
Chapter 1: New Blood

Benji POV

The vampire stepped into the empty and dark club. Benjamin Emerald and his family had spent the past few months remodeling the place that they decided to call Blue Bloods. The sparkling blue dance floor was empty, but he heard voices coming from the VIP balcony. He walked up the stairs to find his parents and siblings lounging on the couches.

“It’s about time,” his older brother, Hunter, huffed in annoyance.

Benjamin, known as Benji to all those close to him, checked his watch even though he knew he wasn’t late for the family meeting. “I’m two minutes early.”

Hunter gestured around to the rest of the family. “It appears that everyone else was here before you.”

“That’s enough, Hunter,” their father, Denton, scolded.

Things often happened that way. Hunter would be a total jerk to one of their siblings, and their dad would have to stop it. Benji knew Hunter liked to think he was better than the rest of them since it was assumed by all that he would be the new head of the family when their father eventually passed. Hunter was also the oldest sibling which added to his feelings of superiority.

Benji had been done with his attitude for decades.

He chose to sit in an armchair that was far away from Hunter.

All the seating in the VIP section was blood red – a little joke among the Emeralds about their vampirism and what the main purpose of the VIP section was. The area would be used to lure in unsuspecting humans and to sell blood.

Even though all vampires struggled through the same things, it could be difficult to befriend other vampires. Most were territorial over what they deemed their hunting grounds. After all, too much activity could lead to discovery.

The Emeralds liked to work differently. Family came first, but they were able to band vampires in their area together by providing jobs and easy access to blood. All this effectively made them the most powerful vampires wherever they resided.

Benji’s family often chose large cities particularly known for having a heavy nightlife culture. They always made it known that they were a mafia family as they started looking for places to set up a nightclub. Their ability to compel humans – a trick that worked a little like hypnosis – helped them a lot. Compulsion made it easier for them to acquire whatever building they wanted, and it convinced humans they were a family to be feared.

There was another purpose for the clubs they opened than just catering to people who liked to party. They would allow drugs to be sold in the building for a fee which helped with their biggest money maker – blood. Combining drugs and compulsion helped the Emeralds and other vampires to get humans from the crowds to the VIP to take their blood. Some humans were used for a quick bite while others would be taken into their secret backroom to fill up a blood bag or two. That was how the Emeralds were able to sell blood to the local vampires.

They made a lot of money doing this when they were living in Las Vegas. The hope was that New York City would be just as lucrative.

Benji crossed his legs and stared at Hunter. “I’m here last because I was busy doing the research Dad wanted. What exactly were you up to?”

Hunter flashed his fangs and hissed at Benji.

“Can we not do this?” Ash, Benji’s younger brother begged. “The club is opening soon, and we need to make sure everything is ready.”

Benji’s sister, Kelly, sighed loudly. “I already told you that Mom and I have the blood room all setup and ready to go, Ash. It’s going to be the last part of the tour if we ever get to it.”

Benji chuckled. The Emeralds were notorious for getting off-topic during their family meetings, which caused plans to be postponed.

Myrtle, Benji’s elegant and mahogany-haired mother, shook her head. “How about we start with what Benji has found out about local mafia families?”

Denton clapped his hands together once. “Yes! Let’s hear from Benji.”

Benji pulled up the notes he had on his phone in excitement. He loved revealing the things he found out. He would spend hours every day looking to find answers to questions his family had. There was a huge sense of satisfaction when he revealed those answers.

“There is potential for us to overtake the area one family controls,” he began. “This family has been falling apart for several years now. The boss is named Odo Sapphire. His main source of income is the illegal casinos he runs. However, many have been closing down. Most of the people working for him have recently left him for other mafia families. Even his children have abandoned him for another family.”

“Disrespectful,” Hunter muttered in disgust. “How could they leave their father?”

Benji didn’t appreciate Hunter’s input and glared at him before going on. “By all accounts, Odo isn’t a pleasant man. His downfall started when he made a deal with another family for his daughter to marry the other’s son. A few months later, Odo’s son went to live with his sister. Odo even signed over the boy’s custody to his daughter and her husband.”

Benji’s sister, Olive – his youngest sister and favorite sibling – twisted her long caramel-colored hair between her fingers. “That’s pretty impressive of the other family. Who are they? Have they taken over any Sapphire territory?”

Benji grinned, always thankful for Olive’s questions. “They’re the Garnet family. They’re quite secretive and exclusive. The only time they cooperated with another family was with the marriage deal.”

Denton hummed. “They sound a little like us. Could they be vampires too?”

“No,” Benji said with a shake of his head. “They’ve all been seen in daylight.” It was all the evidence he needed to present about that. Vampires were burned by sunlight. When they were younger, Hunter had locked Benji out of the house during the day. It was the most painful thing Benji had experienced, and it took days for the burns to heal.

Denton relaxed back in his seat. “Good. What about Olive’s second question? Have they acquired any Sapphire territory?”

Benji was happy to answer this question because the answer was mysterious to him. “They haven’t.”

“Well, that doesn’t make sense,” Hunter said with furrowed brows. “They could’ve easily scooped up territory. The Sapphire children could’ve been used to sway loyalty.”

Olive started to braid a chink of her hair. “They must be doing so well that they don’t find a need for more territory.”

Ash leaned forward to rest his arms on his thighs. “It’s good for us, though. We could easily take over old Sapphire territory.”

Denton stood. “Excellent. Hunter and Ash, I want you two to start poking around with that. If you come across any other vampires in those areas, try to get them to join us.” He looked around at his family. “Well, let’s begin the tour.”

Hunter took the lead and guided everyone back downstairs. The nightclubs the Emeralds opened were always his projects. While Benji didn’t like Hunter much, he had to admit the man knew how to put a club together.

The ceilings, walls, and floors – except for the dance floor – were all black. Large and intricate chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The lighting on the chandeliers was designed to look like candlelight, and it was the same with the wall sconces.

To the left side of the large room was the first bar, and toward the back was where the second one was placed. Both bars were lined with blue lights. The seating areas around the bars featured royal blue sofas and chairs, as well as black tables.

On the right side of the room was where the stage had been built. This was where the DJ and hopefully some bands would perform with that blue and sparkly dance floor in front of it.

The VIP section was above the left bar and opened up to look at the stage and dance floor. The area featured a third, smaller bar for the VIP guests who would be other vampires and whoever those vampires chose to take with them. It was where they would be free to feed on humans.

There was also a red door that said employees only. Behind this door was where the secret blood donation room was located. Compelled humans would be guided to the room every night, and the vampires Hunter hired would draw their blood. There was also a freezer in the room where the blood would be stored. Vampires could buy the blood bags at the VIP bar.

“You’ve done well with the place, Hunter,” Denton said approvingly. “Your mother has all the marketing handled, but I want you kids to go around the city at night, especially at other clubs, to compel humans to come for opening night this weekend. If you feed on any of them, please leave them alive.” He shot a look at Hunter. “We don’t need to be generating any news-worthy murders.”

Hunter scowled and pouted at the same time after being called out. Benji knew he would find a way around the command.