
A Star was Born

❝ Stars can't shine without darkness ❞

Under the sky of Virgo.. A child was born. A boy, who's fate as long ago been decided by the same sky he was meant to be born.

Blessed with the powers of the High Empress Virgo, this newborn has gotten one of the most rare but powerful blessings one could ask from the 12..

*** The power to learn information about an object, person, memory or event by physically touching a related object. ***


The great 12 are the responsible for blessing with magic, those born under their sky. They are the rulers of all magic and by that, they make the laws, principles, tell their prophets what spells you're able to learn.. And punish you for any mistake made. Just like any system, you can't run from it for too long, others have tried in the past, no success.

However.. This boy was meant for great things, related to those things.. He would be responsabile for creating a new maner of living to the opressed, but.. At what cost ?

In a world where magic is like the air you breathe, defying those who decide wheter you shall be allowed to use or not, might be a little painfull at the end.. But, just as time is able to heal, so does magic.

The 12, and their respective power

Aries ៚ The ability to manipulate the Element of Fire

Tauros ៚ The ability to manipulate the Element of Earth

Gemini ៚ The ability to shape-shift ( Change and Adapt their appearence )

Cancer ៚ The ability to Heal ( Physical, Emotional, Energetic and Mental Wounds )

Leo ៚ The ability to maniupulate Electrical Currents

Virgo ៚ The ability to learn information ( About an object, person, memory or event ) by physically touching a related object

Libra ៚ The ability to manipulate the Element of Air

Scorpio ៚ The ability to manipulate the Element of Water

Sagittarius ៚ The ability to Astral Project themselves.

Capricorn ៚ The ability to Psychokinesis ( Manipulate objects through thought and will power )

Aquarius ៚ The ability to communicate with spirits.

Pisces ៚ The ability of Telepathy ( To transfer thoughts, words or emotions from one mind to another )

Every power has its advantages and disadvantages, usually some are stronger than other.. Although, every blessing of the 12 comes with a variety of spells to improve it's capability and power.

When combined, can be very dangerous and only the prophets are allowed to use combined spells. In very rare cases, high masters of the blessings ( who are the Mages and Warriors that protect the world from threats ) use it in as a last-resort method in order to stop a greater evil.


Kaden, was his name to be.