
CHP81: The Lightside and Darkside of the Force, and Force Kids!

Next up, the force moves in mysterious ways.

Also, Bruce gets the shock of a lifetime.

Hope you enjoy!



[The Wellspring of Life]

The Wellspring of Life, also known simply as the Force planet, the home world of the midi-chlorians, microscopic organisms that made life possible by residing in all living things. 

The name Wellspring of Life is what the planet in the center of all reality would become known as.

But for right now, this planet is in the process of releasing the power that would be used by many people in the future.

Said planet is where we are now.

From orbit it looks as if cracks were all over the planet, but in reality, these were just extremely large geysers.

The planet as a whole was glowing a light silvery color.

This silver color was like wisps of gas floating of the planet.

The gas was the pure force energy, it was being created and secreting out the midi-chlorians thereby creating life in the universe.

All over the planet and outer reaches of the space are basking in the force energy.

And life is beginning to form.

Force who made all of this named this part of the force the Cosmic Force, as it transfers in the Well Spring of Life, thereby it connects all of the universe together.

Even space and time.

There was also another part to this cosmic force, it was the Living Force, the Living Force was the energy of all life.

By springing from and feeding into the Cosmic Force, the Living Force created and grew the force.

An energy field that bound the galaxy together and was the fundamental unity that underpinned all of creation by maintaining harmony between dualities such as life, death, light, and dark, while also transcending them.

Basically, it kept order between those laws that in turn kept the universe in balance.

And this all came from one person.


[Wellspring of life Planet]

On the newly born planet, Force and Bruce could been seen strolling through a rainforest.

The crystal-clear energy in the air made the planet buzz with life.



Bruce looked at the small animal life forms flying through the air and rushing in-between the growing trees.

He could feel and smell the primal force energy in the planet lifeforms.

Even in the newly made vast and still expanding universe.

The midi-chlorians were the stars, the other planets, and even reality itself.


He was brought back to his senses by a small laugh coming from next to him.

Bruce looked over at Force who was floating in the air while giggling and smiling at him.

"What?" He asked.

Force just shook her head and said, "Nothing much, it's just that you look really strange with your face covered with that black weird cloak."


Bruce snorted in mock hurt, and he said, "this cloak is not for me, but for others to."

"If you were to look my face then more than likely my charm would make you fall in love with me."

'Or you'd go insane,' Bruce said that in his head.

Force cocked her head sideways, studying him.

"Mhmm, I can feel a really scary, dark, and horrible power coming from that cloak."

Then her face scrounged up like she was repulsed by that idea, and she said, "But I'd fall in love with you, that wouldn't be possible, I just view you as an elder."


An imaginary large sword pierced Bruces heart from that comment.

'Damn, never really thought of this kind of situation.' He thought to himself as he felt this pride and ego recover from the stab.

But it is whatever, and he decide to remove the darkness covering his face.

Plus, he would just cover it back up if needed.

"Ok, then let me just remove this," Bruce said as he parted the darkness covering his face.

Force watched as the darkness around Bruce's face parted like a waterfall and revealing the extremely perfect face of Bruce.

Almost immediately after it parted, the very inner workings of the universe as a whole stopped working for a few seconds.

Even the wind stopped brushing against the trees, and the animals stopped moving.

All because the incredibly beautiful face that was now out in the open.

Bruce breathed the air, "ah this is much better than breathing underneath all of that."

Then he turned towards Force who was much closer than before, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

Force was quiet for a moment, then she touched his face softly.

Then she said, "Your eyes hold such power, the destruction I see in them holds such a terrifying power."

"You hold such wonderful power inside you."

Bruce taken aback with how close Force was said, "Well thank you for the complement, Force."

"Makes me feel like quite the little daisy."

"Now how about we do what we came here to do." As he spoke, Bruce took her hand off of his face.

Then he took the lead flying into the air above the trees, and the universe went back in to working order from being exposed to his face.

Force shook her head and agreed with Bruce in her head, she needed to finish the last parts of her powers.

So, she too flew into the air behind Bruce.

Soon the both of them were near an empty plot of land that went on for miles.

But what was different with this place form the other places from the planet was the warping reality point from the influx of Force energy.

In the future this place would be known as the Valley of Extinction.

What Force wanted to do was make a place for the future people who needed answers and motivation.

So, with a little effort, Force directed the entirety of the force to converge, and she made the space in front of her begin to warp something into existence.


Her form was glowing a very bright silver as she worked.

Bruce watched her do this, and he observed how she used the force very keenly.

For the entire time that he has been here, Bruce has been slowly absorbing the Midi-Chlorians into his blood.

Now it was taking a minute as the Neo-Gamma was studying this new energy and addition to his biology.

It was also integrating itself into the midi-chlorians, making them very robust and stronger than normal midi-chlorians.

They were replicating and reproducing the normal midi-chlorians into green midi-chlorians. 

What Bruce was doing was making an entirely new type of force inside of himself, and by the time he is done here in this creation, his power would be greatly elevated.

He could already see the benefits of having this power.



Force stopped moving as she was finished.

Bruce looked and saw what a barren land was once, was an infinite space in between realms.

It was also between two Rocky Mountains.

"I'm finished with this part of my design, now all that is left is to create good and evil." Force spoke looking back at Bruce.

Bruce nodded and knew that this was his time to help her with this process.

Force wanted to create two sides of the force, and this was the final thing she need to finish her creation.

But since she knew no evil, Bruce offered to help as he knew plenty of it.

Even he was evil once upon a time, and more than likely he will be again in the future.

"Alright come close to me and give me your hands." He said to her.

Force nodded and floated close to him.

"What I want you to do is place both of your hands on mine, and no matter what your see never let go." Bruce sternly said to her.

Force nodded seriously and said, "Ok, Burce I'm ready."

Bruce then took her hands, and she squeezed his, then immediately both of their spirits connected.


A pillar of darkness came from Bruce shooting into the sky and beyond, and a pillar of silverish white light came from Force doing the same as Bruce.

The entire planet began shaking like it was about to break apart.

In the center of Bruce and Force, a yin and yang looking symbol formed.

Then both of the energies coming from both people began covering the planet and soon the universe.

One side was black like the abyss, and the other was a pure silverish white like the clouds.

It merged into the very fabric of the universe and the Force itself.

There was chaos and peace washing this creation with their power.

And focus points of pure dark energy and peaceful energy terra formed random planets.

The process ramped up even more as Force was allowed glimpses into Bruces life so far.

And what she saw disturb her greatly, but she kept her mind focused on the goal.

Then something happened that neither of them could have foreseen, as the process was about to end, the light and dark energy was sucked inside of Force's stomach.

And a resounding explosion in the force's spirit realm forced their minds away from each other.

Bruce and Force stood still as the process was now complete, Force opened her eyes as he removed her hands from Bruces.

And Bruce opened his.

The silence was palpable.

They looked at one another for a moment, until Bruce said, "no one can know about this."

He was deadly serious, and Force felt her core shake a little, but she understood him.

"I need to be alone for a while," he said.

And without giving her time to respond, Bruce took off from the ground.

All the while Force just rubbed her belly with a serene smile on her face.

And if we look at her stomach, we can see the outline of two beings, one black, and the other white.


[Bruce Pov]


Bruce could be seen leaving orbit.

And he was already halfway across the entire universe, and he wasn't even going all out.

He flew with such speed away from the planet and Force, that he left imprints into the space. And echos as his mood imprinted themselves into the force itself.

Bruce spotted a random planet that had no Intelligent lifeforms on it, and he crashed down towards it.

The planet was a blue planet and filled with a large red ocean, there were also small animal life forms on it.

They were just grazing and eating grass unaware of the impending doom crashing down towards them.


As he entered this unnamed planet, it was like the force echoed and followed his mood at the moment.

Very dark black clouds crackling with red force lighting formed all around him and covered the entire planet.

The sheer power of his arrival made even the sun orbiting this planet turned entirely red.

Bruce crashed down near and entire mountain range, and effectively destroying the ground underneath him for miles.

And he wasted no time unleashing his anger, "Grahhhhhhh!"

He roared and from his mouth came a surging current of red force lighting.

It obliterated that entire mountain range into ashes.

And the destruction didn't end there as the red force lighting struck into an ocean of red water and it erased it entirely.

Bruce's mood didn't let up, all around the planet the animals, trees, and rivers were drained of their life.

The power of the Darkside of the force was on full blast due to Bruce's mood.

Bruce's anger reach a new height and he knew that if he didn't release it then this planet and much more would be destroyed.

So, he just pushed his anger and the force inside of him exploded out from him in a red wave of darkside force energy that terraformed the entire planet for eternity.

It made the planet turn red, made any leftover water dry up, and made all of the grasslands and jungles turn into ashes that would turn into dust, then to sand.

Bruce has just made this place an extremely hot if not the hottest spot of the newly created Darkside of the force in the entire universe.

The Darkside of the force took hold, and it struck into the core of the planet, changing it forever.

In the future this planet would be known as Korriban, the home world of the Sith.

Like many Jedai would say, 'the force works in mysterious ways,' and Bruce's actions have proved this point, as he has created the future home of the Sith.

"Phew." Bruce calmed himself down.

He sat down on the ground and rubbed his head.

His mind was running rampant, as he wondered how he did that with Force without even laying with her.

What Bruce was talking about was that when Him and Force were creating good and evil parts of the force, the light side and Darkside.

The force energies inside of him and her merged in more ways than one.

Force was now pregnant with the physical and spiritual embodiments of the Lightside and Darkside of the force!

This was beyond even Bruce's understanding, and he wondered what he should do.

Burce has just changed the very future and fabric of Star Wars.


[WellSpring of Life]

Back on the planet with Force herself.

She could be seen just floating above a blue and Crytal clear lake.

Behind her was a waterfall, it was filling up the space underneath her.

The waterfall was the force in an extremely pure state; hence it made a waterfall and the lake under her.

Inside of the lake there were stars, and the reflection of many planets, and galaxies.

All curtesy of Force herself.

Speaking of Force, she was currently smiling as she rubbed her now bulging stomach, she looked seven months pregnant, but it had only been an hour since her getting pregnant.

Time moved differently around he because she wasn't a physical body, but she was in a non-corporeal form.

So, the natural rules don't apply to her.

As she rubbed her stomach, the black fetus in her stomach released a bit of power, and from Forces mouth a pure blast of red lighting shot out into the sky.


The lighting shook the planet and made thunderstorm form above the whole planet.


Force burped in surprise, then she smiled in motherly love. Then using a little bit of her power, she made the storm disperse, and the planet return back to peacefulness.

Then she looked down at her stomach and rubbed the dark fetus.

"Ah, you feel your father's mood to huh, my little one?"

The dark and light fetus's both moved their arms in response.

"Don't worry, he will return soon, after all abandonment is not in his nature." She spoke softly to both of her children.

She was speaking from her experience in looking into his a few of his memories, she honestly wondered how one man could go through such pain and keep moving forward.

'I guess that's why he is the way he is,' She thought to herself.

"Now how about I give you both names." She spoke to them.

A rumble occurred in her stomach, Force looked at her forming kids and said, "What, you don't want me to name you?"

Another rumble happened and Force said, "Oh, I see."

"You want your father to be here, and we name you both together."

Feeling a joyful emotion emerging in herself, Force smiled and said, "Ok then, we will wait for him to return."

"But until then, how about I tell you both a story of how we both met."


Feeling another happy expression from her kids, Force smiled and said, "Great, well it all began with a big spider."


[Bruce Pov]

Up on a lone mountain on the now barren planet, Bruce could be seen was sitting down at the very top of it meditating.

His body was surrounded in a green glow, and he was floating.

The Neo-gamma circulated around his body washing over him, and his mood was going down back to normal.

Eventually the day turned into night and the stars above shined down upon him.

And Bruce's eyes opened, the green in them shined brightly.

"Hmmm, I know what I have to do," he said to himself.

Bruce then used the force to fell out into cosmos, and he looked for his force kids.

He eventually to large orbs of light, one was Black, and the other was white.

And around them he saw Force herself covering them with her essence.

Bruce could feel the curiosity rolling off of the two of them, they had sensed him looking at them.

And they were curious about him.

"Hah, I'm an Idiot." He mumbled.

'I hope the main body doesn't get mad about this,' He thought to himself.

Now he has to do overtime and redesign the power of this creation so they can stand a chance against other opposing forces in the future.

Especially his eldritch side of the family.

And to make sure he plans correctly, Bruce decided that after he meets his Force kids, that he will look into the future of this creation, all to see how it was supposed to go before he even arrived.

He then got up from his floating position and with a grin on his face said, "Daddy's coming home kids."

Bruce immediately cringed at his joke, "Note to self, don't make jokes, I suck at it."

After saying this Bruce took of flying back to his force kids.

He quickly passed through expanding void of space and arrived back above the Wellspring of Life.

"Here goes nothing," he mumbled to himself.

Then he just dropped down to the planet.


[Wellspring of Life]

Force had already sensed Bruce's approach and so could the children.

Her stomach was practically buzzing with excitement and wonder.

All she should do was smile and wait.


The clouds above parted and Bruce landed near her.

He stood on the crystal lake and looked at Force, then he looked down at her already huge stomach.

And he said, "Well you sure have been busy."

Then he said, "I want to apologize for my outburst earlier, I'm just in a lot of shock at the moment."

"I'm in the same position as you, Bruce," Force said.

"This is all very new to me, and I would like your help with this if you don't mind." She asked hesitantly.

Bruce just smiled then he walked close to her and placed his right hand on her big stomach.

"You don't have to ask me, I was already going to do so regardless," he said sincerely to her.

Force smiled and the universe as a whole felt happier from her mood.

But none more so than the two little people in her stomach.

Bruce could tell the gender of them both and was quite surprised to say the least.

He looked at Force and said," Do you want to know its they are a boy or a girl?"

Force shook her head and said, "No, I haven't looked for a reason, I want it to be a surprise."

"Ok then, now how about we make a separate home world for the two of them, because as time passes, they will become too strong for this mortal plane," Bruce said.

"Plus, you can have a home where you can be free and live with them."

Force nodded seeing the sense in his words.

Then she said, "I think I know just the area we can use for this, follow me."

Bruce watched as she floated up and wondered how all of this was going to affect him in the long run.

"Well can't be worse than it already is, can't it?"



Ok, this just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to go on a short Hiatus.

I'm not dropping this book; I just have a lot of stuff going on in my life at the moment.

And I need to focus on them.

I should be back to uploading before the end of March.

Thanks to all of you who have supported me and my story.

I will return-

Next chapter