1 Chapter 1: The Voddinger Family

Jameson woke up in a flurry, his skin glistening with sweat. He looked around his bedroom to make sure he wasn't still asleep. After confirming he was awake, he lied back down sighing. He had been having the same dream since his mother had died. Jameson Voddinger, a 15 year old high schooler, lost his mother two weeks ago in an accident. After calming down Jameson got up and tip-toed out of his room to not wake the rest of his family. Over at the kitchen he got out some generic cereal, and ate breakfast. During Jameson's loud chomps, his father came down the stairs.

"Good morning James," said Jameson's father. James was his nickname since Jameson was a mouthful, "Remember to chew quietly so you don't wake the neighborhood."

"Very funny," James said sarcastically. After his breakfast, he took a shower, and got everything ready for his first day as a sophomore in Clifford High School.
