
the emotions system in DxD

Naruki is 24 years old assistant lab scientist, he over worked one days on a project and slept on his desk, only to wake up to a bit different world.. ps : might have crossovers

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

going home

'mm~ h-huh? where I am?' Isemi groggily Opened her eyes, and even she can she wasn't moving on her own, she noticed big hands on her thighs, her hands is around someone neck

she looked at her carrier, and her face become red, she tried not to move, as not to bring attention to him.

yet it didn't work when she heard his voice, "no need to pretend to sleep I know you are awake" Naruki said with half closed eyes

"s-sorry, you had to carry me... must be pretty hard ..." she looked around and saw the people on the street looking at them, some old ladies was giggling, while old men thumb up to such supporting boyfriend (in their views) , "...and embarrassing...no need to continue carrying me.."

"hmm, well I guess..no need" Naruki said... Isemi felt a bit disappointed but she knows she on the heavy side, well in only bust and hips apartments anyway, yet she didn't feel his hand became loose

"?" she was confused, "didn't say there is no need?"

"there isn't."

"then why are continuing to hold me?"

"because I want too?" he shrugged, "besides I challenged myself to carry you until our home, they aren't that far anyway."

"who are you and what did you do to Naruki??" Isemi said in disbelief, "Naruki isn't that cool or strong for that matter!"

"yeah I'm his future self who came back in time." he said the truth casually, and it did give the results he wanted, "pfft, say a believable lie!" she snorted with a laugh, but she felt more relaxed and put her head on his shoulder, "thank you.." she smiled sweetly.

[ 1+ EP ]

then her face become dangerously close to his, Isemi noticed a shade of red on his cheeks "oya?, aren't you adorable!" she giggled while poking his cheek with her finger

"I can't help it! this my first time doing this!" he countered, 'of course not! I carried drunken women alot! but the difference here, their smell were stink like alcohol, yet yours is like peaches!'

'besides when I said I'm challenging myself, I meant it literally.' he thought as he looked at the flying screen

[ quest customization.

current quest : carry Isemi to her home on your back

extra challenge: don't use MP

rewards: 1) 10 EP , 10 FP from Isemi

2) beginner mana circulation technique (upgradable)

punishment : dancing oppa gangnam style at school


'good..that punishment thought... well I put did it, the punishment and conditions will give rewards accordingly' he thought

"hey Naruki..." Isemi said


"did you know why my parents call me their miracle child?"

"because they have take long to have you?" he guessed, they were married for a while, but they didn't have Isemi until their 30's despite being married for while

"well...they recently told they had miscarriage.. twice..." Isemi revealed.

"..is that so..?" Naruki asked in surprise, his knowledge to this world came from the anime, fanfiction and reading wiki sometimes, so he didn't know every detail

"mn,they tried for years, until they had me after they almost lost hope, that's why their don't bat an eye on all my shenanigans, even when I so degenerated" she laughed at herself

"well if you ask me you aren't degenerate at all."

"huh? but I'm basically the school pervert." she laughed wryly, but Naruki shake his head, "that just a persona you put, to attract attention, although it didn't work well. seeing you friends aren't many" he smiled

"b-but Aika is bff you know!" she tried to counter but her voice was more a whisper, Naruki scoffed,"you mean she is your only one, you even rejected Matsuda and Motohama invitation to part of their sacred creed as they call it"

"y-you know about that?" Isemi gaped in shock, Naruki snorted, "I'm not sleeping all the time you know?"

"...." they still in silence in a minute until they ...

"hahahaha" they laughed together at their silliness and stared at the evening twilight...

/changing scenes/

#knock knock#

at Isemi house,

[quest completed, 10+ EP , 10+ FP from Isemi, extra reward : beginner mana circulation technique is now in the skill section! ]

"Isemi, you finally back what took you so lon-" Miki opened the door, and said but stopped her track when she her daughter being lifted on the back by a Young Man

"yo!" Isemi said energetically

"good evening, aunt Miki." Naruki smiled and bowed slightly

"ah! yes! mor- I mean evening! Naruki-kun, it's been a while! , deeeeeear look whose heeere!" Miki shout into the house, then a middle age man with newspaper looked to door and his eyes widen

"Isemi! you finally brought a boy home! I thought one will accept your degenerate behavior!" Gorou got up and walked to the door and looked at Naruki sternly

"Naruki-kun...we have been neighbors for long type, so I'll give you the benefit of doubts..." Gorou fixed his glasses and looked intensity..."are your intentions with my daughter pure?" he asked with a frown but he thought 'I always wanted to say that, hehehe!'

"uh, ...yes?" he asked unsurely, "ouch!" he felt a pinch of his waist , he looked at pouting Isemi in confusion, "why did you pinch me?"

"hmph no reason!" she got off his back

Gorou looked and said, "WRONG!!!"

"huh?" x3

"what's wrong with you dad?" Isemi asked

"how can you give me tons of grandkids if your intentions is pure huh???!" he said in almost tears

Miki facepalm, and Isemi blushed, Miki coughed and said, "do you want to dinner with us, Naruki-kun?"

"ah, sorry my mother is making something now." he declined

"Ara, that's too bad, we must make shared dinner someday." Miki said and dragged the crying Gorou to their house and said good bye to them

Naruki Walked for a couple minutes and reached his home, which was very similar to his previous one...he walked towards the door and stared blankly

"mother... will you be the same...it's been...6 years... since I saw you... father became depressed and alcoholic after... that...I promised you to change..and I did ...but you weren't there to witness that...." he felt his eyes becoming wet

he then wanted to open, but the door moved, a mature middle age blonde woman

"Naruki? you are home? why don't you enter?" Judy asked, the tears that Naruki holding hardly burst upon seeing his beautiful mother

"sweety?! what wrong?! why are crying?! did someone bully you?!" she pulled Naruki in, and hugged him, "what's wrong sweetheart?" he pat his head gently

"n-nothing mom..I'm just missed you..." Naruki smiled removed his tears

"missed me? you silly boy, I had to throw a bucket of water to wake you up, and you left the house angry...I thought you were upset with me..."

"it's ok, it's ok ...I deserved that...it's good to see you...mom" he shake his head

"sweetheart, are you ok? did you need some tea? I'll give you lemon-grape, your favorite!" Judy said

"I would love that...mom.." he smiled happily and followed her

then he saw his father watching an animal documentary on the tv ,Haruki looked up and saw Naruki, he then laughed, "hahaha, brat did you make up with your mother? I told her throwing water at you is a bit extreme, but surely was funny to watch you all wet, hahaha!"

Naruki didn't say anything, and walked to his father, Haruki arched an eyebrow, but surprised to find Naruki hugged him, "good to see you too, dad."

"Naruki... what's up with you?" he patted his back and looked at Judy in question, the latter shrugged thinking it's part of being a teenager, Naruki then said, "dad...if you still up to it...we can go camping and hunting as you always wished.."

"R-Really? did you mean that brat?! don't play tricks on your old man!" he shake his shoulder in shock

"I mean it dad, I'm sorry I always refused you...I know that your favorite hobby"

"hahahaha, too late better than never son! finally I'll show you the joy of being a nature man!"Naruki laughed heartily, the three then joined into the family dinner and chatted happily about their day...

/scene change/

Naruki now in his room, identical to his past time, full of comic posters, manga, random drawing, and bizarre items, he set on the bed, and started to think of his day

'so I swallowed by a wormhole, entered a different reality where Japan is filled with deadly being and big breasts, the protagonist is gender bended, I've already played chess with a devil...'

'and more importantly...' he looked at family picture near him...

'my mother is alive...my father isn't depressed alcoholic...' Naruki closed his eyes and remember some of his past

what people don't know, that Naruki change of attitude with because of his mother, she was diagnosed with breast cancer when he was 17, their family was hit hard, Naruki felt like a wake up call, he changed his lifestyle and became a honor student in matter on months

gradually his mother condition became worse and worse, she fought with cancer 9 painful month, but she preserve, because she wanted to witness her son graduation

...so she did!

"I did it mother! I graduated! I made for the first time.. proud..." Naruki said with tear in his eyes near his mother bed, her blond her disappeared, replaced by bald skin

"... you never not make me proud... Naruki...I'm really happy...I was able to witness you became man...I'm just sad...I wouldn't be able to see the little version of you running around..."

"mom.. please don't say..."

"shh... don't lie to yourself... Naruki... always be true to yourself.. promise me.."

"...I promise.." he solemnly nodded holding in her hand

"... thank you..I love you..my son.." Judy smiled peacefully

"I love you too , mom.." Naruki smiled weakly as he couldn't hold the tears

few days afterwards, his mother passed away , he was able to walk on his feet, empowered by the determination to make her proud

Haruki however couldn't muster such strength, as he slowly fell into gambling, drinking, and smoking, Naruki tried to help his father in anyway possible, even suggested some dates, yet Haruki broken heart couldn't take that, later he was diagnosed with depression and was taken care of by the hospital...

Naruki opened his eyes, "now it's different...I'll make it different.. and My first step is..." he opened the screen

[ taking random skill from Sona now?]

"yes." he nodded

[processing...done..the skill is....!]