
The Emperor's Pampered Wife

[Book One of the Regal Family Series] Hou Wei Yan had recently returned from States and the first thing she ever did was to work hard on the new hospital she was assigned. When she finally got a day off to return to her household, much to her horror, she was sold off by her father to a wealthy man comparable to that of an emperor. In an instant, she was dragged by his men to sign their marriage contract. She had long accepted that such a tragedy would come, but she never thought she would have a weird husband! He was set on not showing his face and yet pampering her to no end!

themilesaguanta · General
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142 Chs

Within His Heart

The visit of the Ji brothers in the villa certainly made its mark. Hou Wei Yan could instantly tell from the servant's smiles and their energetic movements when she arrived at their doorsteps.

Gu Man who was already expecting her arrival hurriedly greeted her when he heard of her arrival. He flashed her a gentle smile alongside his son and some other maids who had already become Hou Wei Yan's daily companion. "Welcome, Young Lady Hou"

"Good morning" she greeted back politely before smiling and allowing them to see the basket she was carrying. "I brought some cookies with me"

Gu Man who stands as the representative of everyone accepted her generous offer. The basket was filled with wrapped cookies filled with flowery icing. It could be called perfect, but the sincerity that was placed in it was something that tugs their heartstrings.

"Thank you for this, young lady. The young masters are already waiting inside" he blurted out before stepping aside to allow her in. Hou Wei Yan happily walked in and followed behind Gu Man who was still carrying the basket she was carrying earlier.

Once they walked into the living area, Ji Li Zhao who was about to read a book hurriedly closed it so he could run towards them. "Wei Wei"

"Good morning, Bro Zhao" Wei Yan greeted. After greeting him, she caught sight of three handsome boys who stood up when they felt her presence. She flashed them a smile and bowed down politely. "Good morning to you as well, brothers"

The three smiled at her greeting before the eldest of them stepped up and walked towards her. "Good morning"

"You probably heard of us from, Ah Li. I'm Ji Bao Shi and this is my twin, Ji Cao Shi" he introduced himself in a gentle manner before he allowed his twin brother to show himself.

Ji Cao Shi waved his hands towards her with a charming smile adorning his face. "Hello, Wei Wei"

"And this is our younger brother, Xuejin" Ji Bao Shi said as Xuejin pushed his wheelchair closer to them. He was never good with strangers so he was hesitant to approach them. But when he saw her warm emerald eyes gently gazing at him, he couldn't help but put down his defenses.

"A pleasure to meet you, Wei Wei" he greeted, his voice mellow yet clear.

Hou Wei Yan smiled at this because he had a voice that was completely opposite to the rest of the brothers. "The pleasure is mine"

[Bro Zhao sure have charming brothers] she thought to herself as she looked at them one by one.

Ji Bao Shi and Ji Cao Shi are certainly twins, they had identical features and even their heights match up. What differs was perhaps their gaze because. [Brother Bao Shi has a caring and cheeky gaze while Brother Cao Shi have a more vibrant yet somewhat cold look on his face]

Meanwhile, Xuejin was the complete embodiment of peace. His gentle eyes matched perfectly well with his seemingly flawless and angelic face.

A few seconds after their interaction, Gu Man arrived with some refreshments. Of course, the main highlight of it was the cookies Hou Wei Yan brought for them. Ji Li Zhao then guided Hou Wei Yan to a comfortable seat on the sofa and the brothers happily followed behind them.

"By the way, Wei Wei, do you already go to school?" the second eldest asked after munching down a cookie. The brothers are all addicted to sweets so the cookies she brought were delightful to all of them.

"Not yet" she replied shyly before smiling at them. "But I'm getting tutored. Great Grandpa said that the earlier I learn, the better"

Considering her lineage, studying early could be considered normal. Since she's the firstborn of Xing Mei Yi and Hou Guanyu, she will most likely inherit both their riches. She will have to take on a huge responsibility and tons of obstacles will come heading her way. The Elders must have thought ahead and wanted her to be ready as soon as possible.

Ji Bao Shi nodded his head at her reply because he understood their motive. He was raised to be the heir and was thus educated in the same way. "Then where do you want to enroll?"

"Jingying Academy…because it's the best school for me"

As this came out of her mouth, the brothers looked at one another worriedly. They had asked Ji Li Zhao this question before but he answered that he wanted to be there because of his friends.

For her to answer in such a way, is she perhaps already geared with the noble's mindset? "Is that all the reason there is for you to choose Jingying?"

Hou Wei Yan who was also enjoying a cookie suddenly halted her movement. She slowly placed down her cookie and looked at them who sat opposite to her, seriously. "The adults know what's best for me so I choose what they choose"

The worry the elders had earlier worsened and it was evident in the crease in their foreheads. They had noticed it, but isn't she too obedient and good? It's like she's been booted to obey whatever the adults say.

"Besides, Jingying doesn't sound bad because Bro Zhao and my other friends are there" she added with a smile on her face.

Her answer was unable to convince them fully, however, they didn't want to pry deeper than they should.

"I'm sure you will have fun there" Ji Xuejin muttered with a smile was effectively dispelled the awkward atmosphere in the room. In order to totally ease Hou Wei Yan who seems concerned about their glances, he decided to bait in someone. "Do you want to hear brother Bao Shi play the piano?"

"EH?" the said brother reacted strongly as he pointed at himself.

Excitement washed off her once worried face. She immediately turned to Ji Bao Shi with her hands clasped together. "Can I? I've always wanted to play the piano but I'm still small"

There was no room for refusal…that's what he had thought when he saw the excitement itched in her face. He slowly turned to his younger brother who pushed him into this situation before returning his gaze to Hou Wei Yan. "Okay, but don't expect too much. This big brother right here last held the piano a year ago. I might have lost my touch"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head and followed his every movement. The moment his slender hands toughed the piano key, she was captivated almost instantly. As soon as a familiar tune echoed in the room, her heart clenched in both warmth and happiness.

Ji Bao Shi played Jasmine Flower, specifically a rendered piece by renowned pianist, Lang Lang. The melody was comforting and soothing enough for her to vividly remember her mother singing to it once after her grandmother convinced her. Her eyes were only fixed on the grand piano and Ji Bao Shi who found himself slowly enjoying and building a deep connection with the composition.

While they were all fixated on his elder brother's captivating song, his eyes strayed towards the girl beside him and he couldn't help but envy his brother who surely had all her attention.

[Wei Wei likes those who play the piano. I should ask brother to teach me] he thought to himself before refocusing on Ji Bao Shi who now had his head swaying to the tune.

Once the song was done and the tune has halted, applause erupted from where the brothers sat. Hou Wei Yan joined in and clapped enthusiastically with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Brother Bao Shi is so good"

"You didn't lose your touch at all, brother. Even though you've been lazing around this past year" Ji Xuejin joked as they slowly approached him who remained seated in the grand piano.

His eyes remained rooted in it with a melancholic smile adorning his face. "Mom liked violin so I practiced it---"

Realizing that he was about to open up a topic that may sting their younger brother, he immediately stopped midway before slowly turning his head towards Ji Li Zhao.

Ji Li Zhao who noticed the worry in his face and how he purposely stopped talking smiled sadly at what he did. "You can mention mom, big brother. Not talking about her means we're willing to forget about her…I don't want that"

"Sorry, Ah Li" Ji Bao Shi muttered before he strode towards him.

He merely flashed him a smile. His mother is dear to him, and so does his elder brothers. They may only be half-siblings but they are the brothers whom he grew up with and whom he loved.

"You don't have to apologize either. Whatever happens, I won't forget mom and I will wait for her"

"We'll do the same" his elder brother blurted out before hugging him. He always had a soft spot for Ji Li Zhao and was the one amongst the brothers who liked clinging to him…sometimes it's even too much. "Where did my crybaby of a brother go"

"Brother" Ji Li Zhao shyly grumbled with a blush on his face. He slowly turned to Hou Wei Yan followed by his brothers' curious gaze.

When she suddenly became the center of attention because of what he said, Hou Wei Yan immediately chuckled. "There's nothing to be shy about, Bro Zhao"

[I saw him crying when we first met after all] she thought to herself before smiling widely at him.

"I cry quite a lot as well so I'll be in your care"

The brothers who saw the blush slowly spreading in their little brother's face smiled amongst themselves. Being the good brothers that they are, they found this as a good chance to let them have some alone time.

Ji Cao Shi looked at his clock and stared at the both of them. "You're going to continue your drawing sessions, right?"

The two nodded their heads politely which brought out a smile on his face. "Then you better start now or you won't finish on time. I'll send some refreshments upstairs"

Ji Li Zhao who had quite strong senses turned to the eldest brother who was giving signals to Xuejin. When the latter noticed his stare, he immediately winked which made him realize their intention.

He could only chuckle and silently thank them as he leads Hou Wei Yan to their usual hang-out place. Once they were gone, Ji Bao Shi slung his arms at his twin's shoulders. "She's quite a bright child"

His twin nodded his head in agreement before he removed his hands from his shoulders. He hates this action and yet his twin would do it anyway. To get back at his twin who sucks at cooking, he pushed him towards the kitchen's direction. "Let's go cook the two of them some sweets"

While the brothers started talking regarding the snacks they will prepare, the two youngsters who were holding hands finally reached the room filled with all of Ji Li Zhao's artworks and art materials.

As soon as they got inside, he released her hands and allowed her to seat on her favorite spot near the window. Once she was comfortably settled in, she excitedly turned towards him. "What should we draw today, Bro Zhao?"

"You've improved quite a lot already" he muttered as he picked up his personal drawing book which he hid in the corner. "Can you draw, little panda?"

Hou Wei Yan tilted her head at what he said. She did improve but she still sucks at drawing people and animals. "Aren't you making me advance too much, Bro Zhao?"

He chuckled at this. She always fears drawing animals and people and always says that she sucks at it but she would never know for sure whether she improved unless she tries.

He wanted to tell her this, however, today he was willing to follow her whims. "Then how about you draw that music box"

Hou Wei Yan turned her attention to the music box at the corner. It had a few small decorations that need detailed work but it wasn't as intricate to be dubbed hard. Feeling confident, she nodded her head and began doing the work assigned to her.

Seeing her concentrate made Ji Li Zhao smile to himself. She was too focused on her work that she was unable to notice the gaze directed at her and the hands that began drawing her focused gaze.

"Bro Zhao, you're leaving the day after tomorrow, right?" Hou Wei Yan suddenly muttered, her gaze still glued in her drawing book.

Ji Li Zhao paused monetarily in fear that she would turn towards him and catch him staring at her. "Most probably"

"I'll be staying here for a few more days" she blurted out which made her companion frown.

[As expected. This means that when I leave, Wei Wei will be left alone because the others returned to the city already]

He honestly didn't want to leave her yet, but he can't let his brothers remain with him as well. His father would probably get angry if they return later than they should. Aside from that…he wanted to be there for his father. If what they said about him caring for him is true, then he should be there for him no matter how many times he pushes him away.

"Before you leave, let's visit the tree again and play with Little Panda" Hou Wei Yan requested making him snap out of his trance. Because she was staring at him, she noticed how he was lost in thought.

She looked directly at him before smiling widely at him. "Bro Zhao, family should always come first. So don't worry about me. Let's just visit the tree tomorrow and then if we're allowed to, let's meet at the Capital"

"Okay" he muttered with a smile on his face. That's right, Hou Wei Yan is the considerate type of person, and knowing her, she would most probably enjoy herself with her mother and the servants in their mansion.

When their plan was settled, she returned her gaze to her drawing before suddenly remembering the little friend they will leave behind. "Since we'll be gone for a long time, should we give Little Panda some chicken breast as a treat tomorrow?"

"You're spoiling him too much, Wei Wei" he muttered as his hands began moving again.

Hou Wei Yan chuckled at what he said. If he's envious he should just say so.

[I should pack some food for us tomorrow as well. It will be an extra treat before he leaves] she thought before she began formalizing the right menu for their meet-up tomorrow.

The two of them soon found themselves absorbed in their own work. Ji Li Zhao was in the final stages and was adding small details to his drawing while the little princess was only starting on the detailed work.

In the middle of their drawing session, a knock was heard on the door which snapped them out of their concentration. A few seconds later, Ji Bao Shi's head popped on the small opening of the door. "I brought some refreshments"

"Thank you, Big brother" Ji Li Zhao muttered as he allowed him inside and even helped him set up the refreshments on a table. Once done, he approached Hou Wei Yan. "Wei Wei, let's take a break"

She nodded her head at his suggestion. She was starting to get hungry anyway. "Thank you for the food, big brother Bao Shi"

Once the two of them began eating the food the brothers prepared, Ji Bao Shi began roaming the room. He slowly approached the open drawing book that Hou Wei Yan was using earlier.

He was curious what her work would become considering she was still learning. Contrary to his expectations, Hou Wei Yan managed to draw a decent looking music box. She wasn't able to replicate the real one but it was considered good despite it still lacking the detailed ornaments.

"Oh wow, did you draw this Wei Wei?" he excitedly asked making Hou Wei Yan turn her attention towards him.

When she saw that he was inspecting her work, she immediately gulped down her food and nervously looked at him. "How does it look, big brother?"

"It's good. I thought you couldn't draw well?" he honestly stated with a curious look on his face. Aren't they just exaggerating when they said she sucks at drawing?

Hou Wei Yan's eyes glimmered happily at his compliment before she turned her gaze at the boy sitting beside her. "Bro Zhao is a good teacher"

"She could only draw a deformed stickman in the past" Ji Li Zhao suddenly muttered which made Ji Bao Shi laugh.

[He's saying this but look at the blush on his face…who is he trying to fool?]

"You shouldn't reveal that Ah Li" he said while shaking his head. Surprisingly, Hou Wei Yan didn't react violently at what he said so he allowed the two to just peacefully enjoy their snacks again.

He continued his tour and finally stumbled upon the drawing book Ji Li Zhao always use. Curious, he flipped through the pages. It contains some pictures of their house and scenery with them as a whole family.

No wonder his little brother treasures it too much. [It's his own photo album…filled with his memories]

He smiled at this thought before he continued flipping through the pages. It was then that he found a certain picture of two children taking a shade under a majestic tree. He knew of it because he stumbled upon the place when he was much younger.

[So they were frequenting that place] he deduced before surprised marked his face.

From that page on, Ji Li Zhao's drawing book contained portraits and sketches of the one and only Hou Wei Yan. He had a sketch of her holding a flower, cooking, running around the field, creating a flower crown, drawing and painting, and playing around with a bird. Each of his sketches had a date to it and what shocked him was...he drew her every day.

Ji Li Zhao was drawing what marked his day and each recent entry contained her.

He continued through his operation and finally reached the most recently used page. It had that day's date and Hou Wei Yan was drawing with complete focus marked on her face. When he noticed that all the details completely replicate their location, he immediately turned his head towards them and chuckled. "This kid"

[I thought Wei Wei was the one in love…but looks like Ah Li is the one who is head over heels for her] he thought while chuckling.

When the two noticed him smiling to himself, he immediately closed the book and smiled sheepishly at them. The two looked at him weirdly for a second but they returned to enjoying their cakes.

"Have some more, Wei Wei" Ji Li Zhao muttered as he placed another piece of cake on her plate. "The orange cake brother made isn't that sweet so it should suit your taste just fine"

Ji Bao Shi who finally found out his little brother's secret slowly approached them and butted in their conversation. "Wow, you even know her preferences"

"It's best if I know" he muttered to himself but his elder brother managed to read his lips. This brought a huge smile to his face, only this time, Ji Li Zhao noticed it making him anxious. "Besides, shouldn't you be leaving by now, big brother?"

"You're right. I think Cao Shi is calling me" he instantly blurted out to back up his younger brother. He crouched down and ruffled his hair with a huge grin on his face. "You're being too obvious, Ah Li"

Ji Li Zhao raised his brows at his statement. "What?"

"Nothing" he muttered as he waved his hands at the two of them. "Enjoy your snacks"

Once he was gone, Hou Wei Yan transferred some cherries in her companion's plate. She knew he was the real sweet tooth between them so she willingly gave everything he loved. "Bro Zhao, you can have these cherries. I already ate a lot of it"

Ji Li Zhao accepted this which made Ji Bao Shi who was peeking at the door smile. He's being way too obvious.

"What are you creepily smiling there, Bao Shi?" a voice suddenly asked out of nowhere.

He already knew who it was based on their tone so he swiftly turned around and smiled widely at him to show how happy he was. "They're adorable, aren't they?"

His twin raised his brows at him. Wanting him to see such a cute scene, Ji Bao Shi immediately allowed him to take a peek as well.

Ji Cao Shi did what he was expected to do but didn't peek longer than he should. Once done, he turned to his brother weirdly.

"Sure…but I don't think they will like it if you continue to linger" he muttered as he slowly walked away. He respects his brother and doesn't wish to intrude more than he should. "We should go. I heard Madame Hou is home. We should pay our respects"

"Okay" he retorted before he took one final look at the two children inside. "I wish you luck, Ah Li"

Ji Cao Shi who was keeping watch sighed at his actions. "What are you mumbling? Hurry up"

"Hey, you're not acting cute at all" he grumbled before he ran towards him and slung his arms in his shoulder.

His twin immediately swatted his hands away with an obvious irk on his forehead. "Because I'm not trying to"

Although he should be annoyed by his answer, Ji Bao Shi merely chuckled and dragged his twin to meet the esteemed Madame Hou.

For questions: https://curiouscat.qa/tinelavine

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