
The Silver Menace [1]

Alice woke up with a headache. The moron, Ren had waked all of them up with a very loud shout, not exactly the best way to wake up. She had to pull her body out of her body and walk to the bathroom, with a very tired expression.

She did not like this at all. She was in a team with her crush, an idiot, but a good person, with a devil, who could also be very nice, but she did not forget what he had done to her, with a cold girl, who despite her trying to do her best to stay strong, she was really scared of and a boy who was very weird.

"Get ready faster, Al-chan." Alex called out from outside the bathroom. It was getting a bit late, they had to go to class soon. " A second…" Alice called out from the bathroom, she was fixing her hair.secretly glaring at him sometimes, while Albion and Alex were discussing something about a 'real man'.

"Anyway, we leaving yet or what?" She said while looking at Ren who opened the door. The doors could only be opened using an unique card given to them by the Academy, only five copies existed, and could open the door to room 69.

"I believe our class was this way!" Alex looked slightly troubled as he pointed at the S - 2 Classroom, Albion raised an eyebrow, this was his first day at school so he didn't really know which classroom they were supposed to enter.

Ren shook his head," No it was S -3 I'm pretty sure of that." He said as he entered the classroom S-3 without caring about Alex's eventual response to his claim.

Said man pouted angrily at how he was ignored. He entered S -2 without a care. He was sure he was right, and that Ren was the one was undoubtedly wrong, Alice just rolled her eyes and grabbed him out of S-2 and into S-3.

What a fool he was.


Ren looked around the classroom, he saw that there were a total of 4 other teams besides theirs in the classroom, the one Kashmir was part of, the one his brother was part of, Rasquel, another team which was all made of girls and the final team was was made of two demi humans and 3 humans.

Demi humans were basically humans, but they had animal like additions, like a tail or ears. It is said the first demi human was born after God was tired of humanity. There were many types of demi humans, but the most spread ones were the dog and cat type demi humans.

One of their teachers entered the classroom, Ren called him Mister baldy, because he was bald. He had a shiny white head and black eyes. He was wearing a black suit, and he had a serious look in his face.

The teacher was Barxel Cersus, a retired Slayer, who was rank A before his retirement, one of the best in his peak. Ren had a lot of respect for him… Kinda. He did call him badly after all. Only in his mind though.

To be blunt, Barxel was weaker than Ren, not by much but still weaker. He still held respect for him, but he did not respect many people who were weaker than him, Laura and Albion were one of the two such cases.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I need a volunteer." Barxel said with a sarcastic tone. He pointed at a cage behind him." This is what you would call a Hollow which has been weakened to the point it can only keep the form of a Newborn Hollow, basically it's what you would call Level 1."

He finished with a cough," So I need a volunteer who wants to defeat the Hollow, of course it would be a bit dangerous to do it for free, so I am willing to give the person 15 Sol Coins." Barxel avoided his student's gaze.

'Why did the principal even make me do this urgh… Typically I wouldn't care but… Those people are not really the ones I'd like to be glared at by." He thought in his mind.

" I volunteer, Teacher Cersus." Ren held his hand up, with a smirk. At least a bit of combat would mean he wouldn't be much bored. 'I'd have to use hand to hand combat and no Exo to fight this Hollow to make it interesting.'

Barxel slightly sweated, the last person he expected to volunteer, did so. Had the sun risen the wrong side today?

"Fine then, come here Student Ren." Barxel invited Ren, as he was the only volunteer anyway. There were not many choices for him other than Ren. Said boy stood up and walked towards Barxel.

"Alright, be careful Ren, I am going to open the cage, and the Hollow will probably immediately attack you." Before opening the cage, Barxel pressed a button he held in his hand, and the area Ren was , was surrounded by walls.

"This is for safety issues, we don't want the Hollow to go on a rampage don't we?" Barxel said with a grin, the walls were transparent, so the others could see whatever was happening inside there.

Ren grinned as he took a stance, waiting for the cage to open, and the next moment accomplished his wish, as the cage was opened and the Hollow went out, it had the form of a monkey, and instead of black fur it was slightly gray, seemingly from being weakened.

It's red eyes inside the mask were slightly weaker too, which was another indication of it being weakened after weeks if not months of not eating anything to grow its power. The Hollow immediately dashed at Ren.

"Ata, boy, not so fast!" Ren grinned as he used his palm to block the Hollow's extended claws, which were not really that sharp. He then used his foot to send a kick at the Hollow, its body leaving the ground, and flying several meters away, smashing at the walls.

The hollow screamed, in a very loud voice which annoyed everyone, especially Ren who was the closest,"You goddamn Hollow…" He muttered as he dashed towards the Hollow, he was not going to let an annoying creature hurt his ears.

He performed an axe kick, his leg going downwards, slamming his heel directly on the hollow. If the first attack did not kill it, this second one was certainly not him trying to play around with it anymore.

Ren scowled," I want to play with him more, but it seems I had to finish it rather quickly." He turned his back to the Hollow, as if expecting it to die any moment now. Let's say he was wrong, the Hollow made a final jump at him, its claws out, ready to inflict a large amount of pain to Ren.

He merely smirked, as he performed a backfist, slamming his fist onto the mask of the Hollow, cracking it immediately, which was shocking as his fist was not coated in Exo Particles or anything of that sort.


Barxel groaned, this did not really show much of Ren's abilities, and it literally just boost the boy's arrogance and ego even more, which was not what he was aiming for, this was unplanned, the principal had just shoved the cage into his hands, and told him to use it on the classroom of S-3.

Him being the principal meant he couldn't just refuse him either, so he was forced to do it no matter what!

"Okay, so let's continue, open book, page 9."

"We will talk about what benefits we got from the fight a bit earlier later. For now let's focus on our school material." Barzel said as he returned to his teacher like personality. As if the battle before did not really happen.

The rest of class went up very fast, they had a few more classes, and it was over. They were finally free to do whatever they'd like to. Ren stretched his body, while the rest of his team just sighed.

"Wanna go to the library later? We might learn more about this 'team' system the principal made us join. I didn't know we formed teams so early into the year." Laura said to the rest of the team, way out of her usual personality.

Albion raised an eyebrow as he looked at her,"Do you have an headache? This is so out of your usual self!" Laura gained a 'tick' in her forehead as she said," Seems like I can't even be nice with you people thinking I'm weird."

Alex nodded, ignoring the current situation," I do think we could learn a bit from going to the library, if I remember correctly, only 2nd year students enter teams, even then they only form small teams of 3 or 4, and the students themselves get to choose who enters whose team."

Alice spoke," I have read the academy schedule, yeah that it what the academy was originally planning, but somehow it was changed a mere second before we began the year as students. It might've been Olsen who did it."

Albion apologized to Laura as he secretly sweated, feeling fear. " I…. I do think we should go to the library, Laura-chan is always right! Mhm! We need to go there!"

Ren was already leaving the classroom, heading towards the library. The others rushed towards him, not wanting to be behind him. " Wait for us!" They shouted at him, who just ignored them and yawned.


The Library in the Celestial Academy was very large, it had a collection of over dozens of tens of thousands of books, if not over a hundred thousand books. It is said that no one has ever read all of them, which was very obvious why that had never happened before, and probably would never happen.

Besides team ALARA who had stated to call themself Team Apocalypse, mainly due to their destructive power, and because ALRA sounded very ugly according to all of them, even Ren agreed with them.

They took a seat in a table and each had a book in their hand, after a lot of looking, they had found suitable books for the issue they wanted to cover.

Here is the chapter for today, I have 1 bad news...

If any of you reach the announcement in my other novel, this is a bit worse.

Today I got the news my cousins are coming to visit, and will leave tomorrow. Meaning I'll barely have any time to write... Yey. So I'm not sure If I can release a chapter tomorrow.

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts