
The Emperor of Time

Writing for fun Feedback is appreciated

Zandrophy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Aeolus turned around and looked for the voice that wished him luck. At least he assumed so because he was the only one able to move. After a couple more seconds, everything went back to normal.

He was still idle when he felt a finger tap his shoulder, turning around he was met with a woman with long white hair, light blue eyes, and a face that matched his in terms of beauty, "Please hurry up so that I as well as others can find out what element we wield," The girl spoke in a monotone voice, "Sorry about that. I was simply… thinking, I will get out of your way now," Turning around Aeolus started walking towards the arena and saw the people getting ready for the tournament everyone wielded a sword and had put on armor that fit their stature most people wore light armor to remain agile while also having some sort of protection from attacks while the bigger people wore heavy armor while some of the bigger people wielded a sword and shield, others held axes, maces, and great-swords.

After a long while, everyone was ready, dressed in armor wielding all kinds of weapons and having learned their element, everyone was ever more confident in their skill.

Entering the arena, Aeolus had decided to not wear armor simply wielding an Odachi in his right hand. The battle was soon to start. Looking around once more, Aeolus got ready to start, but before the battle could start; screaming was heard fire balls raining down on the continent millions of demon like entities rushing toward the once peaceful continent Aeolus didn't think twice and started running in the direction his home was in hoping his mother and father had escaped while his father could take care of himself his mother had not used a sword since Aeolus was born. For the first time in a while, Aeolus was scared he didn't know if a fire ball had hit them had those monsters attacked his parents?

Aeolus came to a stop as fire surrounding him the demon like entities killing any person they saw suddenly everything came to a stop. With his sword still in his hand he didn't seem to notice that nothing else was moving he simply walked towards the house tears showing as he went into the house and saw what had become of his parents; they were killed before the fire balls had hit the house, their heads separated from their bodies.

Aeolus gripped his sword tightly. His face held no emotion tears poured down his face. He knew he couldn't stay here and mourn. He had to leave, search for people that were still alive. He didn't want anyone else to die, not if he could prevent it. Turning around Aeolus ran as fast as he could, not even realizing everything around him was unmoving until he arrived at the arena.

The students were motionless. Some held their swords ready to defend against the monsters rushing towards them. Others looked ready to run and abandon their pride.

Aeolus had no idea as to why nothing except for him could move, but right now that was the least of his worries. He readied his weapon and jumped into the horde, destroying all the stationary monsters before they were able to move again. Aeolus' face held no emotion as he slashed and stabbed his enemies. As he fought, he felt as if he was dancing flowing perfectly with each slash and stab until all the monsters that stood in his way were dead, and then everything around started to move again.