
Veiled Convergence

Location: Unknown Veiled Enigma; Realm of $&*@; Cosmic Tapestry; Between ??? and ???; Abyssal Void; Lower Outer-Verse??? 


Third Person PoV:


In the vast expanse of the infinite cosmic void, beyond the reaches of mortal comprehension, an enigmatic phenomenon unfolded—a celestial tapestry woven with threads of shadowy essence lining the very conceptual 'bottom' of the abyssal void. 


This cosmic masterpiece, an intricately shifting veil, hovered in the emptiness, its dark hues transcending the boundaries of ordinary perception. As cosmic 'winds' swept through the void, the threads of this ephemeral tapestry danced in harmony, a ballet of obsidian shades that painted the cosmic canvas. 


Tendrils of ethereal darkness extended like the outstretched fingers of unseen entities. Their movements guided by an otherworldly choreography. 


The very fabric of this celestial spectacle seemed alive, each thread pulsating with an energy that whispered secrets of unknown realms. Knots of cosmic desires intertwined within the shadowy threads, forming an intricate dance of obsession and allure.


Those who ventured close enough could feel the subtle vibrations resonating from the celestial tapestry, an invitation or a warning etched in the cosmic winds. 


It remained an elusive spectacle, revealing only glimpses of its mesmerizing form to those who dared to peer into the mysteries of the cosmic abyss. Of course, these courageous souls met a horrendous demise.


Deep within the heart of this enigmatic veil, a sinuous and intricately woven knot takes form, resembling a celestial serpent. The twisting serpent knot continuously writhes and contorts, symbolizing entangled desires and obsessions. 


Within the convoluted twists of the knot, numerous eyes materialize and dissipate in a haunting rhythm, each signifying eldritch horrors beyond mortal comprehension.


These eyes serve as ephemeral, subconscious manifestations created by their enigmatic originator to vigilantly observe the distant corners of the multiverse and other intriguing phenomena. Today, something had piqued their interest.


As the possessor of the veil becomes aware of the information gleaned by these manifesting eyes, they swiftly vanish, making way for the opening of the owner's eye within the serpentine labyrinth. 


Of course, the owner was not truly present here. This veil was merely a tool for 'Her'after all. The pupil devoid of emotion, reminiscent of unfathomable darkness peered across the unfathomable distances to look at the target of interest.


The image that came into view of the owner's eye was that of a young girl, no more than 14 years old inside a shabby hut in front of whom an ethereal portal manifested, unveiling a cosmic tapestry woven with threads extending into the void. 


A radiant, iridescent thread emerged, dancing with cosmic hues emerged from said portal and danced above the altar covered in a white cloth with a symbol which was an intricately woven spider's web suspended within the cosmic expanse, with threads extending in all directions. 


'She', the owner, watched as the flames of the iridescent candle formed familiar sentences. A familiar sequence name. 


This was a rather unremarkable situation that should not have warranted 'Her' attention under normal circumstances. Countless mortals engaged in similar rituals, mere ants vying for 'Her' favor. 


Unfortunately, for the unsuspecting mortal in 'Her' vision who was brimming with joy, she did catch 'Her' attention. The mortal girl's soul held the stench of time, typical of those who messed around with the timestream. 


But even this should not have caught 'Her' attention normally. The multiverse and everything in it were but a playground to be toyed with according to 'Their' whims and wishes. What caught 'Her' attention was the symbol engraved on the back of the girl's palm.


Though hidden, it obviously could not hide from 'Her' sight. Adding on the thread-like characteristic that the girl had been bestowed, 'Her' attention was definitely focused on this girl. 


What caught 'Her' attention even more was the ethereal white thread that extended from the girl out into nothingness. The conclusion from all these obvious pieces of evidence first spread a joy through 'Her' very being.


This was the outcome 'She' had been waiting for an unbelievably long time. Of course, 'She' never doubted that this moment would never arise. For, 'She' had deemed it to be 'inevitable'. Thus, it was bound to pass.


Following that fleeting moment of joy, a surge of anger and envy coursed through 'Her' essence. A flash of crimson red was visible in the eye normally void of all emotion as if to signify 'Her' anger. 


Why had this seemingly insignificant mortal been selected? Obviously, it should have been 'Her' that 'Her' beloved encountered first after she woke up from her long slumber.


No, 'She' should have been the ONLY one. No one else was allowed to intervene. 'She' should have been the sole entity to cross paths with 'HER' lover; no interference from anyone else would be tolerated. Particularly now, when 'Her' long-awaited goal seemed imminent after an enduring wait.


Yet, this mortal girl was feeling more unpleasant to her every moment 'She' looked at her. The girl was a threat that had to be dealt with promptly, for the safety of 'Her' her loved one of course. 


Unfortunately, circumstances mandated that she could not deal with the girl in person. The 'contract' bound her very being for the foreseeable future. Time was a construct that held no value to 'Her' in most cases except when dealing with matters related to 'Her' beloved. 


That is why it was torture to wait for so long for her to wake up while being unable to claim her due to that damned contract, even if she was within reach. And here was another situation that aroused such emotions within her. 


Perhaps this was how mortals felt when there was a pest, they desperately wanted to exterminate but could not. This was something that should not have occurred to 'Her'. Feelings 'She' should not have even felt.


Yet, like a cosmic deity bound by inexplicable forces, she had to endure the agony of waiting. It was a sensation foreign to her divine essence, akin to mortal frustration in the face of an insurmountable obstacle. 


The relentless ticking of the cosmic clock seemed almost mocking as she yearned to intervene, her every instinct urging her to swiftly eliminate the perceived threat to her cherished one. 


The dichotomy between her divine power and the limitations imposed by the enigmatic contract created a tumultuous storm of emotions, unraveling a thread of patience that even a goddess found challenging to weave.


Of course, it would not end so simply. 'She' could not allow an interloper to trespass on 'Her' territory. Even if 'She' could not handle this matter herself, 'She' could delegate this task to someone else. 'Her' own pest exterminator, if you will.


With that contemplation, once more, she cast her gaze across the expansive multiverse in search of a lost lamb in need of desperate guidance. A forlorn figure inevitably destined to fulfill the mission she was about to bestow. 


Since her beloved had chosen this mortal as her apostle or prospective disciple, 'She' will also choose a perfect candidate to impart 'Her' divine teachings. Along, the way 'She' will sweep away any other obstacles in the way of 'Their' love.


'They' were MEANT to be together. It was the inevitable destiny that they should be together. Convergence was an instinct. Despite this, it seemed as though everything got in 'Their' way to prevent 'Them' from being together. 

'Her' beloved had also escaped from 'Her' grasp in the previous cycle necessitating her to end that faulty mess of a multiverse in retaliation. 'Her' beloved also had to be punished and 'educated' so that she would not commit such errors again.


Finally, 'She' would claim her long awaited prize. Not allowing said prize to slip from 'Her' grasp ever again. 'She' won't repeat the mistakes of the bygone past. 



Short chapter due to lack of time. There was one more section to the chapter that was not able to get done satisfactorily. It was sort of trash so I will be rewriting it and post it in another chapter. There is a high chance that I will still be uploading a chapter or two this week as I seem to have a relatively low workload. Hope you liked the chapter! 

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