
The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Chapter 80 *R18*

[Third Person PoV]

Cid was seen in his dorm lying in bed reading a book about the ancient languages. As he was reading he felt his shadow start moving and an appearance soon appeared.

It was Eta who shot up from his shadow and threw herself onto Cid in his bed "Darling!" She called out and wrapped her hands around him.

Cid lifted his book and looked at Eta with a raised brow "What are you doing here?"

"Two things, one, Alpha wanted you to come to Lindwurm in a few days, and two, I invented something amazing and I still haven't got rewarded" Eta looked up from his chest and pouted at him.

Cid smirked when he saw this was going and threw his book into his shadow. He flipped Eta over and threw her onto his bed, "You're right" he said as he went down and kissed her and as he did Eta wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face closer, ruffling his hair.

He stopped his kissing and continued to look down on Eta "You do deserve some kind of award" Cid started to kiss her neck making her let out subtle moans.

Cid then started tracing his lips down from her neck into her collarbone, shoulders. Cid destroyed the slime suit they were both wearing and went down to her well developed breast that seemed to fit perfectly in his hands.

Cid wrapped his lips around her pink bub and pinched and twisted the other, turning it like he was tuning a radio. Cid licked, bit, and sucked on her rose colored bud making her moan out loud.

"Aaaaah Master~" Eta moaned while holding Cid's head.

Cid then stopped pinching and twisting her nipples and just continued to such on them, he used his now free hand and slowly snaked his way towards Eta lower region.

As he ran his hand across her slit, Eta moaned and Cid retracted his hand showing Eta.

"Looks like somebody is clearly excited" He smirked when he saw Eta's blush, He licked the finger that ran across her slit making Eta blush even further

"Delicious" He said while licking his lips, he started to then kiss Eta once again and insert his fingers inside of her.


While Cid's fingers was inside of Eta he decided to get creative, he made his fingers start vibrating and press his finger inside her inner walls

"OOOOOOHHH MY GOD~" Eta screamed as she arch her back lifting her pelvis from the bed due to the sudden overwhelming amount of pleasure she was experiencing.

The pleasure was so overwhelming and sudden, Eta stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes making an Ahegao expression.

"Mwsterrrrrrr~" Eta moaned, slurring her words.

Cid enjoying watching Eta's facial expressions decided to go for a big finisher. He took his vibrating thumb and index finger and pinched her clit, while simultaneously making his tongue vibrate and attacking her nipples.


Eta proceeded to start squirting wetting the bed, while gripping the sheets, almost ripping them apart due to her high strength.

Eta plopped down back on the bed feeling light headed as she was breathing heavily, her bountiful chest rising up and down, she was mumbling incoherently.

Cid then grabbed her chin and made her look into his eyes as he said "Don't think that we're done here, the fun is just beginning"

Cid started kissing her, coiling their tongues together sucking on it. Cid broke the kiss and started kissing her head, then her cheek, then her neck, then her chest, down to her stomach and continued going lower and lower, until he reached her private area.

Instead of kissing it, Cid gave her slit a long and sensual lick causing Eta's body to shudder, he started moving his tongue against her wet folds causing Eta to moan

"Aaah Master please wait I'm still sensitive~"

But Cid didn't listen; he inserted his tongue and began to taste her leftover juices.

"Ahhhh please masterrrr!~" Eta begged due to how sensitive she was feeling due to her previous orgasm.

"Ahhhh~" Eta moaned while pressing Cid's head with her thicc thighs.

After tasting her insides Cid started vibrating his tongue and started flicking her little bean on top causing her to press her thighs even tighter while grasping his hair and pressing Cid's face on her snatch.

"AAAHHHHH MASTER I TOLD YOU I WAS STILL SENSITIVE" Eta moaned, throwing her head back and sticking out her tongue once again.

"IM CUMMMMINNG AGAIN!" Eta once again moaned and started squirting, while Cid just started slurping it up.

When Eta stopped Cid gave her pussy one last long lick and stood up, sensually wiped his mouth with his thumb "Thanks for the drink, it was delicious" he said teasing her causing the blush on Eta's face to deepen.

Eta then stood up and tackled Cid, making him lay down. She got on top of Cid and gave him a long sensual kiss to the point where when she backed off a string of saliva still connected them.

"I just tasted myself and you're right it's delicious" Eta said teasing Cid right back.

Eta then slightly moved to the side and started kissing his neck while giving him a hickey marking her territory, while kissing and sucking on his neck Eta's hand went and took a hold of his cock and began to stroke it.

Eta lifted her head up slightly towards Cid's ear and said "I feel so rewarded and it was more than I bargain for, I feel like I should reward you as well."

Eta blew air into his ear and sucked at his earlobe sending a shiver down his spine. Eta went and lowered herself into Cid's crotch while continuously stroking his cock.

She went from the base and licked her way towards the top of his dickhead. She started licking around his shift while simultaneously stroking it causing Cid groan.

She gave his cock one more long lick and took the head of his cock into her mouth when she reached the top.

While sucking on the tip of his cock Eta started moving her tongue around it, increasing the pleasure Cid was feeling.

She then started to take his cock further down her throat which caused Cid to groan once again as she started to contract it, tightening her grip on his cock.

She started going further and further down until her mouth reached his pelvis, Eta didn't have a gag reflex which just made the experience much more enjoyable to Cid, one could see the outline of his cock on Eta's neck.

Cid grabbed Eta's hair and held it like a ponytail, he then lifted it up slightly and brought it down, again and again and again.

While Eta closed her eyes enjoying the moment of being face fucked, she liked it when he was rough with her, she especially liked it when Cid used her like his personal toy.

While she was getting face fucked, Eta's hands started slithering down into her pussy, she started fingering herself while playing with clit as Cid's cock went in and out her throat and mouth.

After a few minutes and after Cid's pelvis was covered in spit Cid groan as he said "Shit, I'm going to shit, swallow it all"

He grabbed the back of Eta's hand and pressed it down on his cock while shooting his entire load down her throat.

"MMMMHMM~" Eta moaned out as She closed her eyes and started swallowing everything, not that she had a choice.

When Cid was done he let go of Eta, when he did Eta took one last big gulp swallowing any leftover cum that was still in her mouth.

She then took his cock and smirked as she said "Let me clean this up for you" and started licking away any leftover cum that was on his cock as well…

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