

Witnessing your loved ones pass away while you remain unchanged is a heart-wrenching experience that etches itself into the very fabric of your immortal existence. It is a pain that transcends time, a burden that weighs heavily on the immortal soul. At first, the gift of immortality may seem like a coveted blessing, a never-ending journey through life's wonders. People gaze upon us with awe and admiration, longing for the eternal youth and boundless opportunities that immortality promises. They envy our ability to witness history unfold, to accumulate knowledge and wisdom beyond measure. But what they fail to comprehend is the profound loneliness that accompanies this everlasting existence. As the years stretch into centuries and the centuries into millennia, we watch as the world changes around us. We witness the rise and fall of civilizations, the birth and death of countless generations. We become mere spectators in the grand theater of life, forever detached from the ebb and flow of mortal existence. But it is not the passage of time that weighs heaviest on our immortal hearts; it is the loss of those we hold dear. We form deep connections, forge unbreakable bonds with mortals who touch our lives, only to see them wither away like fragile petals in the wind. We watch as the light in their eyes fades, as their laughter becomes a distant echo, and as their presence becomes nothing more than a cherished memory.

 The pain of witnessing this perpetual cycle of life and death is indescribable. It is a constant reminder of our own immortality, a haunting echo of our eternal existence. We are left to grapple with the guilt of outliving those we love, burdened by the knowledge that we cannot share in their joys and sorrows, their triumphs and failures. And yet, despite the heartache, we continue to walk this immortal path. We seek solace in the fleeting moments of connection, in the brief encounters with kindred spirits who understand the weight we carry. We find purpose in using our timeless existence to make a difference, to leave a lasting impact on the world that will outlive us all. Well majority of us do, others are so out of touch with humanity it's not even funny. But still, the pain persists. The ache of loss never truly fades, for it is a part of our immortal essence. We are forever marked by the bittersweet beauty of life's transience, forever haunted by the memories of those we have loved and lost. So, while others may envy our immortality, they do not realize the true price we pay. They do not understand the depths of our sorrow, the eternal ache that will forever be etched within the depths of our hearts.