
The royal banquet

***time skip

The day of the royal banquet, the village was busy decorating every nut and cranny of the town. The weather was nice, the sun was shining and no clouds were seen in the ocean blue sky. Ray was almost as busy as the villagers combined. She had the clean her part of the royal palace along with helping the Empress with her ball gown. Needless to say, she was a bit exhausted by the time she was walking the the Empress chambers. By the time she was at the door her friend Willam (a butler to the Empress) caught up with her

"Oh Ray!..What a pleasant surprise to see you here!"

William says enthusiasticly. Ray nods and smiles nervously

"O-oh!..I didn't know you were here today, I thought you were decorating the banquet hall?"

William nods and takes the information in,

His eyes go wide as Ray mentions the decorating of the banquet hall

"W-wait!..i-i forgot I had to help decorate the banquet hall!"

He says, panicking slightly making all of the other maids and butlers give him a slight annoyed look

"Oh!..you best be on your way to help decorate then, you might get a punishment from the head butler if not!"

Ray says quickly in response as William rushes of


He says, a good distance away from Ray now