
The Empire of Arcadia

In the far-distant future, humanity has regressed. Modern civilization as we know has crumbled and died. The world, as we knew, has been blasted out of space and adopted by another host star. And from the ashes of the old world has come forth a new one. The Empire of Nydorekith. Named after its founder, has captured much of the old world, but due to inner strifes and conflicts, their most beloved and adorned general, Tei'hi. Has defected, with a handy crew, they set out for the new World. A world that they know little about, apart from one of their members. A world that which they only know through songs of their grandparents, and their grandparents' grandparents. Almost mythical, is the continent of Arcadia.

Alexander_Leigh · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Citizen of Arcadia, III

"I was 10 when my brothers told me that our parents were dead. They were both 16 at the time. Powerhungry and with a lust for control as my father was before them. It wasn't long before they tore the kingdom apart. And I... well, I was left out in the rain. Not like I could do anything.

Then I realized I could. So when I was 14 myself, I went north, 'allying' with my brother, getting an army of my own and beating my other brother down south in three battles. They were garbage. GARBAGE I tell you.

And then... 10 years of stalemates later, I betrayed my brother up north, taking eight villages in the middle with me. And you... hoho.. you took one of them from me. And I'm getting fucking harassed on all sides all the time. So you better do something for me or I'm breaking your entire army loose!"

She slams on the table, standing up, her tirade ended but her anger has not subsided. She stares harshly into the eyes of her guests are her hair slowly glowed red.

They felt the temperature rise up, things getting hotter, the silver utensils getting more difficult to handle. "Tei, I can do i-" Lui-eya tried to speak but was interrupted by Tei'hi.

"No!" He stands up, "You lay down your magic, witch!" He drops his ax on the ground as a resounding 'BANG' echoes throughout the room. "We shall accept your offer. Granted you listen to ours."

The queen exhaled and sat down, "Fine, say what you must."

Tei'hi sat back down as well, and with a sigh, he says, "We will aid you in taking your brothers. In exchange. We will take every fourth village we take over in your name."

"Every... fourth village?" She sat there dumbfounded. She then got herself lost in thought again, drinking wine and eating steak. She nommed a few more times on her food, swallowing it, she looked Tei'hi directly in the eyes, "Deal."

"Good. And with that, I believe we are done here." Tei'hi stands up and le-

"Ah-ah-ah. No-no-no. You're not leaving for now." The queen interrupted them, "I encourage you to sit. Down. Please." Her hair glowed red yet again, the three sat back down and listened to her again.

"How can you make sure that you don't betray me? Cause I've done that. I know what the power of trust can entail." She says. Eying the three of them.

"... Your forces outnumber ours. We cannot possibly win against you. Giving you every village except the fourth ensures that." Tei'hi says bluntly.

"Then why every fourth?" She asks.

"We are still a kingdom of our own. Sator. I hope you understand that."

"Oh, I do. I very much do, and I hope that our alliance will last." She stands up, downing the entire wine bottle. "You may leave."

"Likewise." The trio then left.

As they walked down the hallways leading outside, Astrian went ahead and asked Tei'hi, "So, general. What's our plan now?"

"Our plan..." he looks over to Lui-eya who is walking beside him silently, "Lui-eya."

"Huh?" She looks over to him, "What do you want?" She says, looking up and narrowing her gaze towards him.

"Get the men used to witchcraft." He says. Looking only straight ahead.

"But- you said-"

"I know what I said! Listen, we speak of this later at the village."

She sighs, putting her robe back down, "Sure... general."

The trek back home was largely uneventful. Astrian noted again that there were people following them, as such, Tei'hi sent out scouts. But apart from a few footsteps, they found none. He kept them in escort to keep it that way.

As they arrived back in the village, they saw nothing out of the ordinary, the soldiers are maintaining their duties, some on break, playing with the children. It was normal... uneventful, to say the least. It is in this normal time that the Astrian reforms took place.

The Astrian reforms are, quite simply, a set of military reports established by the trio. It was named after Astrian after a suggestion he sought for. Whereby they would focus more on the magical aspect of their warfare rather than the physical. An example would be to have dedicated

This is done by reforming their soldiers' abilities, equipment, and role on the battlefield. A more detailed explanation will be posted later, but for now. Just know that these reforms gave a massive advantage against the other kingdoms who, at the time, were still using the traditional mode of warfare.

Tei'hi's army, despite Tei'hi's initial hatred in the ways of witchcraft, found it viable for his army to partake in it. Honor, fear, all were thrown away. He does not need it anymore, but he still feels defeated. For he believes that witchcraft is a direct insult in the ways of war.

And so, the ban on Lui-eya's magecraft was lifted, and she was made to teach the soldiers, who were reluctant at first, the art of war in magecraft.

Six months after taking the village. Tei'hi was sitting down eating lunch with Astrian as Lui-eya trained and taught the troops they'll use for the southern campaign.

"I heard that Lui-eya manufactured a way to keep a stock of mana at our possession." Astrian started, "She says it's valuable for long-term attacks in places without nature, or for air raids."

"So even the sky is at our possession now huh."

"Yeah... She's been doing a lot of research along with some soldiers and the archers we hired. She's really taking this new army seriously, eh general?"

"Astrian, listen." He sighs, "I do not think I am fit for this kind of war, boy."

"Huh?" Astrian looks at him, "What do you mean, General?"

"All this war, all this magic. Everything, I do not feel it for me. When I first saw her using it, I feel dishonored... and scared. It was the only time I felt scared in the years that were scarred by war." He looked down. "This is not for me. But..." he looks at Astrian, "You have talent, boy."


"You have talent, the way you answered those questions during the reforms. The way you helped me in our wars back in Nydorekith. I see talent in you. And I feel that you will be capable here."

"So.. what you're saying is... I'm succeeding you?"

Tei'hi simply nodded and with a smile, he says, "Yes. My boy. You are succeeding me."

Astrian jolted up and saluted as he said while smiling, "I WON'T LET YOU DOWN, SIR!"

last chapter for a while, busy with something, might take a while to handle, thank you for reading!

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