
the emotions system in DxD

Naruki is 24 years old assistant lab scientist, he over worked one days on a project and slept on his desk, only to wake up to a bit different world.. ps : might have crossovers

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

how to plunder a successful series

"really?!" Judy eyes lit up, she is huge weeb, ,"wait.. what about your engineering dreams?" she asked in worry

"I found something I can passionate about." he said with a smile, 'of course not, I just quick money...and to try out something.' he thought

"meh, you will probably grow out of later," Haruki dismissed it with a hand wave, "do you know how to draw even?"

"I'll will learn soon." he smiled confidently

"well Naruki is still young, he can explore his options." Judy said joyly, "I heard mangaka is a hard job, sleeping is luxury for them, and they earnings depends on popularity, so do you have some idea on your story?"

"of course." Naruki nodded with meaningful smile, "I'm sure it will a Titanic hit!" said, his parents didn't say anything more and continued their breakfast..

/in Naruki bedroom/

"like I thought, anime and manga industry here are somehow lacking" he looking through the internet to see popular shows, he only found

drag -A ball, which is dragon ball essentially, he also found ton of another anime and manga which was unfamiliar to him, "this world has different entertainment, I'll show them some bits of mine." he said and brought a pencil and paper, begin to draw random shapes, the goal here to unlock specific skill

[ action recognized! skill created!

drawing (passive/ active) level 1 (0.0%)

while drawing increase drawing speed, accuracy, and the ability to visualize pictures from brain to Paper by lvl% MP can be used to enhance these by 10x, MP consumption rate is 200/min

decrease MP consumption rate by lvl%

increase DEX by 1 each level

for next level draw something complicated for an hour or use 1 EP (like not draw a circle)


"alright! time to take credit!" he laughed and begin to draw like crazy, for almost 16 hours straight!

when his MP was low he would mediating immediately causing his skills to increase in level and proficiency, then midnight came and he barely finished the first volume

[ drawing level 5, b.MCT level 7, meditation level 7]

"fooh, finally" he smiled, and decided to sleep normally since he is mentally tired..

/next day/

after finishing the morning training and breakfast, he fulfilled a form on internet for famous monthly manga magazine, of course he preferred to be unknown, less headache to deal with

he then drive on his bike , and arrived at the agency branch to the magazine

"welcome! how I can help you today?" the beautiful Clark said to him

"I would like to submit this.." he give her a copy of the volume

"can I see your ID number?" the Clark asked, Naruki nodded and give her the number

"yes, you submitted this morning, Kazuya-sensei." the Clark said with a smile, "then I'll take this volume, we will contact you in case of possible contract with us, thank you very much for your contribution, Kazuya-sensei!" the Clark bowed and Naruki excused himself

"hmm, I have nothing to do today...let's walk around maybe my plot armor will kick in." he chuckled to himself, only to see a figure in the first floor of the building, which is I'm surprisingly, a manga store

the figure was wearing a long jacket to hide their body, a mask, sub glasses, and big hat to hide their hair, the figure was reading a shojo manga and was giggling from time to time, the figure than noticed a gaze and looked to see an amused Naruki

the figure almost jump in fright, yet they composed themselves, 'its alright, this disguise is perfect! no one will know me here!' the figure comfort themselves

"oh it's Rias-senpai!" Naruki smiled

the figure fill on the ground in shock, "how did you know?!" Rias asked, Naruki put stretch his hand, causing Rias to wake up, the redhead put her hands on his on reflex, and he pulled her to him

"how about we go the nearby coffee shop?" Naruki smiled, Rias nodded still in daze..

/in the cafe shop/

"how did you find out?" Rias now in causal outfit, her red crimson hair is flowing, and the azure eyes staring at Naruki in confusion

"well it's that hard, Rias-senpai's hair is unique, and and even though it well hidden by the jacket and hat, I saw a bit of it, so I guess it, I wasn't really sure, but you sure did confront it right? our onee-sama Otaku?" he chuckled upon saying the pout on her embarrassed face

"please don't tell anyone, my hobby isn't well received, any I have to keep my image..." Rias said in sincere voice and grabbed his hand, trying to win him with her charms, "if you don't, I'll be owning you a huge favor, Naruki-kun~"

Naruki almost chuckled at her desperate act but he shut up when he saw the screen in front of him

[ Rias Gremory sent a personal quest!

0) promise rias to keep her secret

additional changes

1) impress Rias and make her interest in you genuinely

2) tease Rias and make flustered


0) 10 + FP , 5+ EP

1) 15 + FP , 7+ EP , random skill or abilities from Rias

2) 20 FP, 10 EP ,2 random skill or ability from rias

punishment : Rias will erase your memory about the situation


'I wish I have gamer mind' he cursed , 'it's alright I'll find something similar'

"I'll promise." Naruki nodded seriously

"thank you!" Rias was relieved, 'I like using memories alternation as minimum as possible' she thought, only then noticed she noticed she still holding his hand, instead of shying away, she kept holding, 'you dare tease me hmph, I'll tease back!'

she approach him with playful look, "I'm really grateful you know ~ is there anything you want? as your senpai, I must take care of my kohai , right?'


'she definitely the most beautiful woman I ever Saw until now' now his looked at her in eyes he begin to feel his heart pounding, blood rushed into his face

Rias smiles lightly, Naruki didn't like this situation, he run his mana technique, felt warm in his body, making him focus and relax

'hmm?' Rias looked at him in suspect, 'my charm didn't work? no! it did work..he did something!'

"ahem, Rias-senpai, you like japanese culture right?" he said to avert her attention

"huh? of course I do!" her eyes lit up, "Manga, novels, anime , games , everything in Japan is great! my hometown is boring and nothing interesting happen!" she said in passionate way

"then... would like to read one I made?" he said, trying to bait her

"you wrote a manga?!" her azure eyes felt with stars , her face become so much close to his, "that's amazing! could you show me?!"

"of course of course, you sure excited" he laughed at her, and give her his copy

"hmm? attack on Titans? interesting name..." she opened the folder, reading curiously , page after page, minutes after minutes, Naruki eat his cake in silence , looking at the redhead different reactions, from excitement, to anger, to confusion

[ 0.01+ 0.05+ 0.03+... EP]

'liks I thought! I gained EP from reaction from my book!' he almost giggled, 'I'm freaking genius muhahaha!' he laughed in his mind like an evil master

Rias was none the wiser is she was looking at the book with huge intensity, after an hour of reading, Rias put the volume looking in Naruki in daze, Naruki decided to hot the iron while it's hot

he brought his face closer and near her ear he said, "your cute mouth is wide opened." causing to shudder and look at him with red face

"Ahem! where I can find vol 2?" she asked trying to calm herself

"still underdevelopment, but why I should give it you? you can buy it normally when I make contract."

"wait! no! you can't just not give to me to go! I must wait like half a year to read the next volume! you can't be this cruel to me!!" Rias almost cried , "what do you want?! I can give you anything, I'm rich you know!" she Huff her big chess in pride

"I don't really need your money.." he said in calm tone, "what I want is..." he pointed at her and said..."your..."