
The Elementals Guardians

Calio, a boy who suddenly became the beacon of war as a result of revenge. Meeting two strange men after the accident has led him to become either the saviour or the destructor of the world. Searching for his lost parents is the only thing that keeps him up every morning until one day he was shown the truth of what his power holds. Will, he owned up to be the saviour or destructor of the world? Would he find his parents in this chaotic time of his life? Will everything turned out as planned for the guy who gave him the powers?

Sylvatore · Fantasy
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15 Chs


{6:00 AM (Reborn) Monday 15.3.20XX}

[Calio finally back to his place... His dimension where he became a fire Elementalist but there's a good thing and a bad thing... His parents still missing without knowing either they dead or alive... But Calio still has a speck of hope that his parents still alive, he just has to find them. For now, he has to stay alive]

Dynamite: Hey, Syah! Did you forgot to buy the grocery?!

[Nobody answer]

Dynamite: Syah wakes up!!

[Syah comes out from his room without wearing his helmet. You can see his spiky and messy hair. His eyes look so tired]

Syah: I thought... Today it's your day...

Dynamite: What you mean by that?! I did it yesterday

Syah: I can't remember...

Dynamite: Wh- What?! I thought I'm the one who has a memory problem but you're worst than me!

[Syah yawn and walk to the refrigerator and open]

Syah: We still have this...

[Syah pull out an instant-noodle cup from the refrigerator]

Dynamite: Hey! That's mine don't you dare take it!

Syah: You can have I already ate like 5 yesterday...

Dynamite: So, you the one who stole my instant-noodle cup last night...

Syah: I Think so...

Dynamite: ...

[Dynamite standstill and then he pushes out a sigh]

Dynamite: Aight... I'll let this go by, but please go buy the grocery...

Syah: I don't have any money...


[Calio walk in just to see them fighting over something stupid]

Calio: Uhhh, is everything alright? (I been back for a while now, but it seems like I might be still in the wrong dimension)

Syah: Everything is fine...

Dynamite: Sure... It's fine I'm going out.

Syah: Don't forget about the grocery

Dynamite: ...

[Dynamite open the door and someone already in front of the door]

Dynamite: Oh... Ray

Raymond: I heard everything... I know it; Syah it's your time today...

Syah: Are you sure?

Raymond: *Sigh* I got the grocery don't worry about it...

Dynamite: Oh, you a savior Ray

Raymond: Yea sure... But I'm not going to cook

[Syah slowly sneaking away from the scene]

Raymond: I see you, Syah...

Calio: I can do the cooking...

Raymond: Thank you... Umm... Who are you

Dynamite: Wait I thought I told you already... It's Calio

Syah: Look like the short term memory is spread quite fast

Raymond: Go do something else already Syah... You unwanted here

Syah: k

Raymond: So this is... Calio

[Raymond walk closer to Calio. In the meantime, Calio starting to remember the bad thing that he did to him, but in the end... He wasn't himself back then]

Raymond: I guess, it's our first time meeting each other... Hi my name is Raymond Perez

Calio: Hi, my name is Calio Fardir

Raymond: What an interesting name you got there... Let me guess you a Fire Elementalist isn't it

Calio: How, you know?

Raymond: It's all in your name... Calio or Caleo with an ''E'' means hot, warm and your last name come from the combination of Flamma and Ardor which mean Flame and Burning Fire

Calio: Wow... You can tell by just my name

Raymond: Well you name come from Latin that's why

Calio: (Heh now it's my turn) You're Ice Elementalist, right?

Raymond: Oh... That's a good guess

Calio: Heh, I can felt your coldness

Syah: He meant your heart...

Raymond: Shut up! Syah

Calio: Oh... Btw where Cano and Flower?

[Everyone when silence]

Raymond and Dynamite: Who?

[Syah heard the name and then... "He" woke up... Syah's hair turn long and straight his hair becoming crimson and then he put on a mask that looks like a sad face]

Raymond: It's him...

Dynamite: How about this Calio I going to do the cooking you can talk with Him... About the guy that you said

Calio: ... What?

Raymond and Dynamite: See ya!!

[They both run away]

Rellik: So... You met him... Didn't you

Calio: Syah, are you ok?

Rellik: Syah... Say he's going to sleep for a while after hearing what you just said. What... Do... You... Know about them...

Calio: So... Do you know them?

Rellik: You talking about dead people who died 300 years ago...

[Then Calio Realize... What happened, the Cano and Flower that he knew, are dimensional hoppers but because of them disappear from this dimension it tries to fix itself making this many mysterious things happen]

Calio: Ummm... I saw a picture of them in your room I thought He still alive...

Rellik: ...

[Then Syah turn to normal]

Syah: Oh... I see *Yawn* I'm getting tired now... I'm going back to bed

[While Syah slowly when back to his bed, then Dynamite walk to Calio]

Dynamite: You probably don't know a lot of stuff I'll feel you up after breakfast...

Calio: Yea...

[3 hours pass after they when for breakfast Syah wasn't there because he's still sleeping, Ray goes out to continue his mission]

Calio: Umm... Frog, where's Ray going?

Dynamite: Uhhh... I don't remember he told me just now but I forgot...

Calio: (So this is why Syah kept calling him short term memory...) I thought you going to tell me about what happens when I'm still recovering...

Dynamite: Ah... Yes, I forgot to about that too, alright this is what happens... Syah got attack by a shadow then he passes out after a while he woke up and becoming a completely different person... Then... I forgot...

Calio: (Huh, that's happened before I got beat up) I think I already know that...

Dynamite: Well... That's all I know

Calio: That wasn't that helpful...

Dynamite: Really? I'm sorry man, I don't have that good memory...

Calio: (Even though he's the one who agreed to tell me everything. There's only one guy left, I rather not ask him about this...)

[Calio when outside]

Calio: (Oh my god... Where are we)

[Calio surprised that they are not in a town but the middle of a forest]

Ray: Surprised? Just as I thought you never been outside for a while didn't you

Calio: Oh, hey ray

Ray: Heya, so what made you come outside?

Calio: Can I ask you a question?

Ray: I'm all ear

Calio: What happens when I was... Knocked

Ray: I have been waiting for you to ask that question, consider I'm... The one messed up you...

Calio: I know but you aren't yourself and so, am I

Ray: Heh, maybe you still hate me...

Calio: ...

Ray: How about this, I can find a place where we can have some practice in the meantime I can explain to you what happened

Calio: You ok with it?

Ray: I'm always up for good sparing

[Ray wraps his hand around Calio and brings him deeper into the forest. After about 5 minutes of walking, they arrive at a place where not even a single tree was spotted]

Ray: Welcome to the battlefield

Calio: Woah... What's this place

Ray: I call it the baldspot. In this place, there not a single tree will grow. Its quite a large space great, for sparing

Calio: I see

Ray: Aight then can we start the battle? I'm itchy for some action

[They walks to their position and ready for battle]

Calio: Can you start talking now?

Ray: So I start first? Here, I go then

Calio: Wait! that's not what I mean!

[Ray launches himself forward following behind him a trace of ice. He ready for a punch, or so that Calio thought, so he dodges it as soon as he dodges it his leg slip falling to Ray's trap. Ray swing his other arm, but even with the disadvantage Calio still manage to block the punch and the impact cancel his falling]

Ray: *Whistle* Not bad for someone who hibernating for 2 weeks

Calio: Two weeks?!

Ray: I guess no one told you that well let's started over

[Ray, get ready for his second attack, space became colder from before. Ray took a deep breath and release it, smoke can be visible as he breathing]

Ray: After, Syah got control by the corruption or you can call it "shadow" Syah became the corrupted while I was controlled by a guy who worships the king of darkness

[Then Ray raise his arm and a clone of him appear it made out of snow]

Ray: I was nothing but a puppet to him...

[The clone rush to Calio. Calio destroy it but without an actual body it comes back together]

Ray: I was forced to fight over and over again as entertainment for him. It was cruel the worse part about it I saw everything...

[Then the clone turns to Ice it sharp and durable. Calio punch it but it does nothing other than hurting himself]

Ray: Slowly I getting used to it... In the end, I lose it and became my worse nightmare I hurt you...

[Calio heat his fist]

Calio: "Ignis"

[Calio punch once more this time using his element, the clone broke to piece]

Ray: Heh, but your spirit tell me wrong "Even if you already lose your movement, your spirit still can burst into flame" That's what you said to me, and as you said that your fire burn the string and let me free

[Then Calio ready for his attack, he swung his arm creating a slash of flame]

Ray: But after I was free... You were engulfed by the fire. You spirit burn but you still cold in the inside

[Ray hold out his hand toward the flame]

Ray: "Zero"

[The flame combusts and disappear... A mist started to surround them, Calio lose his vision]

Ray: Welp, Time for me to get serious I already told you what happens

[Everything when silence for a few minutes... Calio ready to counter Raymond]

Ray: "First Command: Snow zone"

[The mist were pushed away and revealing Ray among 25 of his clones made of snow]

Ray: Attack!

[The clones all rush to Calio. The fight was fierce because every time Calio defeat one clone another come to him... This is the fight of endurance, between Calio and Ray who'll fall first, but it comes short after Calio accidentally slip on the ice floor again. Raymond starting to see an opening so he switches place with a clone nearest to Calio, but Ray drops his guard. Calio false his fall and swings his leg that imbue with flame hit Ray directly. Ray didn't have enough time to dodge, the hit throws Ray onto the ground, breaking the ice floor]

Calio: *Huff* *Puff* That was a close one... Ray, are you ok?

[No answer]

Calio: Ray! Oh, no did I when too far...

[Then Calio heard a laugh from under him]

Calio: Ray?

[Suddenly Ray appear from under the ground]

Ray: That was amazing, you sure this is the same Calio as before?

Calio: Uhhh... What just happen

Ray: Oh don't worry that was my clone, I'm maybe cocky, but I'm not that stupid to drop my guard. I made a clone that looks like me it took longer than the normal clone

Calio: So you hide underground?

Ray: No, I more my soul inside the clone

Calio: You can do that?

Ray: Of course, every Pure Elementalist can do it

Calio: Isn't it risky?

Ray: Yep because if you lost your body, you going to become nothing but a lost spirit

Calio: I see... (This guy is crazy...)

Ray: Wait, Calio aren't you a Pure Elementalist too?

Calio: No, I'm an Artificial Elementalist

Ray: ...

Calio: Ray?

Ray: Oh, nothing. So how about we get back, it almost night already back...

Calio: Sure (I wonder why he didn't reply when I said that)

[Calio and Ray walk into the forest again going back to the lab, then Calio heard a rustle from bushes near him suddenly]

Ray: That was a great fight, we should do it again sometime later

[No respond]

Ray: Calio?

[Ray look behind him and no one was there]

End of Chapter 12.