
The Employed Empress

"An empress is employed! While the Imperial noble consort is the true love, ah!" What's so bad being a subordinate? As long as you do your work properly, you'll be paid and still have time to play. Responsibilities? we have our boss for that! if things go wrong they'll hold the sky for you. Don't want to? Ayaya, point your fingers to them and people will hold them responsible for you. If there's something, just say you don't know while redirecting the problem to them. When bad things come, you hold their thighs. Be a good underling and boss will shield you from the rain! Such simple logic! "Luckily the emperor is a good and powerful boss!" Wei Yi Yi happily plans how to make him take all responsibility to her ploys. ----- Tags #femalelead #slowprogression #slowromance #sliceoflife #flawedcharacters #GLpairing #BLpairing #ShounenAI #ShoujoAI ^because I like people guessing multiple shippable chara (evil laugh)

Xiao_yue · History
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194 Chs

Chapter 5: Love is Madness

Wei Yi Yi thought, if she was in a different setting, stuck in a meeting with this bunch of brats, she would blankly draw her phone, zone out everyone and level up.

"Aaaahh..." A soft cry jolted the empress back from her fantasies. Wei Yi Yi unconsciously straightened her back in attention.

"Imperial cocunbine Su..You....You actually dare?!"

The Concunbine beside Concunbine Su shockingly pointed at her sleeves. Disbelief written all over her small and pretty face. As cocunbine Su is reaching to accept the empress' favor, her sleeves was for everyone to see.

Resounding gasps resound inside the hall. On cocunbine Su's sleeves and hem, they saw a lifelike embroidered peony. It was so beautiful and eye catching. The color red look so bright as if it was bleeding.

"How dare you?! If us mei mei did not witness, who would know you actually have a poisonous heart that dare to challenge the empress authority!"

Someone shouted as if she was an ally of justice.

In their Da Xian Dynasty, including the symbol of a dragon and a phoenix, the peony flower have long been the symbol of the royal family. In the entire empire only the empress could have the image of a bright red peony. This king of flower is only worthy to be wore by the mother of nation! If it is anyone else, they would be tainting this beautiful and proud poeny.

Finally seeing what's happening, Cocunbine Su felt the desire to faint. This! everyone is bullying her! Just because the emperor flip her jade table and they can't do anything to imperial noble consort Ye. They fear the powerful yet bully the weak.

"Empress..My empress, this concubine does not dare! Does not dare! This robes are bestowed by the emperor. Someone must have done something to it! Someone has to be framing this cocunbine! Empress please bestow justice!"

Everyone eye sharpening as gears running on their minds at full spead. If they could get rid of someone they must not let them off no matter what!

"Concunbine Su this words are not proper. Are you saying that the emperor has a mind to demote the empress?"

"To actually saw discord between the empress and the emperor, Concubine Su do you think you are worthy?!"

Concunbine Su started kneeling and crying and shouting and acting pitiful. The others then started throwing knives, shouting there and here. Logic flew out of the window. It is true that someone could kill without stabbing someone ah!

Was the inner palace always this chaotic? I want peace! Do you guys even want me to introduce who's peace?

The emperor collect thousand upon thousand of beauties and cage them inside to be nothing but decorative vase. If you were to ask her, this vases has long crack and have edge to them, prickling everyone till they bleed.

And all of this just for the favor of a single man.

One man! One, ok?! What the heck happened to the population? We run out of males out there? Did you not hear that those things are hard to kill? Did you send them all out to the border? I thought we are at a peaceful dynasty!

She muster all her will power to stop from vomiting. They actually pick up a stick that poke so many holes! To poke themselves too!

Bunch of idiots who run out of men!

Her mother always thought that her daughter lost all interest to the other sex because of her buddies and might be lesbian. The truth is that Wei Yi Yi is way too sensitive about third wheels.

She wanted her man to only have her in his eyes. To see her as his world. Who said that obsession and possessiveness is not love? If it not madness then it is not love!

Even in the modern world where monogamy is practice, she see many marriage end up in divorced. She sees her buddies exchange one girlfriend to another. Even though they showed her such lovely gaze in their eyes. With soft voice and a smile on their face they would tell her that love is such a great thing. That she should also find hers.

And yet they would fight because of another person. It would end up in unresolve jealousy. Finally they would start lying where they are or who they are with. It was as if they were out there to take revenge to each other.

In the end, no matter how much they claim to love each other, they will still break up. It was then that she realized that people leave.

And this is why 'Wei Yi Yi' is such a loser! Despite being similar to her, this girl did not know how to simply not give such heart! In this world where a harem exist, she dare! She have guts, ok! She'll give her that.

Seeing this chaotic harem that she left with her, no matter how much she endure, she still end up cursing! Ahhhh you should forget about reincarnating! Come back here and clean up your mess or else don't blame this brother from asking your soul from yama!

"Enough." Without giving them a chance, she continue, "Concubine Su please hand over this gifts that his majesty bestowed upon you. Bengong will investigate this matter. Those who should be punished shall be punished according to the rules and what rightfully yours shall be return. Don't make troubles for bengong. Return to your chambers."

Finishing her speach, Wei Yi Yi run away from the trouble.

writing about cocunbines is hard

Xiao_yuecreators' thoughts