
The Emperor who loves me dearly

Four empires, hundreds of Kingdom. Among these, is the Theavarian Empire and the Thusha Kingdom, the exact opposites. One lives lavishly while the other is almost eradicated in the map due to its failure to keep up with modernization. Theavarian empire who doesn't believe in love and treats it as a disease while Thusha Kingdom who sees love as their salvation. This happened in a parallel universe where modern-day emperors still exist, making the role of CEO like those of an ant. --- Can love really surpass all? "We are the two paths that should never have crossed"-Unknown "Falling in love with you is my biggest mistake, risking it all is my choice"- Celestia Wresea If fate will tear you down, again and again, will you still fight even though you know that in this lifetime, you two can't be together? This story revolves around the story of the loveless empire, the Theavarian and the humble kingdom of Thusha. Can destiny be bent towards their way? Or it will consume both of them. "Love me once, love me twice, love me thrice, love me forever" Love me Harder Adam. Genre: Fantasy Romance

_escapist · Fantasy
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150 Chs

Her temperament

After deliberately folding her clothes slowly, Celestia can feel her shoulder becoming numb from the weight of Adam, although she doesn't want to disturb his nap, she still has things that needed to be done such as arranging the food she brought that is still lying down in the living room.

"Adam, Adam, wake up" she lightly slapped his cheeks, she cannot see clearly in the dark since there's still a power shortage and the rain started to pour down hard a few minutes ago, making the room cold.

"Hmm, still cold" He muttered. He even hugged Celestia tighter!

'Ugh, really? I'm also tired you know?!' she can't help but feel annoyed, just a while ago she is blushing because of his actions but this time, all she wants to do is to finish what she's supposed to be doing.

Yep, that's Celestia for you, a bipolar person, either she is extremely nice or the other way around, either she's highly in the mood for romance or extremely irritated to the person she's just crushing on seconds ago.

Fuming in anger, the lady removed the hands of the man hastily and stood up not caring if the man will be injured or not, 'He's already healed, I mean he's already better, I can withstand a little cold' she thought, she particularly hates it when someone is becoming an obstacle to her goals, that's why staying with her stepmother is a pain in the ass because she's always against Celestia's wishes, good thing she finally got out.

No one is perfect, even she, Celestia, has her flaws such as being kind yet not tolerable, being filial yet having a limit. She's a combination of good and bad.

A loud 'thump' followed by a small groan came from the man who just got pushed over, 'Serves you right'

She thought that he will be hugging her for just a minute or two but who would've known that they have been in that position for an hour and a half? She is even stopping folding her clothes every ten minutes just to give him more time to rest! How abusive is that?

"What the hel--"

"Shhhh! No cursing!" she cuts off.

His lips formed a thin line, can't this lady wake him up gently? Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair, this woman is really testing his patience! She's moodier than a pregnant lady!

Before he could protest the unpredictable woman already commented.

"There is a bed there, that's where you should be sleeping not on my shoulders, the bed is all yours your Majesty, hmp" she said and walked out, slamming the door hard and leaving a wide-eyed man inside the room.

He'll probably spend the cold night alone, play time's over. But what's with that lady anyway? One moment she adores him, the second she loathes his existence, is she mentally retarded? Adam wallowed on this thought as he falls asleep.

After leaving the guest room with only her cellphone on her hand, Celestia hurriedly went to the bathroom on the first floor. She confirmed her suspicion when she saw the red blood stain on her underwear, it's the time of the month!