
CHP49: The Neo-Gamma God and His Realm

Hey guys hope you like it so far.

Bit of an info dump in this chapter.



"The book in my soul."

As Vhaalku said this, part of his consciousness sank deep into his soul plane.

Once he was there, his origin the blackish red ash colored monster began to scour his essence for the runic symbols of the book that melted into his soul some time ago.

And in almost no time, he found it!

"There you are!" Vhaalku spoke. 

Then with a simple pull from his right hand, small reddish gold runes floated out from the depths of his soul, flying directly into his huge hand.

Vhaalku looked very deeply into the essence of the runes. And after a few second of probing, it and studying it in-depth. He found three major things that he couldn't or wouldn't have known if he hadn't had been born.

Or if Bruce and Hulk never merged with one another.

 Two of the problems were related to the Mantra. And the other was a black and white corrosive line that led to a certain part in his soul. We will come back to the line a bit later.

The first problem was that this mantra had little leech problem in the crux of the book. It was funneling small amounts of energy to an outside source. Knowing the thing who gave this book out, Vhaalku destroyed the link to a certain ROB of better known as Morgan Freemon.

This reason was because as he grew in power, some of it would funnel back to that person who placed the leech on book. And we can't have that at all.

Done with that Vhaalku frowned at the next problem.

The second problem was that this book had a huge karma debt made by the person who made the mantra.

Meaning that if he continued to practice using this book or used this mantra for the bases of all his power in the future. Then he would owe a heavy debt to the creator of this mantra.

And if he failed to meet this dept, then a karmic punishment would descend upon him. Destroying his body and origin, and it would send all of his power to the one who made this book as payment.

This pissed him off a good deal, as there was no warning for this and in his ignorance, he readily accepted this mantra's offer. But what the person who made this mantra didn't expect was that Bruce and the Hulks origin was not fully whole.

And once they merged and made contact with his real self or origin, this made the mantra rules or karmic dept null in void. So, he wasn't all that concerned of this thing, but he was interested in who made the book and the place it hailed from.

His thirst for consuming knowledge was boiling in excitement.

And now the third most concerning problem, the Black and White corrosive line.

You see, as Vhaalku was forming in the egg, his half-awake awareness caught onto a something that connected to his soul or origin. he felt that this white and black line connected him to something or some being of transcendence.

What is transcendence you ask?

Well one good thing about the mantra was that it explained certain tiers of existence on a grand scale of the Omegaverse.

The omega verse holds all of fiction and imagination. Any dream of thoughts that are strong enough can take shape and form itself thanks to the Omegaverse.

So, thanks to all of the authors in the real world with us, the Omegaverse is infinite in size and always expanding. There are other planes of existence as well that connects to the Omegaverse.

But back to the connection between Vhaalku and his connection to something beyond comprehension.

You see, when he was in the egg or incubating. He heard a voice coming from the line that sounded like it had a million mouths and came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

And now that he tries to recall this voice, he remembered that it sounded female, male, and it sounded like it was familiar with him?

Vhaalku shook his head in confusion, he realized that he was still too weak on the grander scale.

But back to his previous thoughts, the same voice fact that told his name to him a while ago. That same voice left a bit of information for him and a little gift or surprise you could say in his soul plane.

Vhaalku turned his head to the left away from his throne. In the distance void of any light, surrounded in a black gas like aura, was a huge altar of blood, death, corruption and bones.

That line connected him and the altar.

Vhaalku could sense that this was something exclusively for him to use. Plus, he could make a smaller version for his worshippers to offer up sacrifices if he wanted.

Another thing it could do was that it could be used to summon things to serve him if he wanted.

Plus, he also felt that this altar could take him someplace entirely different.

He had a few ideas or places of where this thing would take him. But he wasn't ready for that at least not right now.

He felt that he wasn't strong enough nor ready to confront what was on the other side of the altar. But enough about those things, back to the present time with his thoughts.

The information left was kind of like an inheritance that ancient monsters have and give to their decedents in those cultivation novels.

All it gave him was info on the wider scale of existence and before it left his soul, it left a sort of crass message for him, and these few words shook him to his core. The words were,

" You can either rise or drown in the ABYSSSS!"

This message, and the word Abyss struck him hard like lighting. As he repeated that message a feeling of Dredd, love, lust and excitement washed over him. He was feeling so many things, that he was going numb.

But he calmed himself down and put his mind back on track.

He doesn't fully know why but that word Abyss gives of the same feeling as the altar, and it fills him with all of those same emotions from earlier. It was like that feeling was letting him know that it was a place that he was very intimate and belonged to.

So, he knew with the feelings he felt from the word Abyss and from the memories from John about a certain author who made horror and terror his whole life. Was that the place he was thinking of, and the altar could take him to be a place also filled with those.... things and beings of horrid might.

'Outer Gods and Eldrich Monsters.' He thought to himself.

As he began to think of them, a feeling of terror tried to invade his origin. And he felt a gaze full of malice, rage and a will to devour directed on him.

Vhaalku looked above him, where he felt the gaze originated from and without fear said, "first off, you are a fool to try and invade my origin when I rule supreme here!"


He got up of his throne and enraged he said,

"And secondly, you truly underestimate me. If you think I am afraid of whatever and whoever you represent!"


A black and red wave of power erupted from him as he spoke. And for the first time he decided to use his true power in the simplest of words.

"True Destruction!!" 

As he said those two words, a horrifying roar thundered in his soul. And the entire plane began to grow darker and then it happened.

Like the concept of time and space or the rules or reality didn't' apply to it. A horrifying monstrous to all who saw it, serpentine like red eyed dragon covered in the darkest of black and terror came from the very depths of his soul.

Its size was incomprehensible to all understanding. The might it released just from being in its presence was like destruction given form.

And like an all-consuming black dragon that came from hell, the monstrous black dragon once it appeared, erased all of presence and the concept of terror from Vhaalku's soul.

And it didn't stop there, as once it circled around his entire soul, Vhaalku directed it towards the place where he felt the gaze from.


It roared and shot towards the place but before it could connect, the gaze fled in a hurry escaping from Destruction.


The black serpentine dragon roared in anger as it didn't make it in time. Vhaalku brought it back to him and said, "Don't worry about it. We aren't as strong as we need to be. Not yet that is."

"Plus, I have perfectly memorized the aura of whoever that was and when we began our travels into the greater plane of existence. We will deliver upon that person and all that serve it, the power of True Destruction!"


The dragon roared in agreement and faded out of view.

Vhaalku snorted at the things fleeing and floated back to his throne. Then he sat down and began thinking of his next moves and even where he truly hailed from.

Mainly for the fact Vhaalku's entire origin and existence is a mystery to even himself. He even thought that maybe the One Above got the term Hulk from the Abyss or one of those Eldrich Beings.




His huge finger was tapping his thrones arm rest, on his face we could see the look a truly worried and determined man.

And he was truly worried, as this was the first time that he ever felt this vulnerable. And plus, he has a family he needs to protect form the horror of those beings! Who knows what they would do just to drive him insane with rage.

He knew that they were all insane and sick individuals of great and horrible power.

He paused his tapping and went silent for a while.

Then he chuckled,



And started to outright laugh crazily.


"You freaks almost got me with my own paranoia!!!"

'What a really great scheme,' He thought to himself.

He claimed himself down, as he realized that anything with a proper plan would lead to nothing but failure. Once he did that, he was reminded of Wandas power, and all she did and became in the comics.

He saw his error in thinking that Wanda wouldn't be able to handle things of that level. And saw that she was a very powerful witch.

Plus, once she defeats and consumes Chthon, she will be on another level of power entirely. Almost of his level and some of the other entities of marvel.

"She will be powerful in her own right, and if she stumbles. I will be right there to pick her up. Alongside the rest of my family!' Vhaalku swore to himself as he was thinking.

He realized that he first needed to plan out his own growth from here on out. And looking at the mantra next to him. He had an idea.

"I will make my own method of transcendence!!"

And so, with the groundwork already completed from what he remembered about the book. He began to create his own path towards transcending existence itself!


As Vhaalku was creating his own method of power. In a different reality outside of marvel itself.

A huge brown ball of fire can be seen flying at a great speed like it was running away from something.

 After a while the ball of fire began to slow itself down. Then we could hear a voice so disgusting that it would make our ears bleed and our brains explode coming out of the ball of brown fire.

"It would seem that the fucking monster is only half awake."

As this voice spoke, the brown fire parted and a disgusting creature could be seen floating in the empty void.

It had a huge mouth that carried multiple rows of razor-sharp rotting teeth, and its whole body was made up of nothing but brown fire and pinkish organs from creatures from different part of the omegaverse.

As it spoke a green gas like substance spewed out in great amounts, rotting its own body in the process. But it didn't seem to care, but rather enjoyed the pain that it felt from it.

If it's smile was anything to go by that is.

"I only was passing by and caught a whiff of something that was but wasn't my kind. But who would have thought that I would see and almost be killed by the consumer of origins and dragon of Destruction!" 

It paused as it was thinking of something, its huge mouth was watering as it was thinking.

" This could elevate my social standing with the others. I must inform the master that we have finally found, the fractured true son of the Blind One!!!"

But as he said that title, he saw that he wasn't in the empty void anymore, but instead.


"I thought that I was far enough from you and your creation your crazy freak!!!" The monster screamed out as it saw the golden fingers surrounding it. It was franticly trying to esape.

Because it knew that the one who came here is beyond his level and even his masters!

Then he heard a voice directly behind him saying, "there is no place that you could hide from me nor thing that you could use to shield yourself from me."

"Besides its not time for your brethren to know of his return just yet. So, stay here for a while and relax."

Once the voice finished speaking, the golden fingers closed. Completely freezing the monster in place. And as the monster felt its awareness slowing down, all he could do is scream in its mind, 


Once the One Above All put this creature to sleep, since he couldn't destroy him at least not yet that is. But if he did destroy it then it's master would know and come looking. And Vhaalku could not handle that thing as of right now.

He looked around at the empty Void and said, "the time draws near, will you rise or drown?"

And with that, both him and the golden cage disappeared from this empty void.


[Vhaalku's Throne World]

Back in his throne world and none the wiser about what just happened. We can see the physical form of Vhaalku meditating and speaking in a different language.

The speech he is speaking right now is something we couldn't even dream of beginning to understand. But the words he was speaking were affecting the greenish white flame above his head.

This flame was none other than the new gamma energy he made. He called it Neo-Gamma energy.

A superior form of regular gamma energy. This new form of power was something he made, and it could devour any type of power or energy that it's wielder wanted. Then it would evolve, adapt to become stronger and have even better effects or perks for its user.

This was Vhaalku's own personal type of power and it could not be copied. It was unique to him and him alone. No other thing could take it from him either, no matter how powerful they were.

It was his trump card.

And was his way to transcend everything in existence.

Right now, it was flowing like a waterfall down his head towards the center of his chest. It was traveling inside of his body and entering his limbs and soul. We could see the outline of the greenish white power moving like and inferno all throughout his body.

Greenish white veins form on his arms, back, head, and even chest as the neo-Gamma flowed through undeterred.

Then all of a sudden it stopped moving in his body and he opened his eyes. They flashed greenish white but only for a moment.

"That was even better than what I expected."

Vhaalku spoke out after a moment of accessing his body, he nodded in approval. Then he rose his left hand and said, I shall make this void in my own image.

And with a wave of his left hand an incredible blast of neo-gamma energy erupted from it. The energy invaded the realm as a whole. And started filling it with its own essence transforming it into the perfect place for Vhaalku.


His realm began to shake as the purple color of the void began to fade. And was replaced with a ghastly green one.

Then white flames rose up from the ground where his feet were and began spreading outward making an ocean of white flames that was infinite.


He rose his right hand and separated the darkness of his realm and made it all form above him like another type of sky. Kinda like the blue sky we have here on earth. He made a different type of atmosphere for his realm.

Satisfied with this, he released his power of wrath and let it fill his realm with its essence. And red clouds began to from just beneath the black atmosphere he made earlier.

He blew a simple breath towards the red clouds and from his mouth came green lighting. The greenish lightning flashed into the red clouds, they struck with pure destruction. And the clouds rumbled with power as they crackled like a storm.

Then using matter manipulation, he created black land masses that floated above the white ocean of flames.

Once he did that, a beam of yellow shot out of his eyes. He flooded his realm with the law of life and left it be so it could form life forms or whatever naturally comes from this endeavor he did.

He teleported to the center of his realm and with a thought he made a separate dimension up above the red clouds and darkness that was the sky.

Once above his creation, Vhaalku made his black and red throne appear, then he sat down on it, admiring his work.

He then thought of something and said, 

"Since I am the Neo-Gamma God....Then you shall be called the Neo-Gamma Realm."

And like this was all it needed, the entire realm shook and rumbled with a great magnitude. Vhaalku smiled as he saw this, then his thoughts turned to his family and all that lay ahead of him.

And with a determined look on his massive face, his eyes spewed out power as he said,

"I will welcome any and all challengers. Come if you wish but be prepared to never return. As you will have True Destruction be wrought upon you all!"



Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a bit of an info dump. But I just wanted you all to know certain things going forward so that you wouldn't be confused.

Also, I'm leaving my school and traveling back home next Monday for Christmas Break. And I won't be uploading till either Thursday or Friday.

So please bear with me.

Also, if you guys wanted to see anything added into the book and wanted anything to happen then let me know.


Next chapter