
The starting point

"mhm...Yeah, I am y/n. Do i know you?" You asked.

"Well, I'm the owner of the bar you are applying to.." He responded. "My name is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon!"

"Oh! Well, Hi Namjoon- I mean Boss! I'm going to check in. I meet a guy name Jin, and he said he will be applying for that bar, too. But, as a waiter. " You told Namjoon.

You walked inside and few minutes past, and the judges approved for your job. You came out of the penalty office and meet Jin.

"Have you meet the boss, yet?" you asked with a smile on your face.

"I saw him, but it looked like he was busy. They told me that I'm starting tomorrow. What about you?" He responded.

"Same! They also told me that! I can't wait!" You smiled.

You and Jin walked down the pathway and met a few people, but it was pasting by.

Then You kept on walking until it went black...

In this blackness you wonder around the blackness, until you saw a white plain double door and you opened it.

the first thing you saw is a guy sitting on a throne ,drink out of a black wine cup. The area is really dark than you couldn't make up what is around you.

"It took you a minute, my bride!" He smirked.

"My bride? I'm not married! I think you are mistaken for someone else..." you said nervously.

"Im never mistaken!" He demanded. He stand up and started walking to you and you came face-to-face, then he stroke your face.