
The Elemental Gems

The Fifth Era has been ongoing for many millennia now, and many empires have been stuck in a state of perpetual war since the Third Era. More Elemental Gems and magical abilities are discovered every decade, and yet they are still strictly controlled by the hierarchies established by the kings and emperors. Life as a soldier, however risky, is most peoples best chance at acquiring one of these wondrous gems and the mysterious abilities hidden with. Fighting against the Mana Beasts and violent planar enemies has become the only life billions of humans know, as military schools and academies replace normal ones in an ever increasing demand for manpower. Within this large world, Ojero Guestino is born to a minor nobility. Living within the Kingdom of Riote, he must learn to harness these strange magics to fight the enemies of his king, with only his brother, friends, and fellow students to help him. However, beneath it all, far larger events are at play...

Trim_2cool · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Selection Event

Walking along the paved pathways, Ojero and Orpham barely spoke as they moved towards the great hall. No one else was outside, most likely having already gone to the event. Most students believed getting there early gave them a better chance to impress the judges, but the brothers knew that they were harsher near the start but grew more forgiving as time went on. Something about being less picky with time, at least that's what their father claimed. 

The building they approached stood out in stark contrast to all the others around it, dwarfing even some of the arenas in the Duchy of Guestinar, the land their family had ruled over for generations. A large domed wonder made entirely of quartz and stone, it shone in the afternoon sun, leading to many of the students and staff calling it the Pearl. 

Hundreds of students and teachers stood outside the great gates, with some small booths dotting the sides of the colossal construct. At each booth, flags were hung off the sides of the table and occasionally tall banners stood beside them, each depicting a unique academy symbol. 

On the tables were a handful of journals and pens, allowing students to write their names and qualifications. Although writing was not a skill everyone had, the Academy Recruiters such as Instructor Bium made sure every student learned. 

Walking past them, neither brother gave them a second glance. Only the small schools would set up outside, hoping to poach a handful of students before they moved further into the hall.

"Seems those schools are eating well today." Orpham said, leaning over to whisper in his brother's ear with a smirk. 

Responding with a knowing look, they moved through the arched doorway and into the larger area.

A cacophony of noise immediately assaulted their ears as the buzz of the students, staff, and academy representatives blended together into an uproar. Thousands of students milled around, going from booth to booth. 

The tables were all set up near the stage, and the usual lunch tables had been removed to allow for more open space. Dozens of different booths showcased a large variety of academies, each offering something different to their prospective student body. More students hung near the doors, along with more booths. 

The closer a booth was to the stage, the more prestigious it was.

Immediately, both boys set off towards the stage, hoping to bypass the majority of lesser schools. As they walked, a small path was made for them as students recognized their clothing and quickly made room for them to pass. More than a few glances were cast their way, mostly by academy representatives gauging their odds and girls. Ojero sourly noted almost all the girls were glancing at Orpham rather than himself.

'Figures.' He thought with a sigh.

The crowds noticeably thinned the closer they were to their destination, and it became easier and easier to see the various banners. Lions, crows, stags, and mythical beasts of all shapes and colors were plastered across different backgrounds, each representing a different academy in a personal way.

After a few minutes, Ojero finally noticed a banner he recognized. A snake with two swords stabbed into its eyes on a blue background. The Venomborn. That particular academy was infamous for producing mercenaries and assassins, and gained their reputation when one of their alumni murdered the Tehirgutian king over a hundred years prior. Ever since, they have risen many places in school ranking lists. 

Ojero, however, had no interest in becoming a mercenary, much less an assassin. 

Further along the list of booths was a school he was interested in, Yelver University. Known as the golden stag from their banners, they produced some of the most skilled nature and light magi in the world. Joining them would allow Ojero to possibly gain a powerful light gem, one of the elements of his house. 

Walking up to the booth, a thin and mousy man sat in a heavily furnished chair. His eyes studied every passing student, seemingly to judge them. From the way his lip slightly curled, Ojero did not think the man approved.

"Excuse me, my lord, I intend to enlist at this academy. Please show me where and how you would like that done." Ojero said, referring to the man as nobility in case he happened to be. 

With a quick look up and down, it seemed Ojero too did not pass whatever mental test the man liked to give. 

"Are you dense, or just a little touched? First off, I'm not nobility and want nothing to do with you uppity assholes. Second off, fill out the form like the rest of us mere mortals. Jackass." The man replied, his voice oozing disdain.

His words hit Ojero like a whip, causing him to pause and gawk for a moment. 

"Both dense and touched it seems, your limp dick father and whore mother must be so very disappointed. Hurry along now, I don't have all day." The man continued dryly, already seeming to lose interest in Ojero entirely.

The representative's words finally setting it, Ojero shut his mouth with an audible click and stuttered for a moment while trying to think of how to respond.

"You- How- How dare you! Not only do you insult me, but you insult my father and mother! We are nobility! How can you just flaunt your words, especially when I was trying to be nice! Who the hell do you think you are?" He stammered out in a rage, his hands flying around to add emphasis.

"Just because your father happens to shit gold doesn't mean you deserve shit, kid. The faster you realize that, the better. Now fill out the form and fuck off. Say another word and I'll have you ejected from the selection event." The man responded, a smirk on his face.

His face turning multiple shades darker, Ojero silently picked up one of the styro pens and filled out the sheet, providing his name, class rank, age, student ID number, current gems, and a few other details. The process was mostly a formality, with the real decisions being made when the various representatives looked up the students' information in the school archives. 

Wordlessly walking away, Ojero rejoined Orpham, who had apparently been signing up for some schools of his own. 

"You know, I don't think red is your color. Maybe you should try purple?" Orpham said, trying to hold back a laugh when he saw his brother's rage.

"Don't push me right now." Ojero ground out, marching past his brother and towards some more booths to sign up for. 

"Whatever you say, princess!" Orpham yelled out after him, losing the war for keeping his laugh under control.

Over the next few others, both brothers filled out multiple sheets, hoping to have a large number of good academies to get accepted to. 

As afternoon turned into evening, the hall suddenly turned eerily quiet. No one talked, no feet hit the floor, and the wind seemed to have vanished. Turning around, Ojero noticed the cause. On the stage, there now stood an elderly man in gray robes, as well as over sixty academy representatives. 

"Welcome students, and thank you for attending this stunning event. I would like to extend my gratitude towards Headmaster Riklan for allowing us to all host this here, and for similar privileges in years past." 

Pausing for a moment to cough, a grisly and gross sound, the man continued, his voice easily reaching everyone's ears. It took Ojero another moment to realize it was the only sound that he could still hear. 

"Unlike years past, myself and the sixty academy representatives behind me will be hosting a new event to help select students. Due to the expanding nature of the Beast Wars, most of the world governments have signed deals with the majority of their high tier academies to require what we call an Excursion. Students will be given weapons, and be sent out into a relatively safe area of the Beast Lands. While there, their ability to survive and fight will be closely monitored by the upstanding representatives behind me, with their primary objective also being to ensure each and every student manages to safely leave the Excursion. While you may be saved from extreme circumstances, you should still expect to be injured if you do happen to confront a dangerous situation."

"Understanding this, you are all given the choice to join us at the front of the stage, where you will be able to select a weapon of choice and then be guided with a group through one of the portals."

With that said, the old man raised his bony hand and snapped a single time. Behind him, a dozen shimmering blue and purple portals appeared, adding a light buzzing sound to the man's speech.

"I wish you all good fortune in the trials to come, whether you face them today or another day. Remember, only through mana may we gain mastery."

With those words, noise suddenly returned to the great hall, stunning nearly everyone with its reappearance. 

"Only through mana may we gain mastery," Ojero repeated aloud. 

That was the motto for the Everentile Academy for the Gifted Magi, undoubtedly the most prestigious and sought after academy in the world.