
The Employed Empress

"An empress is employed! While the Imperial noble consort is the true love, ah!" What's so bad being a subordinate? As long as you do your work properly, you'll be paid and still have time to play. Responsibilities? we have our boss for that! if things go wrong they'll hold the sky for you. Don't want to? Ayaya, point your fingers to them and people will hold them responsible for you. If there's something, just say you don't know while redirecting the problem to them. When bad things come, you hold their thighs. Be a good underling and boss will shield you from the rain! Such simple logic! "Luckily the emperor is a good and powerful boss!" Wei Yi Yi happily plans how to make him take all responsibility to her ploys. ----- Tags #femalelead #slowprogression #slowromance #sliceoflife #flawedcharacters #GLpairing #BLpairing #ShounenAI #ShoujoAI ^because I like people guessing multiple shippable chara (evil laugh)

Xiao_yue · History
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194 Chs

Chapter 3: Even in this lifetime

The ones who have a claim on the throne is the Empress' son and the eldest son. In the end, with the Prime minister's help, Jiang Yu, as the eldest prince, was declared Crown Prince.

'Wei Yi Yi' reckless pursuit land her on being Jiang Yu's fiancee. Finally, when he ascended as the emperor, he married her as the Empress.

It was of a political marriage.

When he married her as his empress, he sent her the phoenix robes, crown, and seal. Signifying her identity and position. Declaring to the nation that he acknowledged this empress of his. And that was all.

The token of affection that signifies the emperor's love was nowhere to be found. Even though that what matter the most to 'Wei Yi Yi'.

And even after a year being married they have yet to consummate their marriage.

No wonder this brat died of heartbreak!

The current Wei Yi Yi flips a table in annoyance.

25 years! She died a virgin and be reborn as a virgin! What a joke! Even in this lifetime, she's in 'old lady' category! Fudge those bros of mine probably curse me one or another because I'm a lot more handsome than them.

'Should I finally walk the corrupted path?'

Glancing at the cute lady at the side, her desire on just having a girlfriend intensify.

"Your ladyship, why are you looking at this servant?"

She thought, how should she communicate? The way they talk is complicated and poetic. Although she spent her entire youth reading, she can't actually recite lines nor speak them. Being a binge reader is a serious sickness in where you read and read and not munching the info.

"Do I have some kind of sickness?" Wei Yi Yi asks carefully after thinking for a while. She kinda realized that 'Wei Yi Yi' does not talk much and not verse in poetry as she is busy stalking her man throughout her youth.

Tang Mei show shock and then sadness in her eyes.

"Your Ladyship, please do not grieve."

Please do not speak parts by parts. Where's the continuation, ah.



While Wei Yi Yi is busy to try to communicate with the pretty lady. Rumors are going around that the empress turns crazy with grieve.

The consorts cheer and snort in their hearts and at the same time, the imperial doctor is being summoned by the emperor.

"How was Zhen's empress?"

Greeting the emperor properly, the imperial doctor replied, "Replying to your majesty, as this servant see, Her Majesty is suffering from heart disease. She cannot be agitated and required a lot of rest."

Jiang Yu massage his creased brows. There comes a day that that woman actually end up this weak?

"Your majesty please be at ease. This servant prescribes the most efficient medicine. Her Majesty will return to her previous vigor after a few months."

"Hmm. Zhen understand. You may leave."

After the imperial doctor excuse himself, the emperor stops thinking about Wei Yi Yi as he already shows enough concern. He continued to read the memorials and then flips a jade tablet when night time approached.


"Yi Yi wake up! come on and wake up!"

She reaches for her phone and when it shows four am, she ignores the jerk and continued sleeping.

"Drag her on her feet so that she'll wake up."

Another jerk came inside her room and suggest a cruel thing.

"Come on Yi Yi, we need to jog first before we go to the court."

"I say, just drag her and throw her in the bath and we'll be on our way in a bit."

"My alarm hasn't even ring yet!!"

Wei Yi Yi violently woke up while throwing the covers.

"Your Ladyship? What's wrong?"

Tang Mei timidly call out outside the room. Wei Yi Yi turns silly as she remembered that she was not at their home.

"What time is it?"

"Replying to your ladyship, it is the time of Yin."

Yin? What yin? It was heartbreaking when you realized that you don't listen to class or that you're too old to remember them.

"Help me change."

Tang Mei help her mistress change while doubts bloom in her heart. After that, she was drag outside.

"Your ladyship, where are we going."

"Just outside."

"May this servant ask for the reason? Your ladyship, it's still dark outside."

The palace in which the empress dwells is indeed big. Just the courtyard is good enough for her to jog around.

Ignoring the shock of her little maid, she runs till she was breathless and her mind blank.

In the end, it made Tang Mei so anxious she block her way to stop her. En, this era is indeed lax, ok.

Before running off to get some refreshments, her little maid keeps telling her to stay still.

'How do I go back if I don't know how I get here?'

Did she unlock some achievements after finishing that batch of translated CN novels? Then does she need to upgrade something or what to open her cheat?

Except for this body's powerful maternal family, this girl is not versed in the four arts and acts love struck all day. She's a total outcast that does not talk much.

Fudge, not talking about how this stupid is crazy in love, they have so much similarity on being an outcast and being expert at ignoring people.

'This bro is also ordinary. Except for being a bit sporty, I'm just a simple bank teller! What assassin? What military doctor? what space? She lives on reality ok?!'

Not only she has no cheat like ability. There's no such thing as plot armor too! Unless she's the final boss she'll just be like other cannon fodder who died early.

The timeline is fictional. I research as I write.

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