
Ancient Temple - Hollows [3]

"Your left side!" Ren shouted at Albion who grinned and slammed one of his swords at a Newborn Hollow, defeating it. "Alice, look at your back!" Ren shouted again, and the redhead took care of the hollow.

"Dammit... Ren as usual you are a great leader!" Albion smirked, how much had he missed his best friend? Words probably couldn't describe it. He was really smart, and good at giving commands.

"Stop complimenting me and focus on the hollows, you idiot!" Ren yelled as he cut a Hollow with his sword, coated in Void. " Hole Of The Abyss, Follow Of Purgatory, Consume!" He shouted as his sword absorbed another Hollow.

"Also.. Why are you yelling random sentences?" Albion said with an eyebrow above the other, with an confused look on his face. " Just shut up and focus! You moron, I Don't have time to talk to you. Besides it's kinda cool." Ren said the last part with a very low voice.

"Leave him alone, Albion, just like he said, focus on your hollow!" Laura said as she kicked a hollow again, in her hand, she was holding two black knives, which were per Slayer Weapons, she had two, or technically 3. She had her body, which was extremely tough, and a pair of knives which were made for cutting through bodies.

Her Exo Power was 'Darkness' she was capable of manipulating darkness, which raised her stealth to another level. Albion was Light, she was Darkness, Ren was Void, Alice was Wind and Alex was Fire, they were a very crazy combination, one could say so.

Ren had thought of a few combination they could reach, technically Light could not combine with Darkness, Fire with Wind had a very good combination, Void technically could not combine with any, but technically also could.

Light might be capable of combining with both fire and wind. It would take a bit of time for Ren to think of all combinations, and it clearly was not the time to have his mind elsewhere, as he was in thoughts, a hollow jumped at him, with it's mouth open.

Ren just side looked at it before using his foot to kick it, cracking it's mask open. A smirk escaped his lips, it was as if he was just toying with the hollow, and knew when and how it would attack him.

"Does this temple even have an end…?" Complained Alex as he punched a Hollow away, note, punched away, his power was too weak to one-shot a Hollow. Ren had already ranked his teammates.

1st was him, 2nd was Albion, 3rd was Laura, 4th was Alice and 5th was Alex. While the ranking might make some think that Alex or Alice were weak, it was not really true. IT was just that the top 3 were all trained to kill, humans and Hollows alike.

Honestly, Ren, if he was to rank then by their level, they'd be very weak, but by the normal human level, they would be very highly rated. When he fought Alice earlier, he was judging her by 'his' levels.

"Be careful, Ren! Look before you!" Laura yelled as she saw that Ren was not really focusing in his mind, however she did not expect for him to barely dodge, and place a palm on the fur of the best,"Sleep,Void." He muttered as his palm bursted out with a massive amount of Void Energy, Exo Particles flying around.

The Hollow growled, and the next moment it exploded, Ren smiled," Such a beautiful sight." He laughed loudly as he pulled out a small knife, and threw it at another hollow, which pierced it's mask, skull and brain.

"Let's move forward, if we stop here we are probably going to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Hollows. I just don't understand, why are there so many Hollows? No normal average team of Newborn Slayers can deal with them!" Alex complained. While he was a well trained Newborn Slayer, this truly was stressing.

"Probably to punish us for our laziness, or just that shitty principal trying to kill us, maybe he hates one of us?" Ren chuckled as he slashed one Hollow with a blade he pulled out from his sleeves.

Laura coldly snorted, and stabbed a Hollow with her knife as she ran forward," Those Hollows don't plan on leaving us alone for the moment. Can I use my Darkness power to destroy all of them…"

Ren was the only one who was focusing on hearing her, he chuckled," Do you want to blow up the entire Temple? We don't want that. Besides, you need to control your powers more than before, otherwise you'd endanger the students."

Laura snorted and despite hearing Ren, she slightly still wanted to do that. This was really far too annoying for her, restricting her own powers, for what…? For what reason?

But if her crush said so, she'd do so. Not that she disliked taking orders from him…

Albion snorted as he dodged a Hollow attack," Let's just rush as fast as we can, I'll use my Light Power to speed us up, just hold onto the rope I'll create." He extended his arm forward, and 4 ropes of light burst out, each connecting to his teammates, curving around their waist.

"Just hold it for safety issues." He said, and the others nodded, holding onto it tightly. "Let's go! Albion The White Lion going forward!" He grinned to himself as he started running, with an absolutely unbelievable speed that is

In a mere moment, they had reached the core of the temple, which to say looked really magnificent, and had this aura which made others feel awe, statues in each side, and in the middle, was a throne, covered in jewelry.

"The throne of Almur Wurudas, the First Emperor of the Barthian Empire, an empire long forgotten in the history." Ren snorted, what was the meaning of this…

"Supposedly, his castle, his throne was not supposed to be here. It's supposed to be in the Barthian Museum, close to the Barthian Palace, how did this Ancient Temple send us here?" Ren frowned, if there was a use of space Exo ability, he'd have noticed it.

Suddenly he heard a growl. "A F rank Hollow." He muttered as he made several hand signs to give his friends a warning. If he louded, it would just be for the worst. His teammates nodded, despite not being taught a lot of hand signs, Alice and Alex came from rich families, so they knew what some of those mean.

Ren suddenly unsheathed his sword and swung it, the sheer power of it created a wave, it was colored dark purple, meaning it was Void Exo Particles, which shot at the F Rank Hollow, which was about 8 meters tall, and 3 meters thick.

His wave itself was very long, and it was powerful too, the F Rank Hollow, which looked like a large disgusting monster roared, it almost dodged the attack, only getting hit by the tips of it. However that was enough to chop one of its arms.

"Finish it quickly! F-Rank Hollows have the ability to regenerate if given enough time! We need to finish this quickly!" Ren shouted. Every Hollow could regenerate given enough time, but F Rank Hollows could to it far faster than your usual Hollow.

If you have it a minute, it probably would have enough time to regenerate its entire arm, which was not good for them. Alice decided to act first, she summoned a gust of wind, pushing the Hollow away, despite her fear of seeing such a powerful Hollow, she was acting strong.

The hollow growled, it's mouth slightly opened and they could feel Exo Particles gathering around its mouth. " That's a Hollow's ability, to gather the particles of evil, to form compressed balls of Exo!"

There was no clear name for it, But some called it Sphere Of Evil, because it had the shape of a sphere, and was accumulated with evil Exo Particles.

'Evil' Exo particles were born out of negative human emotions, which directly boosted the power of the Hollows. The total human population in the world is estimated to be around 250 million, which directly meant that a quarter of it at the very least, were feeding Hollows negative emotions.

"Be careful!" Alex shouted as he started to jump, trying to dodge the attack, the others did the same, well besides Ren who laughed loudly, if not for knowing him, Laura and Albion would think he was crazy, just like Alice and Alex.

"Are you crazy?! Retreat!" Alice shouted, she was about to run and grab Ren away, but Laura stopped her. " Leave him, he'll deal with this." She said with a shake of her head. She was confident on her crush.

Alice raised an eyebrow, but she could not shake her grip, she could just growl and look at the scene ahead of her. Despite what Ren had done to her, she could not ignore a person in need of help.

What she saw stunned her, Ren was smirking, even at the last moments, when the Sphere Of Evil almost hit him.

"Bring Death, Soul Reaper." Ren muttered softly, and swung his sword in a very slow manner, as if the attack was not that serious at all. The tip of the sword was pointed at the Sphere Of Evil.

"Explode." He said in a bit higher tone, the tip of the Soul Reaper started to change color to dark purple, it was coated in Void. The tip faced the Evil Sphere, what happened next, was totally incredible.

The Sphere was pierced just by the sheer Void, which had compressed itself in that tip, which required incredible control over Exo Particles, that amazed Alice and Alex, the two others less, as they were used to the craziness of Ren.

The Evil Sphere which was pierced, lost most of its power, and bounced off to a corner of the hall, leaving a small hole onto the ground. The hollow growled and looked at the Slayer In Training, before rushing at him with another Evil Sphere at his mouth.

" You really think I'll allow you to use it again?" Ren chuckled as he raised one of his hands, and shouted," Scream!" A burst of Exo Particles came out of his palm, which immediately turned into Void, which shot at the Hollow.

The hollow had little time to react, as it was blown to nothing by the sheer amount of Void. With that, Ren grinned and laughed loudly.

This was a lot of fun.

That, he did accept.

Chapters are going to become smaller and smaller, until I reach the middle, 1,5k or somewhere in between, but no smaller than 1,4k.

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts