
The Emperor's Pampered Wife

[Book One of the Regal Family Series] Hou Wei Yan had recently returned from States and the first thing she ever did was to work hard on the new hospital she was assigned. When she finally got a day off to return to her household, much to her horror, she was sold off by her father to a wealthy man comparable to that of an emperor. In an instant, she was dragged by his men to sign their marriage contract. She had long accepted that such a tragedy would come, but she never thought she would have a weird husband! He was set on not showing his face and yet pampering her to no end!

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142 Chs

Shameless Little Nurse

Everyone knew what Liu Shan looked like and knew her for her honorable and dignified demeanor akin to royalty.

But what they knew her best is her inability to take offense lightly.

When she's offended, that's when all hell broke loose. Forget about propriety and proper manners, when she's angry Liu Shan's mouth becomes unrestrained and all bad words she managed to acquire through her countless bickering with her best friends come out naturally. She becomes a scary lioness and her method becomes ruthless and bloody.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Liu Shan exclaimed in both horror and rage. The stink slowly clung to her skin and the dirt made her skin crawl in disgust.

Fire immediately burned in her eyes when she saw the perpetrator of her humiliation. She was confident with her identity as the Liu Heiress so no one dared offend her in such a way. At most, they can only comment rude things behind her back and those who dare raise their hands against her can't even land a slap because of her polished ability in martial arts. This is a first for her so the amount of anger inside her is immeasurable.

"You---" Xiong Suchun muttered in shock. The woman in front of her wasn't Hou Wei Yan! She looked below her and noticed that she was wearing the Bellegarde Diamond Shoes Hou Wei Yan flaunted earlier. Why is she wearing it when she's clearly not Hou Wei Yan?! "Who are you?!"

Liu Shan knew people who attended the event all knew her. So her question immediately ticked her off that she ran to her in rage and attacked. A crispy 'pah' sound echoed in the comfort room as a heavy slap filled with fierce emotions landed on Xiong Suchun's face.

"I should be the one asking you that!" Liu Shan roared, her eyes turning redder by the second as her anger can no longer be contained.

Because of the loud noises they were making, Hou Wei Yan who was at the end cubicle decided to come out to help settle whatever was going on. To her utter shock, she saw her best friend covered in filth and was clearly in her raged mode.

"Oh My God! Shannie!" Hou Wei Yan exclaimed as she hurriedly ran over to her. Without hesitation, she grabbed one of the small towels placed on the mirror and slowly wiped her arms. "What happened to you!?"

"This slut right here did this!" Liu Shan roared again making Hou Wei Yan flinch. After a second of wiping, she dared to look at the perpetrator and to her surprise, it was one of the nurses she knew.

"Xiong Suchun!" she called out in both shock and worry. She knew to what extent rage can bring Liu Shan. Having one of their nurses as the perpetrator and the future subject of her rage is making her worry. They were quite busy in the hospital, so having one nurse less would shatter the balance they so hardly maintained. "Why did you do this?!"

"You made me do it!" Xiong Suchun snapped filled with anger because she caught the wrong woman. Now Hou Wei Yan has the ability to counter-attack and she made an enemy with someone unknown.

Hou Wei Yan pointed at herself with disbelief. Such a lousy lie. "Me?"

Unlike Hou Wei Yan's calm reaction, Xiong Suchun's words surged a whole new storm in Liu Shan. She doesn't like it when someone offends her much more when someone offends her best friends. Before Hou Wei Yan could stop her, another loud crispy sound of a hand making contact with the face resonated. This time, it was louder and fiercer sending Xiong Suchun to nearly trip on her feet.

"You piece of shit! You're accusing my sister now?" Liu Shan snarled, her decorum and composure all reduced to ashes. She can no longer be tamed and was surely out on a rampage. "Who sent you?!"

"Hou Wei Yan!" Xiong Suchun yelled out. She wanted others to hear from outside and rescue her from the maniac slapping woman in front of her. Perhaps it's because she received two hardcore slaps or because she was in a panic for not hitting the right target that she forgot she locked the door earlier to not let anyone disturb the drama she was making. Nonetheless, the fool totally forgot this fact and this brought her a serious dilemma. "She's the one who sent me"

Again, a slap came her way totally knocking her off her balance. She fell to the ground with Liu Shan's hands marked on her face. The rage in Liu Shan's face was still at its peak. "Answer properly!"

"Shannie, we should do something about you first. You're soaked!" Hou Wei Yan interjected when she saw Liu Shan shivering. She wasn't sure if it was because of the cold air or the anger she was trying so hard to suppress. She didn't want to see her in such a way so she grabbed another towel and began rubbing her shoulders. "You'll get sick if this continues"

Liu Shan knew Hou Wei Yan was right. She will indeed get sick if she doesn't change so she grated her teeth before landing another slap in Xiong Suchun's face. She then shouted with all her might, calling for the Liu Family butler. "Butler Feng!"

"Oh My God! What happened here!" someone from behind them suddenly exclaimed forcing the trio to abruptly turn her way. It was another guest frozen and petrified by the scene unfolding before her. There was a Liu Shan fully soaked and stinking, a woman holding her back, and a pitiful woman groveling on the ground with swollen cheeks like the devil himself slapped her straight from hell.

Hou Wei Yan walked her way and gently shook her out of the trance. "Can you please call the security outside?"

The guest looked at her and without hesitation complied with her request. She wasn't brave enough to linger and gossip because she knew who Liu Shan was. She hurriedly nodded her head and walked out of the bathroom. "O-Okay"

As soon as the guest walked out and shut the door, Liu Shan grabbed the phone from her bag, anger slowly rising again when she saw her pouch soaked in the stinking water. She clicked her tongue and dialed her little sister, anger evident in her voice. "Get Butler Feng in the comfort room"

"What's wrong, Big Sister?" Liu Jiayi asked innocently because she noticed something wrong with her voice. Aside from that, she could hear in the background a woman's voice continuously cursing. What trouble did her Big Sister cause?

"Just get your butt moving!" Liu Shan snapped before hanging up. She then threw her phone in anger and almost vomited when she smelled herself. The smell coming from her was beyond human comprehension. "Urgh! I stink!"

"Shannie" Hou Wei Yan called out with worry. Anger is not something she's good at but Liu Shan is worse. She can't handle nor hide her anger and her rage is certainly not short-lived. "Calm down. We'll do something"

Hearing Hou Wei Yan's soothing and worried voice immediately broke Liu Shan's dam. The tears she was hardly suppressing all came out and she was lost in the turbulence of the humiliation she received. "Wei Wei, I can't go outside looking like this"

"I know" Hou Wei Yan said before fishing out her phone. Luckily, she got hold of Amine's contact beforehand else they would be in huge trouble. After a few rings, Amine answered his phone and walked to a deserted place when he noticed who was calling him. "Amine, we have a situation here in the comfort room. Can you bring a decent dress here with you?"

Amine was unable to refute immediately. He evaluated in his mind what possible trouble they encountered. Unable to figure it out, he decided to comply without question and check out the problem himself. "My sister's van is situated outside. I'll get a gown there. But who's wearing it?"

"Shannie" Hou Wei Yan replied with worry.

Noticing her worried voice, Amine can't help but smile. They are indeed on bad terms but he's not heartless to abandon Liu Shan when she needs him. "Got it"

After placing down her phone, the bathroom door opened, and in came the worried head of security. "Miss Liu!"

"Get this woman out of my sight!" Liu Shan ordered without haste, her anger evident and never subsiding. "I want her locked up in a room with no exit. Once this party is over, I will deal with her myself"

"Yes, Ma'am"

Liu Shan smiled wickedly once the security guards came in to apprehend the culprit. "You better be prepared bitch"

"Let go of me! T-This isn't supposed to happen!" Xiong Suchun yelled out frantically as soon as they began locking her arms and dragging her to stand up. Once they managed to steady her up, she pushed them hard and began snarling in Hou Wei Yan's direction like a rabid dog. She then turned towards Liu Shan who was also glaring her way. "It was supposed to be Hou Wei Yan! Why did you wear those shoes!"

"You were aiming for Wei Wei?" Liu Shan asked, her face not showing any sign of emotions. She looked so calm it loosened Xiong Suchun's control over her mouth.

Unrestrained, Xiong Suchun allowed herself to fall under Liu Shan's grasp. "I don't even know you! Why the fuck would I waste my time on doing such a thing to you?!"

Hearing her real target, Liu Shan raised her hands once more and landed another ear throbbing slap across Xiong Suchun's face. "You whore!"

Hou Wei Yan was one of the best people she had ever met who supported her when she was at her lowest and respected her for who she is and not for who she was born as. In the past, it was Hou Wei Yan who straightened her crook style of handling things and fixed her arrogant self. If it wasn't for her, she would have remained the spoiled, arrogant, and foolish heiress of the Lius. That's why she values her friendship with Hou Wei Yan and tries her best to protect her from harm. Knowing that someone nearly managed to harm her under the very event they organized burst her composure.

"That pretty face of yours will be gone later so sing your prayers because crossing Wei Wei means offending a whole lot of people" she said with remorse as she cupped her face and nearly broke her skull with her Hercules grip. "And that includes me, a psychopath who will give you a nice black eye later"

"Let me go!" Xiong Suchun yelled, still unaware of the dangers she brought to herself by offending Liu Shan and targetting Hou Wei Yan.

"Take her away!" Liu Shan immediately ordered because she knew there would be a blood bath if she continues to witness Xiong Suchun's shameless face. "If she escapes, you're all fired!"

As the security dragged her away, Xiong Suchun continued thrashing around and shouting, not minding whether the guest was looking her way and judging her sudden outburst. "Let me go!"

Hou Wei Yan sighed once Xiong Suchun's figure was out of sight. She then motioned one of the staff to walk towards her and began to instruct her on the things Liu Shan will need. "Get us towels and your best bath necessities. Make sure no one enters this room and entertain the guest outside so they won't know if this"

"We don't - - -"

Liu Shan firmly ordered when she noticed the servant's hesitation. She knew she was doubting whether it was right to follow Hou Wei Yan who holds no form of authority, or so she thinks. "Do as she says"

The staff immediately heeded her order and walked out to carry out the instruction. Before closing the door, Hou Wei Yan called out one of them again for one last reminder. "Let Amine Chartier in when he arrives"

Once left alone, Hou Wei Yan turned to Liu Shan with guilt and apology marked on her face. Knowing she was the target and Liu Shan taking the hit almost crushed her heart. It was her fault Shannie had to undergo such humiliation. She already guessed Xiong Suchun didn't like her but it never drew to her that her hatred would reach such an extent. "I'm so sorry, Shannie"

Liu Shan shook her head at her apology. Between them, there was no need for such a serious apology. It wasn't her fault because that nurse was clearly a wacko in the first place. "Wei Wei, if it was you who got poured by that shit, that shameless creature would be dead by now"

"Shannie" Hou Wei Yan called out, her voice clearly strained from repressing her emotions. "I'm really, really sorry. Because of me, you have to suffer this humiliation"

"You've handled more gruesome things to protect me in the past. This is nothing compared to it" Shannie assured with a smile. To redirect Hou Wei Yan's attention and erase the negativity clearly building up inside her, Liu Shan looked at the end cubicle and smiled. "Good thing the last cubicle is a shower"

Hou Wei Yan looked at the cubicle as well and gently guided Liu Shan inside. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up"

"That bitch will suffer later" Liu Shan mumbled with a clenched fist. "I'll make sure of it"

"Clean up, first"

Before they could fully enter the cubicle and begin the cleanup, a loud booming voice erupted outside, and came inside the bathroom in no time. "Big Sister! Big Sister!"

"Jiayi" Liu Shan called out with a sigh. The little brat was clearly late.

Liu Jiayi smiled at her, unaware of the current situation. She was just glad she managed to fulfill Liu Shan's order. She pulled the man behind her with a huge smile on her face. "I brought Butler Feng"

Liu Shan's veins nearly popped out in anger. She was clearly soaked in filth and Liu Jiayi was clearly not blind to not notice her mess. Seeing her smile like there was no tomorrow irked her to the max. "Tell him to grab the essential oils in my room along with the Rosewater perfume!"

The anger in Liu Shan's voice made Liu Jiayi flinch. She knew her big sister is not good at managing her anger but getting subjected to it is unpleasing. Nonetheless, she followed her instruction and escorted Butler Feng outside again. No longer than a minute, Liu Jiayi returned in front of them, this time without a smile on her face. "What happened?"

"Someone poured a trashcan full of water on her thinking that it was me inside the cubicle" Hou Wei Yan explained, her head hung low in guilt.

"What?!" Liu Jiayi exclaimed in shock. She then circled around Liu Shan which only made Liu Shan tick at her again. "Big Sister, are you okay?!"

Liu Shan pushed her away while glaring at her. "I'll be fine once that rat is wringing in pain under my fingers later"

A short moment after Liu Shan mumbled her threat, a knock was heard on the main door. Hou Wei Yan immediately headed towards it and received the things she ordered earlier. After receiving it, she handed it to Liu Shan who accepted it with gratitude. "The oils and bath necessities are here"

Without wasting any moment, Liu Shan walked inside the shower room and immediately turned on the shower. Hou Wei Yan and Liu Jiayi stayed outside, trying their best to think of a solution to make Liu Shan's anger easily subside once she sees Xiong Suchun again.

When another knock interrupted their thoughts, Liu Jiayi took the initiative to check on it and to her surprise, it was her cousin carrying a dark blue dress wrapped in a beautiful cloth hanger. "Amine is here as well, Big Sister Wei Wei"

"Amine" Hou Wei Yan called out once she saw their savior.

"Here's the dress" Amine blurted out as he handed it to Liu Jiayi. He then took hold of HOu Wei Yan's hands and brought her outside for a little interrogation. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

"Someone tried to sabotage me" she said, her voice filled with guilt and anger. She was both angry at Xiong Suchun and herself who didn't intercept the attack and prevented dragging Liu Shan into the dispute she never expected. "Shannie took the hit"

"Who is it?"

Hou Wei Yan bit her lower lip in rage. "A nurse in our hospital"


"Xiong Suchun"

Upon hearing the familiar name, Amine immediately touched his earpiece. "You heard it, Einstein"

"Copy" Shun Makio said from the other line. His team was on standby, waiting for the name to be finalized so they can begin formalizing their attack.

"Wait!" Hou Wei Yan exclaimed when she heard what Amine said. She had heard countless times the codename Einstein from Fang so she wasn't oblivious of what Amine's order implied. She's thankful for their concern but this time, she wasn't the one who took the hit and she clearly knows Liu Shan won't stop unless she successfully took revenge. If they interfere it would only anger Liu Shan. "I'm really okay. Shannie confined her and she wants to deal with her by herself. Please don't let my husband know. He might interfere and anger Shannie"


"Shannie is not someone that can be easily trifled with" Hou Wei Yan blurted out honestly. Since childhood, Liu Shan was known to hold a deep grudge and she wants to deal with her enemies herself without relying on others. Revenging without her consent is considered an attack against her. "Please"

It's not like Amine doesn't know Liu Shan's attitude, but a matter concerning Hou Wei Yan is not under his control. Whether they attack or not, the decision lies on Ji Li Zhao. Suddenly, his earpiece created another noise and an order was made. Ji Li Zhao interfered on time and allowed Liu Shan to take her stand and watch on the sideline for the good show.

"Okay" Amine said after receiving his order.

Hou Wei Yan sighed when she heard his reply. She was glad they decided to back off because she knew hell would break loose if Shannie doesn't get the revenge she wants. "Can you help Shannie with her look?"

"No problem" Amine replied without hesitation before he flashed her his signature dashing smile. "Leave it to Darlene"

"Thank you, Darlene" Hou Wei Yan smiled back before both of them entered the bathroom again to help Liu Shan fix herself. The first problem was solved, next was the retribution Liu Shan deserves for the humiliation the shameless nurse inflicted on her.


After the party...

The whole gang paraded in the hallway, eyes all fierce and scary, and the one leading them was none other than Liu Shan.

Her hands were tightly clenched as she remembered her humiliation. [ I'll strangle her and feed her to the hounds if I can! ]

But of course, she can't do that. After all, she doesn't have a hound.

"Open the door" Liu Shan ordered firmly to the guards waiting by the door. Without hesitation, her order was obeyed, and in went, the lionesses anticipating to attack the prey they caught.

"You witch!" Xiong Suchun immediately yelled once the door opened wide. She pushed herself up and pounced at them, but her target was none other than Hou Wei Yan whom she missed in her earlier plans. Unfortunately, even her current plan to damage Hou Wei Yan's face with her nail was foiled by Qiu Meixiu who immediately blocked her and twisted her hands to stop further movements.

"What a fierce cub we have here" Cao Xiaolian commented at the back.

When she heard this, Yue Xiaoli snickered at her humble comment. "Don't you mean, retarded?"

"Who in their right mind would dare challenge the Regal Family?" Xing Cuifen blurted out as she examined Xiong Suchun. It can't be denied that she has the looks, but it was only enough to catch Yao Zhongnan who takes whoever catches his eyes without examining the other finer features they have. "Who would dare challenge the Imperial Granddaughters?"

"Someone who doesn't know anything would" Liu Jiayi replied with a smirk on her face. Attaching both Liu Shan and Hou Wei Yan was something no one would dare do when they know just how dangerous and powerful they are in both wealth and background.

"Someone of your strata shouldn't mess a pride filled with lionesses" Xing Cuifen commented with mockery in her eyes. She then laughed at the stupidity marked in Xiong Suchun's eyes. She still struggled under Qiu Meixiu's hands but they all knew it was futile. The moment she planned an attack against Hou Wei Yan, it was already game over for her. "You won't survive"

While they were busy examining Xiong Suchun who was still resisting and putting up a futile attempt to escape, a cracking sound of muscle contracting resonated across the room causing them to abruptly turn towards the source of the noise. There stood Yue Xiaoli who was already cracking her fingers and licking her lower lips ready to break some bones. "Let me handle this"

"Xiaoli" Qiu Meixiu called out worriedly. The psychopath was clearly looking for a fight but this matter is more than just fighting and if it comes down to it, it wasn't her battle to fight.

Yue Xiaoli glanced at Qiu Meixiue when she heard her worry. Even back when they were together in the military, it was Qiu Meixiu who would stand in between to stop her from fighting. "Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you, that's why I can't allow you to make a move," Qiu Meixiu said while shaking her head. She knows just how deadly Yue Xiaoli is, be it body or strength. She was brutal, merciless, and barbaric. The reason why countless soldiers cried and went packing their things home was her torturous methods as an instructor and commander. "Your methods will kill her"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she's alive" Yue Xiaoli laughed when she heard such a compliment. She knew she was brutal and she liked it when she gets acknowledged for it. Xiong Suchun pushed herself and tried to raise her head to trace the offensive laughter, but such a move nearly made her pee her dress. The look on Yue Xiaoli's eyes was something everyone would be frightened of. It was like directly staring at a lioness' eyes debating whether she was the best toast or fried. She knew she caught a good prey, now she's thinking about how to butcher it up good. "Just barely breathing thou"

"Sister Xiaoli, let me handle this" Liu Shan said as she raised her hands and blocked Yue Xiaoli from stepping any closer to Xiong Suchun. She had seen Yue Xiaoli fight countless times and it was terrifying to even for her. She takes pride in the strength she possesses but it was certainly a joke against the skills and prowess Yue Xiaoli possesses. The slap and punch she gives out are packed with great strength no one has ever managed to stand up and counter-attack. "The one she offended is me"

When she heard them debating who would tackle her, Xiong Suchun can't help but glare at them. They treat her as a joke and all of them want to butcher her over a flimsy mistake.

Yue Xiaoli backed away when she heard the anger in Liu Shan. When all things were finally settled, Liu Shan walked toward Xiong Suchun and cupped her face. "Who sent you?"

"I told you, that slut---" Xiong Suchun yelled out while glaring at Hou Wei Yan. When Liu Shan heard her trying to accuse Hou Wei Yan again, a slap was released causing everyone to flinch at its crispy sound.

Yue Xiaoli chuckled in satisfaction. She wanted to do that slap but watching Liu Shan slap her as hard as she is certainly glorifying. "I'd use appropriate words if I were you"

"Let's try again" Liu Shan said before cupping her fallen face again. "Who sent you?"

"Wei Yan sent - - -"

'Pak'. The crispy sound resonated again but this time, the strength was clearly much stronger.


"It's really her, Hou - - -" Another slap came across her already swollen face.

Unless she stops accusing Hou Wei Yan, the slap would clearly not stop. But the fool refuses to go down alone and wishes to drag Hou Wei Yan to the pits of hell alongside her.

Angered by the repetitive slaps she received for only speaking Hou Wei Yan's name, XIong Suchun glared and snarled at Liu Shan. "You bitch, I - - -"

Calling her a bitch wasn't offensive enough for Liu Shan but she took pleasure in slapping the shameless nurse who was putting futile attacks. She raised her hands and slapped Xiong Suchun again with a smirk decorating her face. "Again"

"Zhongnan! Zhongnan won't forgive you for doing this" Xiong Suchun yelled out to stop them from attacking. She believed Yao Zhongnan was strong enough to frighten the women but her shout made them laugh.

They only know Yao Zhongnan because he's one of the men they don't want to approach at all costs. He always brings different women to events and even proudly states that women make him shine brighter. The man was a hopeless idiot they certainly don't want to associate themselves with him.

"I already negotiated with Mr. Yao" Liu Jiayi said as she stepped in front with mockery dancing in her eyes. The woman in front of them was a hopeless romantic. Did she think that by catching Yao Zhongnan's eye she would remain his only woman? "In exchange for you, he gets the support of the Liu Family"

When she heard such a thing, all the screw-in Xiong Suchun's head came loose. She worked so hard to take Yao Zhognan's eyes and he was clearly the man who will sweep her off her feet. But all her hard work is gone thanks to the women in front of her.

"You witch!" She roared making Liu Shan angry again. Although her hands were already tingling from the pain of slapping such a woman, Liu Shan still pushed herself to the limits and brought her hands up once more to deliver a heart-throbbing slap.

"I won't stop until we get the truth out of you" Liu Shan remarked before landing another slap after just finishing delivering one. "Who sent you!?"

At that moment, Xiong Suchun knew she was doomed. The hits she received were enough to clear her mind for a little bit and that caused her to panic.

[ Shit! ]Suchun cursed in her mind when her escape plan was foiled. [ This was my plan but I can't risk exposing myself to this lunatics ]

"It's - - -" she slowly mumbled, thinking of who to point out. Liu Shan's hands were already raised up, waiting to slap her if she accuses someone from her group. In her panic, one name made its way to her mind. "Chungsa"

Liu Shan brought her hand down when she heard the gruesome name of Hou Wei Yan's step-sister. "Chungsa?"

"Yes" Xiong Suchun hurriedly said when she finally took their attention away from her. She remembered Hou Chungsa because of the scene she caused before Hou Wei Yan's big break as Master Han's apprentice. After learning about their bad blood, she made sure to remember Hou Chungsa so she can use her in her future plans. "Hou Chungsa"

Hou Wei Yan stepped out when she heard this sudden revelation. She doesn't like Hou Chungsa that's why she can place her trust in how simple-minded she is. "My sister is stupid, she can't possibly orchestrate this"

"No!" Xiong Suchun immediately replied. "She introduced me to Yao Zhongnan! She was the one who instructed me to do this!"

"I don't believe you" Hou Wei Yan replied, fully knowing how low-level Chungsa was. She would never orchestrate something this big and offend Liu Shan knowing fully well who she will offend. Besides, if he did plan this, she wouldn't allow Xiong Suchun to get captured.

[ She's not even at the party, how can she plan such a thing? What would she gain? ]

Tan Jia caressed Hou Wei Yan's shoulders when she noticed Hou Wei Yan's change in emotions. There are changes ver since her departure so Fe Chungsa changing her ways of handling things should no longer surprise Hou Wei Yan. "Big Sister, Fe Chungsa has changed as well. She's quite bolder now"

Hou Wei Yan glanced at Tan Jia and was convinced in no time. Tan Jia has been staying with Fe Chungsa longer than any one of them inside the room. They should trust her words if it involves Fe Chungsa.

"What did she offer you in exchange?" Xing Cuifen asked, also doubting the words spewing from Xiong Suchun.

"She introduced me to Zhongnan" Suchun exclaimed in vexation. She was quite good at acting so she instantly changed her gears and acted pitifully. "That was enough payment for me"

When Tan Jia saw this, she can't help but smirk and silently applaud her. Because of what she did, Tan Jia instantly knew that she was lying but she never plans on revealing this. If she wants to frame Fe Chungsa, so be it. She had long wanted to toy with her, this should trigger the event she had always wanted.

"How foolish" Liu Shan mumbled before landing another slap on her face. Not yet satisfied, she raised her hands again and evened the redness in Xiong Suchun's face. "I'll make sure you learn your lesson"

"Wait, Shannie!" Hou Wei Yan yelled out when she saw Liu Shan clenching her fist and about to give Xiong Suchun a beating. Liu Shan's clenched hands stopped midway and she looked back at Hou Wei Yan in surprise. "She's still a nurse in Yi Lan. We're quite busy lately so losing even one staff would shatter our balance"

"Hmm" Liu Shan hummed before she smirked and stood up. She didn't want Hou Wei Yan to suffer the repercussion of her actions. If what she said was true, Hou Wei Yan would be forced to work more than she should. "Okay. I'll release her but not as free as before"

Liu Shan motioned Butler Feng and smiled evilly at Xiong Suchun. "Dispatch some assassins to watch over this woman. If she offends one of my kin again and even tries to plot something, kill her"

When she heard her order, Hou Wei Yan smiled alongside her best friend. She was merciful but never to the point of letting go of someone who offended her without restraining them from doing more harm to her and others. "May I add some more conditions?"

"Go ahead, Wei Wei" Liu Shan remarked with a smirk. She knows just what Hou Wei Yan will ask.

"If she neglects her job or decides to not do it properly, punish her" Hou Wei Yan blurted out making Xiong Suchun grate her teeth and glare at her. When she noticed Xiong Suchun's animosity towards her, she gave her a warm and cheeky smile. "And if she dares let out her fume on the patients or spread rumors around, then kill her. We don't need a nurse who would rampage and bring harm to the patients"

Hearing this, Xiong Suchun nearly lost her sanity. Her temper was what she was known for, suddenly changing it is impossible!

When she saw Xiong Suchun's horrid expression, Liu Shan nearly laughed out loud. But she was strong enough to hold it all in and nod her head to support Hou Wei Yan's order. She then motioned Qiu Meixiu to release Xiong Suchun which she obeyed without hesitation.

"Remember those conditions, little nurse" Liu Shan remarked before she allowed the servants to escort Xiong Suchun out. "You'll end up dead if you don't"

After receiving all those slaps, Xiong Suchun had lost all of her strength to fight back. All she can do was glare at them and give in because clearly, her life was on the line, and just by looking at their eyes, she instantly knew that there was no joke mixed in her words.


"Hey, Wei Wei, did you know?" Liu Shan began as all of them finally settled on the huge mattress sprawled on the floor. All of them were now dressed in their PJs and comfortably rolling and tossing to find their perfect spot.

The events earlier were no longer hanging in their heads. All that was left was the happiness in the air and the teasing giggles they gave out because they know what Liu Shan's gossip was all about.


"Brother Zedong and Sister Qiu came in together" she said out loud before she glanced at Qiu Meixiu who just gotten out of the bathroom. She then gave Qiu Meixiu a teasing smile making the latter sigh because she knew just by how wide their smile was what the next topic was all about. "Hand in hand and brother gave her a kiss on the cheek!"

"Kyaah, I was so ecstatic when I saw that. I felt like a teenager watching a drama!" Liu Jiayi exclaimed and squealed when Qiu Miexiu finally settled in alongside them.

Tan Jia laughed out loud when she heard just how excited Liu Jiayi was. She never expected them from her because she always viewed Liu Jiayi as a strong woman who likes to follow Liu Shan's dignified disposition. "Pft. Jiayi, I never knew you can act like this"

Liu Jiayi pouted at her but when she saw Qiu Meixiu again, she can't help but squeal once more. "But it's true. They look good together!"

When she heard their cute reactions, Hou Wei Yan can't help but feel sad for Xie Na who missed such a good show. Nevertheless, she glanced at Qiu Meixiu and smiled her way. "Is it true, Sister Qiu?"

"We're friends" Qiu Meixiu said to clarify the misunderstanding that was brewing in their minds.

"Friends don't act like that, Sister Qiu" Xing Cuifen defended with a huge smirk on her face. There are people close that can be called friends, and some close but can never be viewed as plain friends. How Xie Zedong acts toward Qiu Meixiu is one of the good example of this.

Upon hearing this, Cao Xiaolian can't help but laugh. "Friends can act like that Cuifen"

"Huh? Is that how it is on you, Xiaolian?" Yue Xiaoli asked in confusion. She thought Cao Xaiolian was the kind of woman who likes to have a straightforward relationship with someone.

"You're no different, Xiaoli" Qiu Meixiu interjected with a sigh. Yue Xiaoli can't deny that she baited some men using friendship as an excuse to lure them closer to her and notice just how charming she can get. "I heard another officer has fallen because of you. You sly little psycho"

"It was a mission. I can't disobey an order, you know?" Yue Xiaoli said to defend herself and not fully destroy the good image she was trying to create.

Curious, Cheng Ying raised her head and excitedly glanced at Yue Xiaoli. "Ohh? So there are missions like that, Big Sister Yue?"

"You cutie. Just call me Xiaoli" she said as she ruffled Cheng Ying's hair with a warm smile on her face. "And for your question, yes. Yes there are and since I'm a hot female, getting the job done is easier when I do it"

Yue Xiaoli has quite a high status in the military. As for her full story, well, that's for another book to tell.

"Please stop bragging" Xu Dandan suddenly exclaimed as she cupped her tummy. "Look, my baby fats are crying"

After she said such a statement, everyone in the room broke into laughter. Like a domino effect, everyone was affected and that includes Xu Dandan. She wasn't expecting such a reaction but it made her laugh heartily. Seeing their smiling faces made her heart flutter. It was during these moments that she wanted to preserve it eternally. So she secretly took her phone and captured their faces in her lenses.

It was joyous.

Truly it was until a huge booming noise disrupted their moment. Surprise and caution suddenly crossed their faces causing them to bolt up and check the situation.

They are currently in the Emperor Suite, a suite detached from the hotel or one of the special houses that can be booked by VVIPs in the hotel. It's located in the Garden quite secluded from the tall building and was surrounded by the Noble Suites, smaller in size but not lower in luxury. There shouldn't be anyone getting inside aside from them.

"What's going on?" Liu Shan mumbled as she leads the others towards the huge glass window. Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw a white helicopter landing safely on the helipad across them. There was a crest on its body but because of the darkness and the distance, they were able to decipher which family it belongs to. "A helicopter?"

A short moment after the commotion, Butler Feng went inside their room with a huge smile plastered on his face. "Miss Jiayi, you have a special visitor"

As soon as he said this, a woman dressed in black fitted pants and a black long coat entered the room. A series of gasp and squealing resonated across the room as soon as they saw her ebony-colored hair as dark as the night sky and her glimmering emerald green eyes akin to the lush amazon forest. Hou Wei Yan's eyes went wide in both surprise and excitement as she called for the said woman.

Hi guys, follow me on instagram and twitter, @milesaguanta. I'll post some random scenes with the characters and you can ask me anything there. If you have any arts or whatnot with the story then please don't hesitate to post it. Thanks.

themilesaguantacreators' thoughts