
the Emptiness

This is Nothing but my Thoughts only.

RomeG · Eastern
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This is not a Novel.

This is not a novel, nor it is a story. These are just thoughts of a man full of ideas, doubts, fear, and Loneliness. This Book covers Thoughts about Life, Religion, Racism, and Finally Philosophy, since at a young age I have always been fascinated with how or where would our souls would go after we die or do we even have a soul, to begin with, but The concept of soul is very interesting to me how do we Decide if someone is a good person or a bad person when Jesus himself Said to treat your "Slave" like your Neighbor, like having a slave is not evil but then again at this time having a slave is very normal and having a slave is not considered evil, Should we base our Good and Evil in this world on our Standard only if killing some is considered evil is it also evil if we kill a man whos a murderer, rapist, a child predator is fighting Evil with greater Evil not consider Good? This world we should always View as complicated as life, not just Black and White.

October 10, 2022

Sincerely Yours: Rome the Mad Writer

follow my IG@ VinceBisdako lets have an interesting converstaion

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