
A Hint Of What is To Come [2]

Olsen was relaxing in his office, drinking coffee made by his secretary, a woman in her mid twenties.

His secretary was very beautiful, with long silky blond hair and blue eyes, and a black suit for work. She was telling him of the recent news.

"So Ren-chan meet Alice-chan, and Alice-chan lost, and was left behind broken. Seems Ren-chan did something bad to her~." Olsen said playfully.

"I've decided~ We are going to put the two of them together in a team~ Now I just got to decide on the 3 other teammates for them, Erza-chan, help me with the Exam too…" Olsen wiped out a fake tear.

"Master Ols, are you really sure that the Hollow Extermination Exam is a good way to create teams in the Academy?"

Erza said with one eyebrow higher than the other, doubting her master's judgement. He clearly was not very sane in his head right now.

"Ehhh, I want to test something new! Besides, I'm pretty Sure Ren-Chan can handle a few Infant Class Hollows!"

Somewhere else, Ren sneezed.

Olsen had a serious expression in his face as he said the next sentence.

"This is going to be a very new and fresh experience to the Academy! We might get stronger Slayers than the other years…"

Erza just looked at him, without a clear expression in her face. She was still thinking about how dangerous this could potentially be to the new students, to the new Newborns who barely knew how to use a sword.


Ren entered his dorm room, it was rather simple, with a bookshelf and a bed, and lots of free space for him. He put his bag down in a corner and jumped into his bed, very relaxed. He put his sword next to his bed and thought about what happened today.

"My opinion on the Academy has changed… This is WAY too interesting. Destroying one's soul, toying with a person's powers… Ahhh Soul Reaper, my sword… We have soo much interesting stuff to do!"

He raised his arm up and formed a fist with his hand, as if grasping something.

"Soon… Soon… Hollows. You shall face your end. By my hand, by my sword, you will face your true fate, extermination."

He took out his clothes and was almost naked, just in his boxers, revealing his well built body. Eight pack abs and well developed muscles. It was practically the body most male's strived for. And Ren trained the shit out of himself to achieve this body.

"Day One, Over."

And so, he fell asleep. Slightly tired, with an excited grin in his face. Something told him, that this was going to be a very awesome adventure.


Ren woke up with a comfortable expression. Those beds weren't half bad after all. He was used to sleeping in an uncomfortable bed, as he always was in the move, due to his previous job as a Mercenary.

"Day Two, Begin."

He stood up, brushed his teeth, took a bath, wore his leather armor together with some clothes, and fixed his hair slightly.

It was time for the first period, his first class.

"Weapons and Tools."

Any Slayer had to have at least a basic idea of what Weapons and Tools were suitable for them. Ren was comfortable with most types of weapons, and tools were required to dissect a Hollow's body, if required.

They could also potentially save one's life, as there were Medic Tools, Tools used to build…

And a Slayer needed immense knowledge for them, because they could potentially be their future companions in life.

Ren himself used several weapons besides his most trusted one, the Soul Reaper. However, he typically used those weapons and tools for killing only, that's why he didn't use any of these in the due yesterday.

He walked towards his Class which read :

Class S - 3

He opened the door to the classroom and entered, no one was here yet, he took a random seat next to the windows, and made himself comfortable, taking out a book and a notebook if necessary, of course, all taken from his bag.

He started reading the book, to take out a bit of his boredom. It did not take long for other students to arrive. The classroom was slowly filled, and amongst the students was Alice, who after seeing him, started to avoid him, and his gaze.

Ren smirked. His speech yesterday would probably influence her for the rest of her life. He liked that. There was no place for weak willed people amongst Slayers. Slayers were supposed to be the nemesis of Hollows.

They served no other purpose. Amongst the other students, he did notice a few figures who seemed to be above the others. This made him sneer. Especially one of them, who had this aura of sunshine around him.

Those people were the first to fall in the battlefield. Ren bet that they wouldn't even last a year here, let alone graduate.

He had heard that to actually graduate Year 1, they'd have to fight Hollows, afterwards they'd have to be put in one team, of five. Let's say Ren was really not happy to hear that. He prefered to fight alone, he was stronger and more comfortable alone.

It was time for the class to start, as the Teacher entered the class. The teacher of this class was a middle aged man, with a long mustache, black hair with a few white and gray mixed in it, and wearing a black suit, he was around 1,89m.

Ren himself was not really that tall, but tall enough for his age, standing at 1,79m. The teacher looked at the new students as if observing their reaction.

"My name is Arthur Cerlinton. I am your new teacher in this class. I'll teach you about the weapons and tools every Slayer needs to know about, and use sometimes."

As he was speaking, he pulled out a curved blade, it had no handle and it was just a curved blade, with a small hole in the middle.

"This is what I call the 'Judge' although it might look dangerous to even hold, it is even more dangerous for whoever is attacked with this."

In total there were 6 classes he had to participate in today, time flashed quickly, and at the end of the 13th hour of the day, he had finally finished academic work for today. He released a tired sigh.

"Who knew school could be so difficult and tiring…"

He decided to go to a nearby restaurant and eat and drink something. He really wanted a cool dinner for himself. Nothing more relaxing than some good ole steak together with some Coke.

Nothing more relaxing than that… Well besides the fact that someone had decided it was the best day to rob the restaurant.

Five men had stormed into the restaurant, all covered in a mask, and with automatic rifles and guns. Ren sighed. Bullets weren't going to really harm him in anyway, but it was annoying to deal with so many bullets. They still hurt a lot.

One of the five criminals shouted," Everyone! Don't Move! Take all of your money out and let the other four gather them! Anyone who moves is going to get a bullet to their guts!"

Every other person was very scared, and started to take out any amount of money they had, well besides Ren. One of the criminals aimed his gun at him and noticed he was not pulling out any amount of money.

"Take out your money you idiot! Or do you prefer dying?! I wouldn't mind killing one of you, haven't done that in a while." The criminal yelled at him, and walked towards him, and was preparing to slam his weapon into Ren's head.

However, unexpectedly, his weapon just went past by his body, as if it was jelly. He had dodged. The criminal was very pissed and decided to shoot a bullet or two at him.

He pulled the trigger, and time seemed to have slowed down, Ren moved his eyes for a fraction of a second, and moved his body slightly, and dodged the two bullets, before sending his fist flying directly at the criminal, who was also sent flying several meters away.

Before any of the other 4 could register what happened, he suddenly dashed forward, kicking one of them with his foot, threw a knife and stabbed one of them in the heart, punched another one, and grasped another one by his neck and breaking it a moment later.

"Don't move!" He sighed, seems they had protection, the one who was stabbed by a knife was still alive, probably had some kind of an armor underneath his chest, saving him from dying.

" I have an hostage!" He was holding a middle aged woman next to him, one hand at his gun and aiming it at her head.

Ren took a deep breath. As an Slayer he had the duty of destroying Hollows only. He didn't have to risk his life to save some innocent people. He extended his arm towards the couple and looked at them with a emotionless face.

"Sorry lady, but my main job is not to help innocents, it's to defeat the criminal."

He said, as he waved his hand, rendering the gun of the criminal useless, as it was cut in two by a dark purple mix wave of Exo.

"M...Monster…" The criminal shouted as he backed away, and started running towards the exit.

"You really shouldn't leave your back wide open like that."

Ren said as he took a gun from a nearby criminal corpse and pulled the trigger, aiming at the criminal's head. He killed him in one shoot.

"All objectives defeated or killed." He said as he returned to his table, and continued his steak and drank his coke.

"Man… I can't even enjoy a single dinner peacefully. Now my clothes are covered in a bit of blood too. Stupid criminals." He didn't even notice the weird gaze the people gave him, it was of fear.

Soon the cops came, and he was forced to leave, to start investigation. They didn't even notice he was the one who killed them all, all but one of course! Ren was not as stupid as to not leave a single one alive, they needed information!

But that was up to the police to find out, not his job. It was time to end the day for him. He took out a card, which flashed the door to his dorm room open, and yawned.

"Day Two, Over."


"Ren is really being a huge pain in the ass… Appearing in the news. What a guy.." A young looking man smiled as he looked at the TV, where it was being shown Ren defeating the criminals, and killing a few of them.

The young man had curly black short hair, which extended just beyond his ear, and blue eyes. He was wearing a white T-Shirt and black pants. In one word, casual. He was wearing casual clothes.

"Well, his luck has never been the best when it comes to stuff like this. Well it's more like the criminals were unlucky. To strike a place where Ren is? That's like asking to die. Pretty sure Ren would've been glad to kill them if they so desired."

Another voice showed up, this time a teenage girl. She had long silky dark black hair which reached the middle of her back, and azure blue eyes. She was wearing a beautiful black dress, which really suited her.

"What brings you here, Laura? Weren't you completing your Mission in Gaia?"

The young man said with a bored look. He didn't seem to really like the teenage girl, Laura. She smiled slightly and replied.

"I did complete it. Nothing special, didn't take much effort. Boss just making a big deal out of it. Ren would've completed it far faster and easier than me,"

"Aww, as usual, you love him a lot~ Don't you?" The young man smirked, and teased her. A red blush appeared in her cheeks. "That's not true! Albion don't pry into my private matters!"

"Yeah Yeah…" Albion smirked even further.


Ch.3 Finished.

I hope you enjoy it. I'm still stuck on Ch.5, but I'm almost done with it. I'll try to post chapters daily, but no promises.

~School starts tomorrow so that just made my time more limited, as I'll have to waste 5h there, 2 more hours potentially if I go to private class... 7h wasted on school.

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts