
Chapter 2 Engagement Banquet Turmoil

Translator: 549690339

Yao Qin reluctantly left, and as soon as she did, Gu Junhan went straight to the point.

"Xia Wanwan, while there's still time, let's go and explain everything to my parents and Uncle Xia and Aunt Yang," he said.

Gu Junhan's words plunged the entire room into an exceedingly tense atmosphere; it was so quiet you could practically hear each other breathing. Xia An'an was the first to break the eerie silence; tugging lightly at Gu Junhan's hand, she said softly, "Junhan, you can't do this..."

Her voice was full of pleading and compromise.

Gu Junhan gripped Xia An'an's hand tightly, "An'an, don't you want to be with me?"

A troubled expression appeared on Xia An'an's face, and, after struggling with herself, she finally bit her lip and said, "But today is your engagement banquet with my sister..."

"Can't you see? You've always treated her as your sister, but has she ever considered you as hers? Even Aunt Yang has noticed how she targets you at every turn!"

Gu Junhan's accusations did not change Xia Wanwan's expression, which ignited an inexplicable rage in the pit of his stomach, turning his complexion incredibly sour.

As if directly ignoring what he had just said, Xia Wanwan remarked, "The guests should have mostly arrived by now. The engagement banquet is set to start in fifteen minutes, Gu Junhan. I think arguing here is pointless. You don't want to give up the position as president of the Gu Family, do you?"

Actually, there had been a change—just moments ago Xia Wanwan called him "Junhan," and now she was addressing him by his full name. But Gu Junhan did not notice this shift.

"Xia Wanwan!" Gu Junhan was gritting his teeth, "Is this the only despicable trick you can play?"

Gu Junhan did not refuse, meaning he had compromised. The Gu Family was too important to him; he could not give it up.

Xia Wanwan left behind a self-assured and composed silhouette, but only she knew that her palms were full of sweat.

Gu Junhan's compromise only deepened his guilt. Looking at the girl by his side, he said in a pained voice, "An'an, I'm sorry... You know, inheriting the Gu Family was my mother's dying wish, I..."

"You don't need to explain, Junhan. I understand..." Xia An'an managed a pale smile, "It was my fault to begin with. I knew about your engagement to my sister, yet I still... Mm..."

Xia An'an's unfinished words were drowned out by Gu Junhan's kiss, and the room seemed to be staging a drama of star-crossed lovers forced apart. Gu Junhan lost himself in such tenderness, failing to notice the full brunt of An'an's resentment in her eyes.

The union between the Gu Family and the Xia Family was indeed a major event in S City. Not only had more than half of the city's elites gathered here today, but numerous journalists had also arrived. After all, once these two families joined forces, they would hardly have any concerns left—perhaps only the Xi Family would still be a consideration.

As the romantic and melodious piano sounds began, the banquet hall lights dimmed slowly, with Xia Wanwan and Gu Junhan standing at the center receiving everyone's blessings. The soft light accentuated Xia Wanwan's stunning visage, and her white cocktail dress hugged her curves exquisitely.

Her beauty was breathtaking, yet her smile seemed somewhat distant, and Gu Junhan beside her was expressionless.

"Sis..." Not far away, Xia An'an stepped forward, took a glass of wine from the waiter's hand, and with a somewhat panicked look, she said to Xia Wanwan, "Sis, this cup is my tribute to you, I hope you won't be angry with me anymore. I also hope that you and Junhan will be happy."

"Really?" Xia Wanwan's lips curled up slightly as she took another glass of champagne from the waiter's tray, "Should I thank you for that?"

Her tone rose slightly at the end, seemingly questioning. Yang Susu was about to ask what had happened when a sigh rippled through the hall, drawing everyone's attention to the big screen, which was meant to show photos of Xia Wanwan and Gu Junhan.

The journalists were the first to react. They surged toward Xia An'an in the middle of the hall, "Miss An'an, can you explain what this is all about?"

"Why are there intimate photos of you and Young Master Gu at the engagement banquet?"

"Are you playing the role of the other woman, seducing your own brother-in-law?"