs as the young man on the stage continued talking,

"so according to my team's analysis, the Siberian permafrost has already melted by over 70%, and in the next 48 hours, it will complete melting, releasing countless number of unknown micro-organisms into the air, aside from that, the sudden, unexplained rise in heat is also linked to the strange energy particle that we have detected in the air that was not present until last month" the handsome man of 25 years of age said,

"and what else have you found Dr. Corvinus?" the head scientist of the lunar satellite missions asked to which the now named Corvinus replied,

"We have found that the unknown energy is also starting to affect animals and plants, for example, the Venus flytrap that we had exposed to the energy began to mutate and became twice it's original size and is still growing to this minute, we had also exposed a rat to the energy, it became much more feral and just like the plant, started to grow in size , unfortunately we could not allow it to grow much bigger or risk my team's life, so we had to kill it, but that is not all, from all over the world we are receiving cases of unexplained deaths or the appearance of strange creatures and plants that are harmful to the humans" he said as the room was abuzz with conversations about the revelation,

soon the meeting was over as the director of NASA decided to inform the president and the military about the findings,

but Dr. Ryan Corvinus has failed to mention another thing, there was a case of a human being exposed to the energy in China which surprisingly led to the human developing some kind of power, but he soon died because his body was unable to handle the strain,

"hey Ryan, you coming to the Christmas party in 4 days?" asked one of his colleagues but ryan refused by saying that he had work to do,

just as all the staff of his team left, Ryan secretly entered his laboratory and walked towards a large device that looked like a particle collider,

he then walked towards his computer and started his video log,

"This is Dr.Ryan Corvinus, the date od 20' th December 2012, i have finally figured out why the human experiment with the energy dubbed as the Evo energy, short for Evolution energy, had failed, i had exposed a rat with a controlled amount of Evo energy and slowly increased the energy to such a level that the rat would evolve, but not go feral, it would seem that by injecting a controlled amount of energy, a person can attain peak physical condition and evolve without the fear of death, today, i will be testing my theory on myself, if i die in this experiment, then please note that i did this of my own will and no one has coerced me to do so, but as a former soldier myself, i cannot overlook the prospects that this energy brings, so here it goes"

he activated the machine which began to slowly glow in green color as a steady hum began to go around the room,

slowly strange energy which was green in color enveloped Ryan and created a cocoon,


and so begins the tale of the strongest hunter in the age of apocalypse