
Hide and Seek


Panting could be heard in the middle of Darken Forest. It was coming from a small 10 year old boy leaning against an old tree. The boy had white hair, slate grey eyes and a cute face that you could tell would be handsome once he matures. That is me. my name is Theodore, but I prefer Theo.

I am hiding from bullies in the orphanage as well as the the children and teenagers from the town I live in. This is because I'm a dreamer. I have big dreams that everyone thinks that I can't achieve. I wished to be a magic user. I wanted to use the powers of the realm and become strong.

The problem with this dream was that it would need a manual and schooling to make the first step on the path of a magic user, let alone to continue on it. As an orphan, I have no money, family or instruction on how to take the first step. So I continue to dream a seemingly unrealistic dream that would not come true.

This isolates me from the other children and even makes me a target for bullying. That was what happened here. I was chased by bullies into Darken forest, the forest near town that many went into the outskirts to hunt. As this was not the first time that I was chased into the forest, I knew that layout quite well. I had weaved between the trees and hid in their shadows. Unfortunately, the bullies today were relentless. They continued to chase me into an unfamiliar part of the forest. As I was out of breath, I chose to hide behind a tree.

This is where you will find me. Out of breath and hiding. I stay behind the tree until the sky begins to darken. I was sure that the bullies left me by this point. I slowly stood up and looked around. All I could see was trees in all directions spanning as far as eyes could see. There was no ending to the forest in sight.

I did not know what to do. I was not well liked in the orphanage and town and the bullies would not tell anyone where I was. Knowing this, I knew that no help would be coming for me. Because of this, I picked a direction I thought was where I came from and started walking. I walked for hours, not stopping for any breaks or pauses. Soon, I was tired, hungry and thirst. That was when I heard the call. It was faint, as if a distant wind was calling my name. I look out to the dark forest to see where it came from. Thinking that I had imagined it, I continue to walk. But then I heard it again, louder than the last call. This time though, I can tell the direction it came from.

I start to run in that direction, passing the trees in the dark forest. Running between the trees and leaping over roots. The call starts to come more and more frequently and each time louder than the last. Soon the trees gave way to a clearing. The sky becomes clearer, presenting the night sky. The stars bright, they light up the clearing. it was a perfect circle of trees that are all equal distance from each other. The clearing was on flat ground covered in perfectly trimmed grass. It presented an eerie and unnatural feeling.

Now in the clearing, the call becomes a whisper once again, but its message is much clearer. A bright glow comes from the center of the circle of trees. Something in the glow beckons me forward. I wished to run a way from the clearing, but I could not. The glow seemed to control my movements in a way I could not comprehend.

I walked to the glow. As I come forward, I was able to make out an object in the glow. It was a necklace with a circle pendent. On it there was five symbols on it, with four around the center in a circle and the final one in the middle. I was not able to see the symbols clearly as it was surrounded by the glow.

I reach my hand out to the necklace. As soon as my fingers reach the pendants, I feel a prick of pain on my thumb, drawing blood. The bead of blood was absorbed into the pendant and disappeared. Within seconds, I was overcome pain. The glow of the pendant ceased. The world faded into darkness as I passed out.

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