
A Promise

Kevin woke up this time, the groggy pain in his head just like the incident a short time ago, but this time he didn't remember hearing any voices. The ceiling wasn't his bedroom at home, but the room he stayed at for those several days at the palace. He was dry and in fresh clothes.

When he tried to lift his head, the palace physician was at his side instantly. "Go slowly, Noy Kevin. You weren't trampled by an elephant, were you?"

Kevin shook his head, and then winced. "I think Kandi grabbed me before I fell. She seemed to know it was happening before I did. There was a pain and I blocked out."

He winced again as the doctor shined a light into this eyes. As he checked his head and neck, Thadchai spoke from across the room. "This happened approximately a week ago. He collapsed at the training grounds during a quarterstaff exhibition. I didn't witness that one, but he appeared to be out for about three minutes. I saw this one occur."

He took a deep breath, more to dispel the residual fear of seeing his beloved son limp and unmoving. He explained the events to the kindly doctor.

The doctor tested Kevin's limbs for movement and strength. "There doesn't seem to be any deficit to his extremities, and he appears healthy. I suggest transporting him to the hospital for x-rays. It may show an underlying problem. Right now, though, I can find nothing wrong with him."

"I don't really want to go to the hospital," Kevin said, as the pain reduced to a shadow of its former power.

"You are going and that's not subject to negotiation, young man," Thadchai was firm; if not for Kevin's sake, then definitely for his own peace of mind. "I'm going to let you rest for a while, then we will head out."

Kevin grumped back on the bed, but subsided when Thad gave him a stare. Then he crouched down next to the bed, and pulled the young man towards him until their foreheads touched.

"You scared the life out of me, son, and I'd feel better if you were checked out further." Kevin looked at his dad, and his eyes grew moist at the love and distress shining from them. "Okay, Dad, don't worry. I'll go." Thad released his breath in a whoosh and gave Kevin a hard hug.

"We'll head out in a few hours, then. Rest well."

* * *

No anomalies were found in his x-ray films. It was all the more disturbing for having no cause for these lapses. The doctor stressed that Kevin should go back into his usual routine, and document any changes that might happen. Since there wasn't a pattern to these syncopal episodes, there wasn't any way to track them.

* * *

One warm spring day, Surikitiyia and Kevin were horseback riding in the great meadow. Duchess, still a puppy but almost full grown, ran back and forth, following whatever intriguing scent trails she could find.

They headed for a copse of trees that contained a low waterfall, a river damming project made to augment the available drinking and irrigation waters in times of drought.

They could hear the murmur of the spillway before they reached them. The horses quickened their pace as they smelled the water. When they reached the glen, it was like going through a curtain of cooling mist. They both dismounted and left the reins loose on the horses, knowing they wouldn't go far, especially with Kevin nearby.

The dog snoozed between the two people. Contentedly munching on an apple, Kevin felt happy and peaceful. "Surk'ya, wouldn't it be great if we could always be this way." She nodded.

"You're my best friend ever K'vin, and whatever is happening in your head scares me. I'm afraid you'll disappear one day just like you showed up. And I want us to be together forever. Can we promise?"

Kevin held up three fingers. "I promise."

Suri launched herself at him, and he caught her, startled, as she gave him a fierce hug. The dog woke up and started barking as they laughed.

"I love you, K'vin, lots and lots."

He relaxed into the embrace and hugged her back. "Me, too."