
The Abyss Of Insanity [3]

Rei frowned, anger entering his face, after receiving the news that 3 members of his organization had died, he was in a bad mood. A really bad mood. He felt as if an important limb had been cut off his body.

" I Need you and the Second Finger to check the current situation in Valos. The Beast we are supposed to unseal there is getting kind of wild… We need you to keep him in check, we do need it's core for the rebirth of it."

Valos, just like the kingdom the Celestial Academy was part of, Midgard was one of the Nine Kingdoms of the world.

3 Kingdoms stood in each continent, which were 3 in total. The Continent Of Azalea, The Continent Of Gorbin and the Continent of Rasmosh. Each continent were close to 55 million kilometers square big, with the biggest being the Continent Of Azalea, with a total size of 71 million kilometers square and a population of around a hundred million.

The Kingdom of Midgard, which they were in was in that continent. Valos was also in the Azalean Continent, but it was not connected by border with the Midgardian Kingdom, you had to cross the Kingdom of Sarea to reach it.

First Finger chuckled," Sure, but by the time I return I want to see the new members... " The Second Finger rolled his eyes. In terms of power the First Finger was ranked third, Second Finger fifth, Eighth Finger fourth and the Sixth Finger First, while the fifth finger second

The Fifth and Sixth Finger however, were never in meetings. They usually never bothered to participate in meeting like that. However due to their power, Rei usually ignore that, the pair were almost as strong as him when put together.

That would change soon though… He would make sure of it. He would put them on their place soon. He was the only king, no one could oppose him. His Exo Power was reaching a new level…

No one could stand next to him…


Ren smirked, as his team entered the ship which was heading towards the exotic island they were going to have a small vacation in. He was wearing black glasses, and was back at 100% of his powers.

He unfortunately had no time to experiment his power on Hollows, but he had founded something way more interesting recently. Everytime he fought hand to hand, he could feel his power spike up.

He felt weird, yet that power seemed familiar. It was like Bella's Exo Power. Which made no sense… Since she was dead… right… He hoped he was right, and that she had not used some weird attack to mutate his body.

Alice yawned,"I'll go to our room in this ship, I need some sleep…"

The rest of the team nodded, she was still settling the memories of the recent situation. Alex was not doing much better, but he was at least self conscious that he couldn't be weak at this moment.

The Kingdom of Sarea. A bit smaller than the Kingdom of Midgard, didn't have Slayers, but Knights, as they liked to call them. The only difference was that Knights did not slay Hollows, they protected people from them.

It was lead by the Royal Family,a monarchy. The king was Rauel Sarea, a middle aged man, who was quite famous for bringing the end of poverty for the most of people in the kingdom. He was a smart man.

The total population was around 25. Midgard had the 2nd largest population, at around 35 million, a few millions less than the third kingdom of Valos. However they had the strongest military, so the population did not really matter.

The Military acted separately from the Slayers, they were not taught how to kill Hollows, although they could follow extra classes if they so wanted to, their objective was to protect the kingdom from other kingdoms.

Practically, they were mostly loyal to the king only, and were a different type of fighters. Slayers were more like mercenaries, while the Military was an organized network of soldiers.

Ren had meet a few Knights and Soldiers before, usually they were very cocky, despite their loyalty, he didn't really like them, usually he tried to avoid them, probably wouldn't be able to do that here though.

There was a slight difference between the Midgard Kingdom and the Sarea Kingdom. Their Religion. The Midgard Kingdom believed in several gods, which they called the Balrik Religion, while the Sarean one believed in several gods, which they called the Shinto Religion.

In terms of 'Godly Power' the Balrik Religion had more followers, but that did not really matter, because Gods did not exist. They didn't, right?

Ren himself was atheist. God wasn't here for him when his parents were killed, God wasn't there when he destroyed an entire base of innocent people, God was not there when he needed him the most.

Kashmir groaned,"Man… I wanted to spar a bit before reaching the island, but it seems there is not enough place to do so… Talk about disappointment." Albion smirked," At least I will have proper rest, and not have to have an eye always open."

His team had been forced not to join the trip, as they had been slightly injured by the aftermath of the battle with the Crimson Hands, and the sun would damage their wounds even further. It was rumored the temperature there reached up to 40 celcius degree.

It would do more bad than good to them, so it was just Kashmir and Team Apocalypse who were friend with each others, while the rest were not really friend or anything of that sort, besides Kashmir who was talking to his brother's team.

Ren looked around the ship, carefully navigating his Exo Particles outside the ship, trying to seek what trouble might hit them. He was also looking at the people who might be a threat to his team, any hidden assassin and other stuff.

Laura noticed him spreading his Exo Particles and raised an eyebrow," What are you doing,mister?" She said with a pout. " You just fought 3 S Rank Slayers, and you still want to seek more trouble?!"

Ren rolled his eyes," I just want to make sure we are safe. I never said I want to fight someone… I also want to relax sometimes."

" I can help you… relax." Laura said as she pushed her breasts into Ren's arm, who slightly reacted with widened eyes, before recovering himself with a grunt," No need for you to do that…"

Ren avoided her gaze, and Laura pouted, she had never tried to get his attention this way, but it seems this also failed. Albion smirked," Seems your sexual appeal is quite low."

"Did you say anything? Albion?" Laura said with a light smile. Albion sweated,' I don't want to fight her here, she could potentially blow up the entire ship just to defeat me…'

"No...No!! I was just saying how beautiful you are, and how much of a shame it is that Ren is ignoring your beautiful appearance!"


The First Finger was a powerful man. His Exo Power would make many get cocky and arrogant. However he did not let it get to feed his ego. He was extremely interested in Ren,his powers looked unlimited.

His partner, the strongest female member of the Crimson Hands, well now the only remaining female member, the Second Finger, was a ferocious person, she tended to rush at her enemies with everything she had.

She had curly autumn hair, which reached the middle of her back and amber eyes. She was wearing a dress which was long, but also short enough so it wouldn't mess up with her fighting. She was quite tall for a member of the female gender, at 1,90m.

The First Finger was a man with wavy black hair, which were short and violet eyes. He had a very good physique, which told the story of how much he trained, and was wearing a black trench cloak, which also included a whirlpool with red in it. He was very tall, standing at two meters.

He was also one of the strongest the Crimson Hands had ever possessed in their numbers. A S Rank Slayer, who was feared even amongst the Slayers of the same rank.

He possessed a scary Exo Power. Gravity. He could manipulate the gravity around him, which made him incredibly fearsome. Not to mention he had mastered it years ago, and now at his middle age, he was considered one of the strongest S Rank Slayers in the world.

His name was… Zero, The Gravity Master.

The Second Finger was less feared than the First, however she was still considered one of the strongest female S Rank Slayers in the world, her Exo Power was also just a bit weaker than that of Zero's.

It was Dimensional Travel. Meaning she could use the Space Realm to teleport everywhere she wanted, thus making her and Zero a fearsome and terrifying duo. Her name was Tania, a Slayer who had slaughtered her entire academy.

The duo were currently in another ship, heading towards Valos, however they first decided to take a short vacation on the island Ren and the Celestial Academy was heading towards… Ironic.

They did not know what was waiting for them… not at all… Ah the joy that 'he' would receive…


Ren Yawned as he swam in the ocean, relaxing. It had been ages since he ever did something like this… He was not even using his Exo Particles so check his surroundings… ' I mean what can happen in here? The Academy is protecting us anyway…'

He rolled his eyes, none of the members of his team were nearby, they were all in different parts of the ocean, and there were so many people in the ocean, there was no point in even bothering to try finding them.

He just had to relax… What could possibly go wrong?

Shorter chapter, 1675 Words.

Sorry I caught a cold, my throat is really sore so I'm struggling to write.

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts