
The Employer Husband

In The Modern Materialistic society, Money is the only Friend Known to Men, but what happens if it is the only thing you want in your life? Explore the story of our Ever-so-hardworking and self-reliant Protagonist Ami, who loves nothing in this world more than money. To overcome her financial crisis and advance in her career she had to participate in a nationwide search for "True love" for a Billionaire's Son Keith Hennings or I would rather say a search for an obedient dutiful employee posed as a wife for the rest of her life. Discover What motivated these characters to take these steps to fulfil their desires and how far they can go to overcome the obstacles in their way. What does faith have to offer to these fated lovers who are in this relationship only for the sake of their individual goals? Will they ever fall for each other?

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The disastrous life of Ami Yang

Every day is the same as the one before for Ami Yang, a young woman in her mid-twenties with average looks and height and a chaotic Aura that surrounds her.

"Queen of misfortune", "Clumsy Ami" and "Walking Chaos" are a few of the nicknames given to Ami throughout her life by friends, colleagues and family, but the only weapon Ami has in her arsenal is her big doe eyes that can even melt the toughest of hearts as she thought while being young. These magical eyes don't seem to work in the real world.

She is an optimistic woman who always hopes that with her hard work and determination she can change her circumstances one day.

She works as a personal secretary for the Chief Editor of the newspaper "The Liberty".

Mr Suzui, the Chief Editor of "The Liberty" is a middle-aged grumpy man who rules the office with his iron fist and keeps all the staff on their tippy toes, especially Ami. The staff is stunned at how Ami maintains her sanity while working alongside him. It's like He finds new ways every day to make Ami's life miserable, well to be honest Mr Suzui made everyone's life miserable in the office.

It's not like she loves being tormented by him every day but she had no choice, she can't leave this job, first of all, this job helps her to pay the bills with her level of education. secondly, she is the only breadwinner for her family.

Ami's family consist of her mother Misty Yang and twin half-siblings, Shoyo and Maya who are 14 years younger than her. Ami's mother used to work multiple jobs to support her family but now she only takes care of her younger children Shoyo and Maya, as Ami insisted she stop exhausting herself over multiple jobs.

Ami's father is out of the picture as he left her mother for another woman when Ami was 10. For many years little Ami thought that her father is the reason for her mother's suffering so she developed a hatred toward all men.

But then Hormone Monster knocked on her door and she became hopeless romantic just for a little time.

She might have had some crushes here and there while growing up but she was too afraid to ask them out for a date because of the anticipatory fear of rejection.

If anyone else gathered some courage to ask Ami out, she just turns them down as she does not have time for relationships with boys.

Also, to be honest, We never like the men who ask us out, We want those men who are not even aware of our existence.

But She used to live in her twisted fantasy, daydreaming about men way older than her, until she realized that she might have some underlying daddy issues.

So she took the matter into her own hands and came up with a master plan of avoiding all men and teenage boys until she has a well-established career and higher social status and now she didn't want any man in her life.

Her brain associates men with misery.

Ami might have gone to a better college but her mother can not afford that also the fact that she's always been a mediocre student.

Ami always has this big smile on her face. Maybe it is just a facade she had, to keep people away from seeing her true self or she's just a happy person, who knows but only her.

She lives in a Rundown Apartment in the city with her roommate and good friend Liu. She wants to have an apartment all for herself but her salary does not support this.

It's not like she hates living with Liu, but Ami loves privacy more than anything. Her utmost desire is to come to a home with no one there to interrupt as she takes the stress of the day off from her mind by sipping some hot tea. Liu is a very nice person to live with, Ami thanks God every day for giving her such a wonderful Roommate cum friend like Liu.

Liu is a 22 years old girl with average height and exceptionally beautiful facial features to compensate for the lack of height. When Ami first saw Liu she was left enchanted by her beauty, and thought if she was a little bit tall she had a good chance to get signed by any renowned Modelling Agency.

She is the polar opposite of Ami, Liu is an Eye as well as a Mind candy with a seemingly perfect life that can make any woman jealous. She works as a part-time waitress in a Maid Cafe and is a University student with a major in mathematics.

The only thing Ami hates about Liu is, that she is just another person in Ami's life to take care of, Ami plays the role of a big sister for Liu as well. Despite having it all, this woman is completely dependent on Ami for the smallest things in her life. Waking her up for the classes, preparing breakfast for her and even doing her laundry sometimes are just a few things Ami does for her. Liu is a slob but she had proven herself helpful to Ami on various occasions in the past.

So she usually ignores her behaviour to some extent.

The staff at the office consists of your average overworked and underpaid employees who love badmouthing about the boss behind his back. They are nice to Ami but love to watch Ami failing miserably to escape their Tyrant boss's scoldings.

Day in and day out Ami lived this lifestyle for almost one and a half years now since she had left her hometown. She had gotten used to her hectic life and the obstacles she had to tackle every day.

Sometimes She wants to have a vacation so she can escape from her daily life just for a few days but she can not afford this luxury.

Her monochromatic life had taken a drastic turn when He entered her life, her new Mysterious Employer and Husband "Keith Hennings".