
The Elf Born Under The Red Moon

A young elf was born different than his peers. An outcast He loves them through all the abuse he's suffered. He fought for their approval at every turn. The late bloomer nobody gave a chance. But on one fateful day, his life would change for the better.... or worse. "no copyright infringement is intended”

Infamoushero · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Luna's mother

Luna walked beside him to peek at his new Id. "Naralis is a cool name, but I've never heard of the Zinyra royal family."

Mursha stared at Naralis, waiting for his answer. Naralis' brain went into overdrive to come up with a lie. It didn't help that his eyes weren't steady and he couldn't stay still. Neither Mursha nor Luna would believe what came out of his mouth.

Edward walked toward Luna and Naralis to save the day. Naralis wasn't as gifted with the way of the tongue as he was and he was sure Naralis would screw up. " How about we leave him alone and stop asking questions about his family? It's none of our business and the truth orb is impossible to fool. It uses the language of the universe as we all know. Let's just leave it at that."

"Your words don't make this situation any less unbelievable, but as you said, the truth orb can't be fooled. Care to tell me about your family 'Naralis'?". Mursha was forced to believe that Naralis or ' Vulen' was royalty, but the look on Naralis' and Edward's faces told her it was more at play than what they were saying. Still, it wasn't her place to pry. She couldn't force them to if they didn't want to spill the beans.

" From what I remember, my parents should've been killed and I have a few siblings who would kill me if we ever crossed paths. That's all." Naralis hid anger behind his non-cholent face. Remembering the danger his parents were in made his insides boil with rage and pain.

Mursha only stared into the eyes of the maroon elf. She could see past the facade of his calm demeanor. His eyes were the same as her father's when her sister, Misha, was taken for an arranged marriage for peace between orc tribes. Every time she came back home she had new bruises and one day, she just stopped coming.

" I apologize, Naralis. It's just hard to believe when your own tribe didn't even care if one of them almost died." Naralis could see the sincerity on her face and hear it in her tone.

Naralis smiled at the beautiful orc woman. With his hormones finally corrected, he could see why James hounded Mursha." No hard feelings. We all do things we don't like talking about. We should be on our way now."

The trio headed toward the door, but Naralis stopped halfway and turned back to Mursha whose head raised at him.

He tried to come up with the words. He felt something toward Mursha and he remembered the way James talked to her and wanted to do the opposite because it was clear he was doing something wrong.

Naralis sighed and calmed his pounding heart. He was more nervous now than in most life and death fights he had. Naralis cleared his thoughts, straightened his back, and put on a smile that caused Mursha's seat to warm." Mursha, would you like to go to dinner with me?"

Luna and Edward's heads snapped back. Edward's mouth was agape and Luna had a cute pout with her arms crossed like a mad toddler.

Mursha let out an awkward cough. " Vulen. I mean Naralis, where is this coming from?" Mursha's cheeks turned dark green and the woman looked a bit surprised.

" Edward taught me about women. I saw you looking at me with wide eyes and a wide smile, so I thought you were interested." Naralis bowed. " I apologize if I offended you." He turned back and headed toward the door. Edward told Naralis that this was called " Bait ".

" No No No. I-it's fine. Ehm. I would like to go out with you, but it will have to wait until I'm off three days from now."

' Hook. Line and sinker.' A smug grin crossed Naralis' face. The tactic worked and stirred something inside of him. He turned back to Murhsa who failed to return her stoic face.

"Then I will return three days from now." Naralis gave her another handsome grin which made her heart flutter and left. Mursha watched them leave before staring at the wet spot between her legs and placing her forehead on her desk. " Oh god."

Naralis and the others headed out of the school and looked for a carriage nearby. Naralis couldn't help but take in his surroundings. It was sunset and the weather was great. There were barely any clouds in the sky and the air felt a little humid. The sounds of hooves and children playing echoed through the city. The smells of foods from different cultures permeated the air. This was something Naralis was used to in the woods, but he couldn't be part of it. The only light in his gloomy life back in the Lunenmore woods was Tanyl. Here he walked the streets with his hands behind his back and head held high. He even caught the glances of several women. In fact, in the robes Edward gave him, he looked elegant and regal. People thought he was a master of some sort which only made Luna and Edward laugh. Though, Naralis still was the naive glutton he always was. Luna and Edward had to physically stop him from going to every food stand he saw.

Soon they found a carriage and made their way toward Luna's estate. Naralis peered out the window and watched the town with a smile. People were happy. Even those in the poorer parts played in the streets and laughed loud. He could only remember himself living in a moldy home with ten other stinky boys. He could hear the growls of their stomachs bouncing off the walls. He sat in silence the whole ride.

They arrived at a home the size of Aflair's mana academy. Guards dawned in silver armor guarded by golden gates which had the two intertwined dragon insignia of the Ghidorah family. Luna spoke to the guard briefly before they gave the sign to open the gates. Naralis's jaw hit the ground. Her family's estate was massive with a water fountain at its center and a garden he could tell was taken care of by someone talented. They exited the carriage and headed toward doors big enough for giants to walk through.

" Naralis, you want to try opening the doors," Luna teased with a smile.

" Your grandfather's life is in limbo. Enough with your games!" Naralis didn't understand why Edward was on edge.

" Should we leave Edward?" Edward could see the seriousness on his face. The situation wasn't as dire as he was making it, but he couldn't tell why he was irritated.

"No it's fi-"

" I would kill you where you stood if you tried to leave." Luna released her red aura full of murder intent. Naralis' eyes almost popped out of his head. Sweat trickled from his brow and couldn't move. He saw the apparition of a dark dragon with a malicious smile projected from her body. He could feel death looming around him. Bone-chilling fear. The same he felt when he was kidnapped and on the verge of death.

The door flung open and Luna drew her aura back in.

" Mommy!" Luna jumped into the arms of a woman that Naralis almost drool. She was almost a spitting image of Luna, except his height and her proportions looked as if she was spilling out of her sheer robe. The woman wore her long platinum blonde hair down her back with a bang on the front. Her round eyes gave her a youthful look. They could practically be siblings!

"Why are you being mean to our guest Missy." Her stern voice made Luna look at her feet and fiddle with her fingers.

" He threatened to leave and not heal grandfather!" She pointed toward Naralis and her mother's eyes followed. Edward could feel his stomach turning. Luna's mother, Lina, the source of his embarrassment. She flashed him an excited smile.

"Little Edward! Come give me a hug!." Lina stretched her arms and some of her large breasts jiggled out of her bra.

" Hey, aunt Lina." He didn't sound too enthusiastic and he also didn't move. Edward went in for a hug and Lina attempted to suffocate him with her breast. Lina leaned her head on his and ran her purple fingernails through his hair.

Edward could barely breathe. Her grip was too strong for him to push her off.

" Aunt Lina, I- I can't breathe."

Lina let go and placed one hand on her chest.

" I'm sorry, little Edward. I haven't seen you in a while. You haven't been around much since that day." Lina was very sincere and it made Edward feel bad. Edward scratched his head and smiled. " It's fine. It's just a little awkward. You know."

The two shared a laugh and then Lina's eyes landed on Naralis, who tried his best to appear confident with his shoulders high and a stern face. Lina smiled and held out her arms, just as she did for Edward. Naralis scratched the side of his face and looked toward Edward who nodded at him. He didn't know why a woman he had no ties to was trying to act like his mother. But he embraced her still. He embraced the warmth of her bosom as he did his own mother as a child. They felt similar and he remembered his memories of his loving mother who seemed to carry him all day. Tears stained her chest while Lina held him like a child. Her motherly instincts kicked in as soon as she laid eyes on Naralis and noticed something was wrong. That and how sensitive she was to the emotions of others due to her ability. Lina felt nothing, but pain and longing from him.

Lina slowly released Naralis and looked at him with the kindest of eyes.

" What's your name sweety?" She said with a smile.

" Naralis Zinyra ma'am." He bowed.

" Welcome to my home Naralis. " Lina turned to the others. " So what brings you guys here? I would've set up a feast and some entertainment if I knew you all were coming."

" Mom, I know your memory is horrible, but don't you remember the boy I said could cure grandad?" Luna returned the stern gaze her mother had given her earlier. Naralis couldn't help but laugh at the uncanny resemblance.

" My god!" Lina giggled." How could I forget a red elf, but he's so much taller and handsome than described." Lina threw a side-eye full of lust at Naralis whose face turned even redder.

" Let's see if your special constitution could heal that old man. Follow me."

Lina headed toward the door and Naralis caught up with Edward who looked under the weather.

" What's wrong Edward? You look like you are about to throw up." Edward looked paler than usual and was a lot quieter than he was used to.

" It's nothing dangerous. It's just… embarrassing, to say the least." Edward kept his voice low, but Luna turned around with a mischievous grin on her face.

" Are you talking about when my mother gave you an erection in front of both of our families?" Lina giggled ahead of them and Edward lowered his head in embarrassment. He turned to the chuckling Naralis who was looking at the ceiling with puffed cheeks. He wanted to laugh so bad, but he had to save face for Edward. Naralis looked at Edward who gave him a frown back. After walking through a series of hallways, they made it to a room with a black door with the family's insignia in gold embroidered on it.

" This is Gholu's room. I'm warning you, his appearance isn't the best." Lina gave them a look full of concern, but Naralis and Edward had enough experience.

Lina opened the door and the stench of poison flooded their nostrils. Luna couldn't bear it and decided to stay outside the door. Her eyebrows squinched together when she realized Edward and Naralis were unfazed, but she remembered why soon after.

Lina led them to the bed where they found a dark-skinned man who looked like a corpse. Edward and Naralis' eyes met. This was him just a few weeks ago. Lina was surprised both boys held out this long. No one could inhale the air in the room without almost passing out. The only reason why it was possible for Edward to be here was that he fed on Naralis' blood during his coma and eventually developed some resistance to it. Naralis' special constitution made it difficult for it to affect him after almost dying weeks before. His body developed an immunity to poison while he was captured.

" Please give him your blood as you deem fit." Lina bowed with her black horns pointing toward him.

Naralis approached the half-dead man. His platinum blonde hair was dull and lifeless. His body was as if life was sucked out of him. It made his stomach turn. He couldn't imagine how Edward felt finding him in a worse condition.

He took his hand to his mouth, bit down as hard as he could, and placed his leaking hand over the mouth of Gholu. Blood entered his slightly cracked mouth and nose. Lina's eyes grew wide. Gholu's sunken face began to fill and a golden light surrounded his body.